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  • I am at Guangha Digital Plaza in Taiwan and this place is flipping amazing It's six stories of shops just like this one packed floor-to-ceiling with tech treasure But is it a good place to buy a PC?

  • I'm gonna put it to the test, but which shop should I choose?

  • There's so many options Sporting goods has technology I guess but not PC Hmm to console I think Yeah, ink is more Colton's thing Now we're getting closer These look like good deals, but I want a game.

  • Oh My god Jake found the one it's up a floor But like guys if I was gonna commission a system like this back home, it would cost a fortune I'm talking like one of my cameraman's legs About 5,000 US dollars and that's just the starting at price for one of main gears Apex rush systems coming with hardline liquid cooling and while that config has a decent GPU They've got it backed up with a core i5 CPU 16 gigs of RAM and just 512 gigs of storage I mean main gear.

  • I know you guys make good stuff.

  • But who do you think you are Apple?

  • I bet these guys could do a little bit better and I bet I can find someone to sponsor this like Corsair the all-new k65 plus wireless features pre lubed Corsair MLX red linear switches and connectivity options of 2.4 gigahertz Bluetooth or wired USB learn more at the link below step one is to introduce myself and set a budget Hey Do you like do build PCs like this here?

  • Yeah, I want to play like the best games Like 4k.

  • I have a monitor.

  • I just need a PC My budget is $170,000 new Taiwan dollars, of course, but I want something that looks really cool.

  • Like can you build this can you build that?

  • You built it I was worried there could be a language barrier with the shopkeeper But as it turned out not only was his English great, but he said he's the one who built those demo systems Step to play dumb.

  • I've always believed that our character is determined not by how we treat our peers But by how we treat those who might be in a vulnerable position So I am NOT gonna be flexing any of my tech knowledge here.

  • How does it work?

  • I don't know what parts I want.

  • I just know I want something that King game at 4k like really really fast like like with Like I yeah, like I don't want like the one with the floppy tubes though Yeah, like if someone come Do I like what I Sure.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, sure.

  • I build a Ironman and cyberpunk before.

  • Oh cool Okay, I don't need it to have like a special theme or anything though Just like like honestly just like a nice clean look like that.

  • Okay, it's pretty good but Can I get it by Friday?

  • This Friday?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, I think so.

  • You think you can do by Friday?

  • Okay, I can give you a menu of like What I use inside.

  • Oh, I mean, yeah, sure.

  • I don't know any of that though So you just got to tell me you've got to tell me what's good for that price.

  • Okay.

  • Yeah, I'm trusting you.

  • Okay Okay Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Oh, that's perfect.

  • Okay.

  • Sorry was named right?

  • Okay.

  • Nice to meet you.

  • Okay.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you Okay, that went pretty smoothly I think So I'm committing to just handing over the money regardless of what quotation comes back Let's see if they give me a good deal or rip me off.

  • Oh Buddy got back to me.

  • Do I like white or black?

  • I Think I like white it is mind-blowing to me that we don't do more of this back home.

  • It's just like yeah What's your number?

  • Can I just text you boom sends me a gallery of systems like yeah, how do you want it white or black?

  • What's your vibe?

  • It's great.

  • It feels so personal.

  • He asked what brands I like I don't know what brand is good.

  • Just trusting you to put together the best system that looks like you said awesome And he keeps wanting to ask me.

  • He's like, do you want a MDN tell him like which one should I get you?

  • Tell me man.

  • Let's go.

  • Give me a good system Step three payment.

  • I was legitimately pretty stressed at this point I don't have any idea what my work credit card limit is and I hand them a receipt for some computer in some foreign currency with no tangible asset to show for it What I'm gonna carry this thing home with me I'm gonna have to find someone to give this thing away to before I leave but that's a problem for another day Just got the quote time to pay my deposit on what I think is gonna be a pretty sick system Okay, let's see if my card works I'll write you a ticket Great, and then I can come pick up Friday.

