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  • If you sit most of the day and your body looks and feels locked up and stiff, then you've got two choices.


  • Leave it and let it get worse, or fix it in just 3 minutes a day with 3 simple exercises.

    是聽之任之,任其惡化,還是每天只需 3 分鐘,通過 3 個簡單的練習就能解決問題。

  • Since you're here, I'm guessing you want to look and feel better.


  • So let's get right into it.


  • Starting with a pretty crazy study that looked into how you can reverse the effects of sitting.


  • Researchers had participants sit for 4.5 hours a day to see how it affected their muscle stiffness.

    研究人員讓參與者每天坐 4.5 個小時,以瞭解這對他們肌肉僵硬的影響。

  • Exciting, I know, but bear with me.


  • Sure enough, everyone's back got tighter and tighter as the time dragged on, but they found something interesting.


  • You see, the participants were actually split into 3 different groups.

    你看,參與者實際上被抽成了 3 個不同的小組。

  • The control group literally just sat there and did nothing.


  • But with the test groups, the researchers used something called a neuromuscular electrical stimulator to send 17 electrical currents into their back muscles at regular intervals.

    但在測試組中,研究人員使用了一種叫做神經肌肉電刺激器的東西,每隔一定時間向他們的背部肌肉發送 17 個電流。

  • However, one group received a low-level current, which felt like a tingling sensation throughout their back, whereas the other group received a high-amplitude current that actually caused their back muscles to contract, just like how they do during exercise.


  • So, what did they find?


  • Well, at first, nothing surprising.


  • You see, when you sit for a long time, your joints are stuck in one position and your body essentially turns off the muscles you're using.


  • So what happens is over time, you not only lose your ability to move these joints, but after sitting for a while, your body will create the feeling of stiffness in your unused muscles in an attempt to get you to move and actually use them.


  • And this happens even if you try to sit with perfect posture.


  • And this is exactly what the researchers found in both the control group and the group given just a low-level current.


  • Their backs got increasingly stiff.


  • And it's also worth pointing out that this was just after 4 and a half hours of sitting.

    值得注意的是,這只是坐了 4 個半小時之後的結果。

  • So imagine what happens to your back if you sit all day every day for years.


  • But anyway, here's the surprising part.


  • For the high-amplitude group, those whose muscles actually contracted from the current, the stiffness in their backs almost completely reversed.


  • So, what does this mean for you?


  • Well, for starters, if you haven't already picked up your very own neuromuscular electrical stimulator machine called Jeremy for 15% off, what the heck are you waiting for?


  • Just kidding.


  • No, the real takeaway is actually a lot simpler.


  • You don't need to run electrical currents through your back while you're at your desk.


  • Although I guess that could work.


  • But if you want an even better solution, one that will not only relieve muscle tension in your back, but also in your shoulders and hips, improve your posture so you naturally stand up taller and straighter, and increase your range of motion so you can have more effective sessions at the gym, then you simply need to start moving the joints and contracting the muscles that you don't use when you're sitting all day.


  • That said, I know how hard it can be to stick to a stretching or mobility routine consistently.


  • So that's why, rather than giving you an extensive list of movements, my team and I have worked together to find the three exercises that focus on the most problematic of areas.


  • At first, I recommend you start by introducing these exercises into your day just a few times each week, but work towards doing them once or twice a day to break up your The first exercise is great for improving rounded, locked up shoulders.

    開始時,我建議您每週只做幾次這些練習,但以後可以每天做一到兩次,以打散您的時間。 第一個練習對於改善圓潤、緊繃的肩膀非常有效。

  • Not only will it loosen your delts and chest, it'll also strengthen the weakened muscles in your upper back and shoulders for long-term posture improvements.


  • It's called the wall clock.


  • To perform it, stand sideways with your fingertips touching the wall and your thumb pointing down.


  • Engage your core, and without arching your back, slowly draw your palm in a big semicircle forward and up the wall.


  • Let your shoulder blade move forward and then up as you do so.


  • You should feel a stretch in your chest on the way up and some of your shoulder and upper back muscles working.


  • Then, complete the circle by moving your arm back and down the wall, letting your shoulder blade move back and down as your arm travels behind you.


  • Reverse the circle to get back to the starting position and spend about 30 seconds on each side.

    反向轉圈,回到起始位置,每邊各花約 30 秒鐘。

  • And the nice thing is, you can decide how much of a stretch is right for you based on how close you stand to the wall.


  • The closer you are, the harder it will be.


  • But harder isn't necessarily better here, especially if you're experiencing any sort of pain or discomfort.


  • Aim for a stretch that feels like a 4, maybe 5 out of 10.

    拉伸的目標是感覺像 10 分中的 4 分,或者 5 分。

  • Just don't overdo it.


  • Now we're going to focus on the back and neck.


  • When you've been sitting for a while and you finally get up, what's the first stretch you do?


  • Chances are, it's this one.


  • Your body is basically telling you to wake up and use all those muscles in your back that have been on standby.


