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  • Hey Tony, can I talk to you? Yes, of course Sam.

  • What's up? Do you think we should limit the amount of time the kids spend surfing the internet? Hmm, good question.

  • Part of me says yes and the other part of me says no.

  • Why are you bringing it up? Well, I'm just worried about all the stuff that I'm seeing on the news.

  • Many people say a lot of crime and violence is brought about from things on the internet. Well, we definitely need to keep an eye on the sites that they are browsing.

  • I always look at the browsing history.

  • But you know there are many ways to delete that. Yes, I know.

  • We just need to keep raising them the way that we are.

  • As long as we teach them right from wrong, they will be okay. Maybe you're right.

  • I'm just worried that some of the kids at school will negatively influence them. I know what you mean.

  • But I think they will be okay.

  • There is so much that they can learn using the internet.

  • There's really so much information out there.

  • A lot of it is bad though, Tony.

  • Don't be so optimistic, Samantha.

  • Look at the bright side of things sometimes. You're right.

  • I have just been watching too much news recently.

  • You are a great mom.

  • I think we are good parents who are doing a great job raising our kids in a crazy world. I suppose you are right.

  • I guess I am just overreacting, aren't I? Yes, everything is okay in moderation.

  • I'll go check up on the kids now.

  • I'm sure that everything is just fine.

Hey Tony, can I talk to you? Yes, of course Sam.

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