  • Yeah, perfect All right.

  • Yep should be good.

  • Great.

  • Okay, great.

  • So you'll message me on Thursday or Friday?

  • Yeah.

  • Okay, perfect Thank you very much success eventually Shout out bank one for the you know fraud detection this random 5,000 US dollar transaction overseas and I guess also shout out bank two for Having my back and making sure my money can be spent End up using that card Sorry accounting department.

  • We'll get it reconciled Now we play the waiting game.

  • I can't believe it.

  • Let me just tap a card I didn't even have to enter my pin just like scribble on a touchscreen for my signature and poof money gone Let's see what I get in return I Wouldn't blame you for thinking does the world really need another handheld gaming PC at this point here it is my friends Concrete proof that satire is dead.

  • I think you can take notes faster Like the speedy segue to our sponsor who's laughing now Colton Well, he says it's ready good luck everybody can't believe he finished in three days I don't know what this this is.

  • Sorry, it's a computer.

  • We saw we spent five grand on a computer us Us the best part is we have absolutely no way of transporting this thing home So we're gonna have to like give it away or something.

  • Oh Hi Just picking up the system Wow That looks awesome Wow, hold on.

  • I want to get a picture of it So you did like a thermal test already?

  • Awesome, I guess I should have asked this before Is there some warranty on the system or how like how if I have a problem with it?

  • Can do you guys fix it?

  • Yeah for how long?

  • One year, okay, great Oh, okay.

  • Hmm.

  • I came here on the bus.

  • Good luck.

  • Yeah Wow, okay, how many computers do you guys build every day?

  • Wow, okay Wow Busy Okay.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Good doing business with you.

  • Thank you.

  • I will Okay Okay, sounds good, thank you, you know, I gotta say other than the lack of a you know I don't know card or something to carry the system out of here.

  • That's about as Boutique and experience as I could have expected I mean he had it running a test suite and everything right when I walked in the door so I could see everything running including Thermal testing it's all packed up nicely gave me all my accessories Seemed confused by the fact that I wanted a receipt for such an expensive purchase, but other than that pretty good experience.

  • I Want to know is this system so custom that if he didn't give you a receipt you would still know how to work?

  • I mean, he's only been at that location.

  • He said for seven months, so I don't know how they would have known The level of trust seems pretty high, I mean he doesn't even leave his store supervised so Why did I choose a shop on the fifth floor I thought you meant the early days of the channel and I was gonna say yeah, it was fun doing a video like this It's so hard these days because like a lot of the time people recognize me.

  • I wasn't sure if he was gonna know LTT It's possible he did but he just has a good poker face I'm not sure cuz I did kind of seem like a real idiot.

  • No, I don't know what Intel is, you know If I was anywhere other than Taipei, I would not want to ride a bus with this thing But we're not are we?

  • In the shop, yeah, probably I mean looking at how much inventory that you're carrying probably not systems like this Why were you surprised by three days Because I thought he might have to wait for you know, water blocks to come in stock and stuff like that Like there's a lot of specialized parts in here.

  • I Didn't think he'd necessarily have a 4090 on hand small shops back home stock almost nothing when it comes to high-end hardware I mean look at the stuff we cleared out of Keith's shop I Think you guys are gonna be pretty impressed when we have a look at how this stacks up to that main gear system Finally let's have a look at what we got haven't done an unboxing in a long time.

  • I'm rusty No, no, I don't need help.

  • I got this Dang it No, I'm not gonna break it I'm not gonna break it Okay, all right, I forgot to mention really good packaging by the way It's double boxed and uses a really really nice closed cell phone Even though this system is probably too heavy for the packaging if it was a more reasonable one I think it would survive shipping pretty well Not that they would normally ship the system to the customer at a store like that It occurs to me.

  • I don't know what the store is called Whoa Not bad Wow Those you bends though Okay, buddy's got skills.

