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  • My first guest tonight is an actor you know from Martha, Marcy, May Marlene, Ingrid Goes

  • West and WandaVision.

  • She now stars in Love and Death.

  • I've been thinking about you a lot and it's really been bothering me and I'm not sure whether I want you to do anything about it or not.

  • I'm very attracted to you.

  • I'm just tired of thinking about it so I wanted to tell you that.

  • Please welcome back to The Late Show, Elizabeth Olsen.

  • Hi.

  • It's so beautiful here.

  • Is it pretty?

  • Yeah.

  • Nice dome tonight too.

  • Nice dome.

  • It's really lovely to have you back.

  • I don't know whether I waxed eloquently enough the last time you were here about what a fan

  • I am of your talent and your performances but also the last time you were here we hadn't seen WandaVision yet.

  • No, it's a long time ago.

  • What an extraordinary show that was.

  • I know you've done a lot of Marvel stuff and there have been a lot of these Marvel shows but that was the one that really broke form in a very interesting way and has such a beautiful and satisfying and heartbreaking emotional journey for your character and of course for

  • Vision as well.

  • Did you know when you were making it that you were part of something sort of genre breaking?

  • We just felt like Paul kept calling us like the forgotten cousin to the Marvel universe.

  • He just felt like we were some annoying cousin that people just like threw in the corner and we had like I think Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan were traveling all over the world and like blowing things up and Paul and I were just like doing sitcom acting in a corner and obviously our amazing cast and crew but we loved what we were doing.

  • We had so much fun doing it but we were we really felt like it was either gonna it might it might potentially ruin us all but I think that's the stuff that feels the most fun to make is when you feel like you could fail at any second.

  • Well the superpower of that show to me was your ability to approach grief in a way that was beautiful and heroic in some ways.

  • Yeah the writing was really beautiful and I think it touched on the way we grieve touched on so many levels beyond it just being an emotional journey but then it became this huge set piece.

  • It was literally part of the fabric of all of our sets so I think it was written really beautifully and directed beautifully.

  • The last time you were here you had just done some of your first real Avengers stunts and you said you said that when you did the wire stunts when you got pulled up it was a problem they had to do too many takes because you couldn't stop laughing when they would hoist you up on the wire.

  • Yes yes well because your stomach leaves you.

  • It's like I guess the joy people get on roller coasters which I don't get but people love that feeling.

  • Yes and have you recovered?

  • I mean have you've done three Marvel movies since then?

  • I've done so many Marvel movies.

  • We know of three.

  • We know of three movies you've done.

  • Yeah I think so.

  • Did you have you gotten better at it?

  • Have you gotten better at the wire work?

  • Have you recovered from your your giddiness?

  • I've definitely recovered from my giddiness sometimes I'm just like okay how many more of these do you want?

  • I can do this all day kind of thing.

  • But sometimes I get a little freaked out.

  • There was one in Doctor Strange the Multiverse of Madness where I had to be dropped from 30 feet up and and land and they wanted to drop me pretty quickly so that it looked like it had an impact but it kept landing like Peter Pan like kind of like fencing and I was like there's I was like just use the double this is so ridiculous like there's a double for a reason this is like face replace they do it all the time and they used it and in the movie I used you yeah and I look like Peter Pan I look like I'm fencing it's ridiculous and we've had so much technology grow through these movies and they just chose to really use me for every stunt in that movie and I didn't understand.

  • You did every stunt?

  • I didn't do all of them but I did most of them which is a waste of everyone's time because a stunt double does it so much better seriously but I would yeah I do you remember the ending of Witches of Eastwick with Jack Nicholson covered in feathers yeah so I was just waiting for that moment I was wet I was covered in oil I was covered in blood constantly and

  • I was like at what point are we just going to blow feathers on me because this is getting ridiculous.

  • Is it challenging to have those emotional moments when the person you're talking to is a face covered with little white dots?

  • Yeah sure.

  • So the CGI can track them.

  • Or purple or covered in glitter that's Paul Bettany all the time is just purple and covered in glitter with dots on his face.

  • Why glitter?

  • Vision doesn't glitter.

  • He does it's I don't know why his last airbrush layer on his face is glitter.

  • That's just for Paul.

  • It really is.

  • He just wants to feel pretty.

  • I agree with that.

  • A man can feel pretty too.

  • We have to take a quick break but we'll be right back with more Elizabeth Olsen everybody stick around.

  • We'll be right back.

My first guest tonight is an actor you know from Martha, Marcy, May Marlene, Ingrid Goes

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