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  • Inside this factory in China, X-Robot's engineers are working on developing humanoid robots with a focus on enhancing facial expressions and emotions.

  • So far, the main purpose of these hyper-realistic robots has been for display in museums.

  • X-Robot's chief executive, Li Boyang, says humanoid robots are the most complex type of robot to build.

  • The company uses artificial intelligence to teach robots how to recognize human facial expressions and mimic them. Like here, a humanoid robot is copying a worker's movement thanks to tiny motors installed in its head.

  • We have our own software and algorithm teams.

  • In terms of algorithms, we focus more on the part of AI that integrates with the robot.

  • There are many basic models and algorithms that are commonly open source, which everyone uses.

  • However, we concentrate more on how to enable the AI to recognize and express expressions and emotions. The company says it takes between two weeks and a month to produce just one humanoid robot.

  • Prices range from 1.5 to 2 million yuan, or roughly 280,000 dollars.

  • Looking ahead, Li believes humanoid robots will have a bigger role to play, not just in healthcare and education, but in other industries as well.

  • There are a lot of jobs that humanoid robots can actually be competent at, and entering households must be the most massive demand.

  • We also think that every person may have a humanoid robot in the future at home for their service, or even more than one.

  • So when such a large number of demand appear, it is the time of the industry boom.

Inside this factory in China, X-Robot's engineers are working on developing humanoid robots with a focus on enhancing facial expressions and emotions.

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