  • Let's get this side panel off this is So flipping clean It wasn't that long ago that Bixby would have been considered a budget tier water cooling brand but I gotta say they do not look out of place in this system and the craftsmanship of these bends is just Outstanding this length right here is the hardest one to nail because this one or this one Well, you can always do the bend and then make slight adjustments to it after the fact this one right here You can't adjust and he's got it perfectly parallel to the rest of the case.

  • That is awesome You know, I'm looking for flaws here and I just I can't find them when an ignorant customer gives you a budget You could just not bother buying a vertical GPU mount.

  • You could just pocket the difference You could not bother putting in the extra work of grabbing Reverse direction fans so that from the inside, you know, all the hubs are facing in but they put in the work Okay, maybe the backside maybe the cable management sucks.

  • Let's have a look Not bad Not bad at all.

  • Oh, I found a flaw Andy.

  • Ah He's an Andy man The peels are still on.

  • Okay, not a flaw for my camera operator.

  • He's into that.

  • Yep.

  • I like peels removed No, no and while we're back here We've got a Seasonic vertex 1200 watt fully modular power supply multiple opportunities to cheap out there Chose not to.

  • All right time to fire it up.

  • How convenient is it that our hotel has a little gaming room?

  • Look at this.

  • Why don't you put English windows on it?

  • Yeah, maybe let's hope you're ready big moment Wow Wow, buddy When the instruction is make it look awesome and you deliver this You followed the instructions.

  • This looks great And I'm just admiring again how parallel these tubes are this one coming off the reservoir is Perfectly aligned with the one coming off the GPU Which again he had to spend extra in order to achieve to put in these spacers.

  • I Can't find a cut corner at least not yet.

  • What about the spec?

  • Maybe main gear comes out ahead there Conveniently, we can check that with the pre-loaded out of 64 extreme.

  • Very nice It's a trial version, which technically not what you're supposed to do, but let's have a look at the specs here.

  • Oh My god Andy Main gear just got taken for a walk They had a core i5 right?

  • This has a 7950 X 3d Top chip on the market.

  • Okay, they had a 4080 super which is pretty okay 4090 they had 16 gigs of RAM.

  • I'm looking at wait, wait, wait, hold on.

  • Oh, I don't know.

  • How about 64 what do we got for storage?

  • Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, dude, they had 512 gigs of storage This has eight times that amount.

  • Okay.

  • It was a little sloppy leaving my Uninitialized drive that's not great.

  • It's a lot better than not having it How are we doing for bloatware though?

  • Ida 64 rise master Furmark obviously, those are not part of a bare windows install, but I don't consider them malicious in any way So I'm okay with that and this I center and video track.

  • I'm the one who put OBS on it nothing Zero bloatware.

  • I feel like this is too good to be true though.

  • No one can be perfect.

  • Oh I got something Expo is not enabled and my RAM is running at 3600 megatransfers per second.

  • That is very slow for a Ryzen system Let's see if we can turn it on to his credit though.

  • That's a nice up-to-date BIOS Love to see that.

  • Okay moment of truth Did he validate Expo and maybe it just reset we're gonna find out Does that basically CPU block have a coolant temperature LCD on it three hours later?

  • No post.

  • Oh Wait, wait, it changed the code changed from 15 to 64.

  • Oh The good news is the fix should be as simple as removing half of the memory Still giving me twice as much as my main gear would have had as long as I can actually get it out The water tubes are a little bit in the way Still no dice, but I do have an idea.

  • It's been a long time since I've seen this really matter But I noticed that my two dual channel kits you can tell from the serial numbers are Separated.

  • So here's the two I pulled out before which we're in a dual channel pair.

  • And here's the one I pulled out just now 1 0 1 0 That's a kit and the one that's in there and this one are another kit Usually doesn't make that big of a difference But if the sticks have different ICs on them, it can cause compatibility issues, especially running at maximum speed way No way Was that it dude?

  • Okay.

  • I haven't seen that in years.

  • That's like ancient troubleshooting from the dark times 5600 megatransfers That's it's such a simple error.

