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  • So, I have come to the conclusion that Taiwan is the best country in all of Asia.

  • Hmmm, let me explain.

  • Now, before we get started, I need to say thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • This channel has grown so much faster than I ever expected.

  • So thank you to everybody who has subscribed and left a comment and liked, all that.

  • Thanks a lot.

  • Today we are in Labor Park in Kaohsiung.

  • I really like this park.

  • During the weekend, there's a flower market here.

  • So Taiwan is the best country in all of Asia.

  • How did I come to this conclusion?

  • I need to give you a little bit of context.

  • My profession, my job, is an English teacher.

  • But I'm not a traditional English teacher.

  • Most English teachers around the world, they are teachers right out of university, and they do it for a few years before they go back to their home country.

  • I basically did the opposite.

  • I left a high-paying career in order to have more fun in my life, have a happier life.

  • This decision eventually led me to English teaching because I wanted to travel, see some more of the world.

  • At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was living in Vietnam, and I decided to go back to the USA.

  • When it was time to leave the USA, I did what I usually do when I have a big decision to make.

  • I made a spreadsheet where I list all my options, and then I grade all those options on different factors.

  • So I had my options listed, the different countries I was thinking about, and I was grading them on different factors, like the pay an English teacher can get, the cost of How good is the health care?

  • What type of government do they use?

  • Is it a trustworthy government?

  • That by the way is a very important factor not to be overlooked.

  • Now I had a new factor to grade these countries on, and that is how well did they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • I feel that that is a great indicator to how a country might respond in any emergency.

  • One of the best things about being an English teacher is that there are a lot of places around the world where I can live.

  • Parts of Europe, most of South America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, the Far East Asia, these are all available to me.

  • Personally, I prefer Southeast Asia and East Asia, mostly because the pay is pretty good, the countries are pretty safe, and I really like the Buddhist influence.

  • It makes for a pretty chill, relaxed culture.

  • I really like this cluster of trees behind me.

  • The countries on my list, the options that I was considering were South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, and China.

  • China ranked very low, very low.

  • You can't trust the government.

  • You'd be a fool to trust the CCP.

  • And basically, the worst response to the pandemic, a zero COVID policy, what a disaster.

  • Oh man, I feel bad for all the Chinese people who had to deal with that.

  • You probably noticed that Taiwan was not on that list.

  • Why?

  • Why didn't I consider Taiwan?

  • Well, to be 100% honest, most Americans know very, very little about the world outside of America.

  • And the ones that do pay attention to the rest of the world, like me, we really only hear about Taiwan in reference to the relationship it has with China, which is not good.

  • Specifically, how recently the CCP, Xi Jinping, have been increasing their threatening rhetoric towards Taiwan.

  • Now, since I have already spent a few years in combat, I'm not really interested in doing that again, because combat sucks, it is not fun, no, not cool.

  • So I wasn't even really considering Taiwan.

  • But obviously, something changed my mind.

  • What was it?

  • It was a YouTube video that started it, a YouTube video that I watched that made me reconsider Taiwan.

  • It was a video done by Prozzie.

  • And I started to watch a lot more YouTube about Taiwan.

  • And channels like Life in Taiwan, Alan, it's a great channel, Wes Davies, Cole Fogle, Lucas in Taiwan, Jay Chen.

  • So these are just really good YouTube channels.

  • They gave me a little bit of an insight into Taiwan.

  • And so I decided to research how likely the CCP, the PLA, how likely were they to actually invade Taiwan.

  • I spent a lot of time researching this.

  • It was my main concern about Taiwan, really.

  • And after looking into the subject quite a lot, I came to the conclusion that an invasion is not happening anytime soon.

  • No imminent threat.

  • I know a little bit about invasions because I was in one.

  • So I feel confident with my assessment.

  • Now, if you want to know how I came to that conclusion, let me know in the comments.

  • Maybe I'll make a video on it.

  • It'll be a long video, though.

  • There are a lot of things to consider.

  • So now that I had reconsidered the invasion threat that China possessed, it's not actually that likely, at least not anytime soon.

  • I added Taiwan to my list of options.

  • I graded Taiwan according to all those factors that I talked about before, like pay, cost of living, health care, and so on.

  • And Taiwan ranked really high.

  • Now, of course, Taiwan wasn't the best in all the categories, but Taiwan ranked high in every category, wasn't the best cost of living, but it's still very reasonable, very affordable, wasn't the best pay, not the highest pay, but still very good.

  • It's not the safest country in Asia, but it's still very, very safe.

  • The health care here is fantastic.

  • Public transportation is good.

  • However, Taiwan did rank the best in government.

  • Super healthy democracy.

  • In fact, the recent government has done such a great job.

  • They've been able to score number one democracy in Asia according to the democracy index.

  • Yeah, or the democratic index.

  • I think it's called the democracy index.

  • Yeah.

  • They were able to score number one according to the democracy index.

  • A few years running, number one in Asia.

  • It's fantastic.

  • Great job.

  • That's very important to have a government you can trust.

  • And I think the Taiwanese people really appreciate their democracy.

  • There's a lot of people alive who remember when Taiwan wasn't a democracy.

  • Taiwan also ranked the best.

  • Number one, in my opinion, ranked number one in the COVID-19 response.

  • Taiwan handled the pandemic extremely well, way better than so many other countries.

  • Now, nowhere is perfect.

  • Okay, Taiwan's not a perfect country.

  • There's no such thing as a perfect country.

  • There are things that Taiwan can improve upon, for sure.

  • But at the end of the day, considering all the factors, Taiwan, my opinion, best country in Asia.

  • Great job, Taiwan.

  • Hey, if you enjoyed this video, please consider subscribing.

  • This channel has been growing very fast, but it'd be great if it can grow even more.

  • And if you liked it, please leave that like.

  • Let me know why.

  • Type something in the comments below.

  • Thanks again.

  • I'll see you next time.

  • Peace.

  • Love.

So, I have come to the conclusion that Taiwan is the best country in all of Asia.

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