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  • In this video, we'll introduce terms and notation that we'll use throughout this course.

  • Let's start with variable types.

  • We'll compare and contrast two pairs of variable types.

  • Here's the first.

  • The first pair is response variable versus explanatory variable.

  • The analyst is primarily interested in the response variable.

  • We want to know if, and how, we can understand the response variable better using other variables.

  • In the Commute and Chris setup, questions 1 and 2 have commute as the response variable.

  • Chris hopes to understand how commute is affected by other variables.

  • The response variable goes by other names, like output variable and dependent variable.

  • In contrast, an explanatory variable is any variable used to study the response variable.

  • The goal here is to find potential relationships between the response variable and an explanatory variable.

  • In the Commute and Chris setup, question 1 uses departure as an explanatory variable to analyze commute.

  • We also call explanatory variables input variables or independent variables.

  • Sometimes, we may even call them predictors or features.

  • Even though we can call response and explanatory variables dependent and independent variables, they are conceptually different from the independent random variables that we encountered in probability.

  • Okay, that's our first pair.

  • Our second variable type pair is a quantitative variable versus a qualitative variable.

  • As the name suggests, quantitative variables take on quantities, which we can divide into two main groups, which creates count variables and continuous variables.

  • Count variables take on non-negative integers, while continuous variables take on values from an interval.

  • We commonly call qualitative variables as categorical variables.

  • These variables take on a small number of possible categories, also known as classes or levels.

  • It's common that we'll assign numbers to the categories, but this does not convert the variables into count variables.

  • Okay, let's review the commute and Chris setup and categorize the eight variables into count, continuous, and categorical variables.

  • Commute is measured in minutes.

  • Because any value exceeding zero is possible, commute is a continuous variable.

  • For similar reasons, departure, temp, and precip chance are also continuous variables.

  • They just take on values from different intervals.

  • Next, precip, season, and accident all take on two or four possible outcomes, making them categorical variables.

  • Last is police, which takes on non-negative integers, making it a count variable.

  • We can subdivide categorical variables further into nominal and ordinal variables.

  • If there's not a meaningful order to the categories, then it's a nominal variable.

  • In the case where we assign numbers to categories, the numbers only act as labels.

  • If there is a meaningful order to the categories, then it's an ordinal variable.

  • In the case where numbers are assigned to the categories, the numbers communicate the order.

  • Let's use season from the commute and Chris setup as an example.

  • If we assign 1 to winter, 2 to spring, 3 to summer, and 4 to fall, then the categories follow the calendar seasons in sequence and therefore have meaningful order.

  • This makes season an ordinal variable.

  • If instead we assign numbers based on alphabetical order of the seasons, then we do not have meaningful order to the categories.

  • And this makes season a nominal variable.

  • Now that we've explored variable types, let's establish basic notation that we'll use throughout this course.

  • We denote variables in general by the letter x.

  • If there are multiple variables, we use the subscript j to distinguish between variables.

  • However, it's common to use the letter y to denote response variables.

  • We use p to represent the number of variables in a dataset, excluding the response variable if there is one.

  • This means j can take on integer values from 1 to p.

  • For example, x sub 2 represents the second explanatory variable.

  • Now, what if we want to refer to a specific observation of a variable?

  • We use subscript i for this, and the letter n represents the total number of observations in the dataset.

  • This means i can take on integer values from 1 to n.

  • Using the commute and Chris scenario as an example, the fifth observation contains values from the fifth recorded day.

  • These include y sub 5, the response variable data point recorded on that day, and x sub 5 comma 1 through x sub 5 comma p, data points for the explanatory variables from the same day.

  • But a word of caution about subscripts.

  • When x has two numbers in its subscript, the first number is i, the second number is j, as we have shown.

  • However, if x has only one number in its subscript, it can be either i or j.

  • So, how can we identify which is which?

  • Well, it depends on the context.

  • Make sure you read carefully.

  • In general, if there is only one x variable, that is, p equals 1, then there is no purpose for subscript j.

  • So, in this case, the one number in the subscript is usually i.

  • However, if there are multiple x variables, then the one number in the subscript is usually j.

  • You may recall from a probability course that we use uppercase letters to represent random variables, such as capital X and capital Y.

  • We can add subscripts to these letters the same way.

  • Introducing subscript i adds clarity, but it can also make equations or expressions messy and difficult to read.

  • But we combat this problem by moving to vector and matrix notations.

  • If we use a matrix to represent a data set, rows represent the observations, while columns represent the variables.

  • We'll see more of this in future sections, but for now, let's review some basic facts about matrices.

  • First, for matrix A, A superscript T is A's transpose.

  • Transposing simply means swapping the rows and columns so that the k-th column becomes the k-th row, and vice versa.

  • Notice transposing a matrix also reverses its dimensions.

  • If A is an A by B matrix, then A transpose is a B by A matrix.

  • And second, A superscript negative one is A's inverse.

  • If we multiply a matrix by its inverse in any order, we will get the identity matrix.

  • Note that the identity matrix has ones in its diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

  • One of the enemies in this course is confusion.

  • We'll try to minimize confusion by using clear and consistent notation.

  • However, don't assume that the conventions that we use here are universal.

  • Remember, notation only represents concepts.

  • However, authors may use different notation to suit their needs.

  • They may even use the same notation for different but similar concepts.

  • So, train yourself to distinguish the concept from the notation.

In this video, we'll introduce terms and notation that we'll use throughout this course.

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