  • But if you want a better way to contract them, to completely reverse the sitting position and to go through their full range of motion, you'll want to do this exercise.


  • Get on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders.


  • Then, spin your elbows towards your thighs to engage your lats.


  • Inhale and gently lift your tailbone towards the ceiling and reach your chest forward through your biceps to stretch your abs.


  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you lift your chin up towards the ceiling.


  • When done properly, you should actually feel the muscles in your mid-back activating.


  • This is the first half of the exercise.


  • Then, you'll want to go in the other direction.


  • Exhale and imagine there was a rope pulling your mid-back up towards the ceiling and rounding your spine.


  • As you do this, push the floor away to open up your shoulder blades.


  • Then, use your neck muscles to tuck your chin by looking towards your knees or even your belly button.


  • You should feel a next 30 seconds will move your spine in a way you probably don't do all day.

    你應該感覺到,接下來的 30 秒會讓你的脊椎活動起來,這可能是你一整天都做不到的。

  • Come back to a neutral position and turn and look towards your left foot.


  • This will stretch the muscles on the right side of your lower back and rib cage.


  • Then, return to center.


  • After that, same on the other side.


  • Turn and look at your right foot.


  • And a good way to manage your breathing is to inhale when you return to neutral and exhale as you look towards either foot.


  • Finally, the perfect 3-minute mobility routine wouldn't be complete without an When you're sitting all day, your hips are literally just locked into one position.

    最後,完美的 3 分鐘移動練習離不開一個動作。 當你整天坐著時,你的臀部就會被鎖定在一個位置上。

  • But they're designed to move in all sorts of directions.


  • So, we need an exercise that moves them into as many different positions as possible while strengthening the muscles that weaken from sitting too much.


  • Exercise 3 does exactly that.

    練習 3 正是這樣做的。

  • We'll start at a level 1 version and then build up to level 3 which is the most effective variation.

    我們將從第 1 級版本開始,然後升級到第 3 級,這是最有效的變體。

  • For level 1, sit on the floor and a 90-degree angle and then do the same with the back one.

    第一級,坐在地板上,與地面成 90 度角,然後做同樣的動作。

  • You can use your hands for support if you need to.


  • Then, sit up tall and try to position your shoulders square to the front of your shin.


  • Keep your spine tall and exhale as you reach your chest forward, hinging over your front leg until you feel a deep stretch on the outside of your front leg's hip or glute area.


  • Try not to round your spine.


  • Instead, focus on bending at the hip.


  • Inhale as you come back to the starting position and exhale as you get into your next rep.


  • For level 1, do 30 seconds on each side, trying to get deeper into the stretch with each rep.

    第 1 級,每側做 30 秒,每做一次都儘量加深拉伸。

  • Level 2 now focuses on activating some of your weak hip muscles which is the key to relieving stiffness.

    第 2 級的重點是激活部分薄弱的臀部肌肉,這是緩解僵硬的關鍵。

  • You're going to maintain that same 90-degree leg position but this time, as you lean forward, push your front shin down into the ground and lift your hips up to get your torso upright.

    你要保持同樣的 90 度腿部姿勢,但這一次,當你身體前傾時,將你的前脛骨壓向地面,並抬起臀部,使你的軀幹直立起來。

  • You should feel some of your glute muscles working and you should feel the hip stretching once you get to the top.


  • Then, you're going to reverse this by lowering as slowly as you can while leaning forward.


  • Again, aim to do 30 seconds on each side.

    同樣,每側做 30 秒。

  • Once you're comfortable with level 2, you can advance to level 3.

    一旦你對第 2 級感到滿意,就可以晉級到第 3 級。

  • In this case, you're going to repeat what we did in level 2 but instead of sticking to just one side at a time, for deeper stretch in your groin and hip flexors, you're going to windshield wiper your knees directly over to the other side on the way down and repeat this motion back and forth.

    在這種情況下,你要重複我們在第 2 級中所做的動作,但不要一次只做一側,為了更深入地拉伸腹股溝和髖屈肌,你要在下蹲時直接將膝蓋擋風玻璃刮到另一側,並來回重複這個動作。

  • To help you stay upright, reach your arms out in front of you and engage your core during the transition.


  • And again, you can always use your hands for support here if you need it.


  • Now, these exercises are great but if you want to truly fix your posture and mobility issues for good, then there's one thing that you have to add to this list.


  • It's an extremely underrated exercise for preventing aches and pains and surprisingly for burning fat as well.


  • Give this video a watch next to find out what it is and how to use it.


  • If you guys want a free pdf of this routine to remind you how they're done with step-by-step pictures, I've added a download link in the description box down below.

    如果你們想要免費的 pdf 版本,我在下面的描述框中添加了下載鏈接,以提醒你們如何通過圖片一步步完成這套動作。

  • And lastly, for those who want an all-in-one fitness program to transform your body while fixing your mobility and posture issues for good, just head over to


  • Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you next time.


If you sit most of the day and your body looks and feels locked up and stiff, then you've got two choices.


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