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  • Hi kids, now I will explain how to use Intelligent Training Competition Response System.

  • First, press the OK button in the upper left to wake up the main interface.

  • Then, remember to check the battery capacity at the top right of the screen.

  • Change the battery promptly if it is powered off and press the OK button to sign in according to the prompt when hearing the instruction.

  • The word Successful Signature will be displayed on the screen.

  • After hearing the question submitted by system software, you need to send the answer by pressing the button.

  • For instance, if you want to press number 17, you have to press number 1 first and then press number 7, and at last confirm the answer and submit it by the green button.

  • Please check carefully before submission.

  • The answer is unchangeable after you submit it successfully.

  • If you find that you push the wrong button, you can use the red button C to delete numbers bit by bit, then send the right answer.

  • For example, you send the number 1708 instead of number 1718.

  • At this time, you need to press the red button C for 2 times to remove number 0 and number 8.

  • Then, put number 1 and number 8 in it and submit the answer by pushing the green one.

  • More importantly, keep an eye on remaining time on the screen.

  • Once over the time, you no longer can send the answer.

  • These are the usages of Intelligent Training Competition Response System.

Hi kids, now I will explain how to use Intelligent Training Competition Response System.

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