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  • Hello and welcome to the second video.


  • Today we will look on some functionality of NetEdit on how to edit the network.

    今天,我們將瞭解 NetEdit 如何編輯網絡的一些功能。

  • So I will just open up the simulation again by clicking on the configuration file and if you want to edit the network we can open it up with NetEdit or use here the shortcut shortcut ctrl T and then it will open up in the editing software and here we have three super modes the network mode, the demand mode and the data mode and we will focus on the super mode network because we want to change things in the network.

    如果你想編輯網絡,可以使用 NetEdit 打開,或者使用快捷鍵 ctrl T,然後在編輯軟件中打開,這裡有三種超級模式:網絡模式、需求模式和數據模式。

  • The first mode we have here is the inspect mode.


  • Here I can just simply click a junction or click an edge and then I will see here on the left side all the attributes of this for example what the maximum speed is in meters per second and what types of vehicles are allowed on it and I could change it here if I would like to.


  • Then we have the delete mode by simply clicking on an edge this edge will be deleted and I can also say that I want to delete geometry points only then I can click this pink points here and the shape of such edges will be changed and select mode I can say that I select edges or junctions and if I do a shift click on edge I can also select just single lanes and with shift and then doing an area I can also say that I select everything that is included in this rectangle and I can also remove things from my selections again similar to this and yeah there are a lot more options that you can do here for example it's just select those that match certain attributes and stuff like that.


  • Then I can say that I use the inspect mode on top of my selection and I click the whole inspect the whole selection and here I can for example see directly what are what kinds of maximum speeds I have and all these edges and I could change this here at one place for all of them.


  • I can undo my selection by just pressing the escape key and then we will look at the move mode.

    我只需按下 Esc 鍵就可以取消選擇,然後我們再看看移動模式。

  • When I am in move mode I can say that I just move junctions around and by clicking on geometry points I can move them and if I click somewhere on an edge where we don't have a geometry point a new one will be created and yeah I also can decide on how edges go exactly into a junction by doing shift click at the end of an edge and then I will get this half geometry point and can adjust here this yeah and this is also possible at the start and I can also remove them again and by doing a shift click again.


  • In the create edge mode I can click on a source node and I click on a target node and then an edge will be created and yeah I can also say that I do directly bidirectional and create it like this and there's also the chain mode where I can directly create edges in a row and here I'm creating from the default edge template but I also can use other templates or I could change the attributes here of the inspect mode on my new created edge.


  • In the set connection mode we can decide on which connections are possible on a junction so for example if I click here on an incoming lane we can see that we have three possible target lanes and also which is also explained here in this information box that we can turn right turn left and U-turn and if I would for example click now here at this lane U-turn wouldn't be allowed anymore and I can save this by just pressing enter and this way I could for example forbid U-turns at this junction and it's also possible to inspect these connections directly and change parameters for them and I can do this in inspect mode when I set a show connections over junctions then I have them shown and can inspect them and there I can also change some parameters for connections so for example here this keep clear parameter determines what happens when there is a jam if the vehicles try to keep the junction clear and with this uncalled control parameter I can set that when I build a traffic light on this junction that this connection isn't included in the traffic light.

    在 "設置連接 "模式下,我們可以決定在路口上可以進行哪些連接,例如,如果我點擊這裡的進入車道,我們可以看到有三條可能的目標車道,同時,在這個資訊框中也解釋了我們可以右轉、左轉和掉頭,例如,如果我現在點擊這裡的車道,掉頭將不再被允許。此外,我還可以直接檢查這些連接線並更改它們的參數。在檢查模式下,當我設置顯示路口的連接線時,就可以顯示這些連接線並檢查它們。

  • We can see this when we go here in the traffic light mode and I click on this junction and say that I want to create a traffic light on it we can see that this right turn here isn't included in the traffic light and here on the left I can just simply go through all the different phases of the traffic light it also would be possible to add new phases and I can change here also some durations for example this one here and I could change the states by either just or I can simply say that I click on with a right click on one of these connections here and change it for example to red and we can see here that there are different types of green we have green minor and green major and a green minor means that the vehicle on it might have to give way of rule to other traffic participants so for example here we can see that here the right turners have a might to give caution to the pedestrians crossing here.


  • Okay I will just cancel this and then go to the crossing mode to show you how to create a new crossing I will just delete this crossing here by inspecting it and pressing delete and then I will go back in the crossing mode and select the junction where I would like to create a crossing and click on the edges that I would like the length that I would like to cross and with enter I confirm and create a new crossing and as we can see here this has a different color and this is due to one parameter if I click here on this crossing we can see it is priority parameters set to true and I just change it here to false then it gets the same color and yeah priority true means that the vehicles have to wait and the pedestrians have have the priority and so far to some options from the modes here that I wanted to show you but there's some additional functionality that is important for example if I go here on this edge again I could do here lane operations and say add restricted lane and add directly fast sidewalk on it and I also could do this for the other direction and what's also possible is that I go on before I click on an edge and say that I do a split edge here so this makes it possible to fastly generate a new junction somewhere on an edge and another important functionality is merging junctions so if I would just select this junction here you would see that there are some parts that aren't selected so for example this here is another junction and this here is also another junction so somehow this junction is modeled as three junctions and if I want to model this at one junctions I can just say that I merge them and this can be done by doing processing join selections junctions or by just pressing fn f7 and then they will all get one junction and what's also often important is that sometimes junctions are displayed just as this red dot and if I want to see how they really will look like when they are fully generated I can recompute the junctions here compute junctions and I can just type f5 for this and then it will compute the junctions again and I can see how they would look and sometimes I needed to change the shape of such junctions and I can do this by doing a right click on a junction and then saying set custom junction shape and then I could change shape here to whatever I would like it to be and save it by just leaving it as it is okay and what's also possible sometimes when we have really similar edges and just two edges at a junction we can replace the junction by a geometry point okay so far to show you some operations that we can do with NetEdit of course there is way more and you can also read this up in the documentation of NetEdit and what's also important to mention is that whenever you change something in your network and save it it might be the case that some of the trips and routes that you had use some edges or some junctions that don't exist anymore and to make it to to make your routes consistent again you have to run you have to close the SumoGUI again and run the complete build script and then you can open up the configuration file again so open up Simulation and then it will work again

    好的,我先把這個取消掉,然後進入交叉模式,向大家展示如何創建一個新的交叉點。我先在這裡刪除這個交叉點,檢查後按刪除,然後回到交叉模式,選擇我想要創建交叉點的路口,點擊我想要交叉長度的邊緣,回車確認後創建一個新的交叉點。我們可以看到,這裡的顏色有所不同,這是因為一個參數的緣故,如果我點擊這裡,我們可以看到優先權參數設置為 "true",而我只需在這裡將其改為 "false",它就會變成相同的顏色。這裡我想向大家展示的是一些額外的功能,這些功能非常重要,例如,如果我再次點擊這條邊緣,我就可以在這裡進行車道操作

Hello and welcome to the second video.


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