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  • If I could describe my taste in three words, it would be, tasta very nice.

  • Nica?

  • I think that's probably the more Italian way.

  • Tasta very nice.

  • I think my taste is a bit unpredictable sometimes.

  • I like very classic, but I also like modern things as well.

  • And I love things with a sense of humor.

  • I think when I was thinking about the world of espresso, because it is a very modern song, but there is something about the taglines of the song that feel very like they could be on an old school, vintage ad of sorts.

  • And sometimes even those coffee shop, almost very, very saturated photos of women with big smiles that have very corny phrases on them.

  • I kind of saw that, but then I wanted it to be a way cooler version of those and not something super on the nose.

  • So sort of started from there and worked backwards.

  • And then just like kind of combine that with my everyday taste as well.

  • I would argue that I haven't even found my thing.

  • I think this is my thing of the moment.

  • I think that's always like a really great indicator if I feel comfortable in something.

  • If I'm like, I move, like I walk a little taller, my posture is a little better.

  • I'm just a happier person when I'm in something that I feel really good in.

  • I think the twenties especially are about experimenting.

  • And Lord knows I've worn some really tragic things on carpet.

  • So it's all about growth.

  • It's all about growth.

  • My fans know that I have a very terrible obsession with yerba mate.

  • It's an Argentinian tea.

  • Just really, I've been an addiction for quite some time now.

  • But my newest like alcoholic obsession is limoncello spritz.

  • That's like my new favorite thing.

  • It's very fresh, very good for summer.

  • I'll be drinking a lot of those.

  • I think if I was teaching like an introduction to pop, this is so crazy.

  • I would definitely be including Madonna.

  • I would be including Britney.

  • I would be including Mariah.

  • I mean, I would be including Christina.

  • Oh my goodness.

  • There's so many, the list goes on and on truly.

  • I guess when I like go back, like when I was like really, really little, like those were some of the first artists that I ever heard.

  • And like those pop songs really like raised me when I was like, I don't know, five.

  • And so I think that that was really pivotal in me kind of being able to grow up loving pop music and then finding my own version of that.

  • But you dip into all sorts of genres because you know, sometimes like I pull more from the country and the Dolly Partons.

  • And sometimes I pull more from, you know, the soulful world.

  • And I grew up like loving Etta James and Aretha Franklin.

  • And this would be a very, very long course is all I'm trying to say.

  • And I should never teach a course in anything because I just should sing instead.

  • Comfort TV or movie character?

  • Honestly, like random, but maybe like Stitch.

  • Family Love and Stitch.

  • Like, I just feel like either that or Baby Grinch.

  • I think those two really like provide me with so much joy and happiness and memories of childhood.

  • If I'm talking about a female character, I'd probably say Alice in Wonderland.

  • Always been my comfort character.

  • I feel like you're chronically online.

  • You're like, cause I am.

  • I do get it.

  • That's a fact.

  • I definitely get it.

  • And sometimes I like get it too much because you do start to like incorporate that language into your everyday life.

  • And then you realize that like the man at the coffee shop does not get it.

  • Yeah, I'm learning how to balance it and how to actually disconnect a little bit more, but I don't want to get to like grandma status where I can't, you know, hang with the kids or whatever.

  • Like a, like an internet thing that's trending.

  • Honestly, like this is so self promo right now, but the Mi Espresso memes have just been really, really awesome to look at.

  • And those, those are my favorite little niche part of the internet currently.

  • So love that for me.

  • My mother always told me to never touch my eyebrows.

  • And by that, she didn't mean like don't groom them or brush them.

  • She just meant like don't tweeze them or shape them because she learned the hard way when she was younger and she shaped them and they never grew back.

  • She's got very thin eyebrows.

  • And me and my sisters, we all have these like big caterpillar, like very thick eyebrows.

  • Yeah, I think as I was younger, it was a little harder to kind of stick to that.

  • And then as I got older, I'm really happy that I listened.

  • I've made a few mood boards in my life and I would say I'm very heavy on words of affirmation.

  • So that and also visuals.

  • I also love to draw myself.

  • So a lot of my life growing up, I would draw pictures of like my dreams coming true and just things that I really was looking forward to in life.

  • Those are like a lot of the things I put on mood boards.

  • I also love visual mood boards that kind of inspire me with fashion and hair and makeup.

  • If we're talking about like personal mood board, it would be like words of affirmation.

  • One of my best friends is Amber Mark, who I love very much and has like the voice of an angel.

  • It's so incredible.

  • And she just released a new song, but like luckily because we're so close, we always play music for each other and she's so incredibly talented.

  • And I mean, I listen to Chapel all the time.

  • Yeah, good luck babe on loop de loop.

  • There's another artist that I also love, Matt Maltese, and some of the most beautiful, funny, like tragic songwriting, which I really admire.

  • I love when artists write sad songs and they have a sense of humor to them because it's very up my alley.

  • And Matt is incredible and has such a beautiful voice.

  • So those are like my top three right now.

  • Great question.

  • You know, I mean, big fan of Jim Carrey, big fan of Will Ferrell, big fan of Kristen Wiig, Nathan Fielder.

  • I could probably go on and on and on.

  • People that are funny are like just my cup, my cup of espresso.

  • I've never had tea.

  • Nope, just to say so.

If I could describe my taste in three words, it would be, tasta very nice.

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