  • You open up two kits.

  • You just have all four sticks you put them in in any order and 50-50 chance you get it wrong Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's put the other two back let's see I'm gonna give it one more chance and then I'm gonna pull those two sticks and we're gonna call it 32 gigs Well, there you have it It wouldn't be an LTT video without a little bit of troubleshooting and I still consider it a win for the system configuration But I'm not super thrilled about my memory running at 3600 megatransfers per second by default and needing to spend a bunch of time moving memory sticks around in order to get 5600 which on this platform would result in a measurable performance difference Hmm.

  • I just noticed Google Chrome was pre-installed too.

  • It's one of the first things that I install so I just didn't really register it, but Questionable while the system stress tests, why don't we have a look at how the shop handled all of our included accessories?

  • Okay, good power cable on a pretty obvious spot right here all manuals included extra cables included for our power supply Pretty much as expected GPUs don't come with much in the way of accessories these days But the reason I want to open this one up is I want to see what he did with the stock Cooler because that card is not water-cooled by default.

  • This is S tier.

  • This is exactly what I would do if I was taking the time to do it myself He pulled out every screw Obviously to get the block on and he put every screw back in where it goes So putting this card back together is as simple as undoing it Remembering everything putting the PCB back in the middle and doing it all back up if there's one thing that I could criticize It's that you know Maybe I would cover up this thermal paste so it doesn't you know get goop on my hands when I'm trying to handle it in The future that's really such a nitpick though.

  • This is Really good.

  • There's my two kits of memory one of which works at a time Legit Windows 11 can't take that for granted in smaller shops, but there it is right there It's worth noting that we did find some minor errors, but I'm still extremely happy for the price buddy was Extremely responsive and the customer service Was maybe too much.

  • He messaged me at 2 30 in the morning last night being like did you set it up?

  • It's a fair assumption that someone who just bought a $5,000 gaming PC is probably up all night playing on it But maybe not 2 30 in the morning next time Still it's cool to have that personalized touch and I genuinely felt like he just wanted to know if I loved this system Let's go find out if we love it Not bad 10 minutes of firm arc and prime 95 blend Nothing is crashed and the hotspot on this GPU is under 70 degrees And okay, it doesn't get that quiet at idle, but it isn't any louder under load, so I consider this Extremely acceptable.

  • Let's fire up a real game Casual 350 FPS at 4k anyone sure why not?

  • Well, it works great I think it's time for us to take this out and find somebody to give it to We're gonna keep it simple the first person who walks up and says hi, they get a computer mainly I just don't want to carry it for very long Maybe I'll walk to the bakery.

  • I like feel ridiculous We were at the show floor we'd probably have better luck Sorry Yeah, hi, oh Thank you Oh cool, so it's your lucky day No, no, no you you don't know though you don't you don't know why it's your lucky day Because I'm giving that computer to the first person who recognizes me on the street Yeah You might need to get an uber or a taxi or something I can give you some cash to take a cab because I think your bike is gonna be Not able to carry it All the accessories are in there all the cables and everything like that Congratulations Enjoy your computer and enjoy this segue to my sponsor Vessi here in Vancouver We learned these past couple of weeks that just because it's June doesn't mean we're free of rainstorms quite yet But thankfully we have a secret weapon Vessi.

  • They claim their shoes are extremely waterproof Thanks to their Dymatex technology So even that June monsoon won't leave us shaking in our boots the storm burst shoes are now available in low-profile form So they're breathable and comfortable in the summer It's rugged rubber outsole with extra grip means you can take on the trails Bike on the beach or simply get to work without a second thought head over to Vessi comm slash Linus tech tips and get 15% Off your first purchase.

  • If you guys enjoyed this video, why not check out the time?

  • I built a computer at a tech mall in China

I am at Guangha Digital Plaza in Taiwan and this place is flipping amazing It's six stories of shops just like this one packed floor-to-ceiling with tech treasure But is it a good place to buy a PC?

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