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  • And now, we begin another dramatic episode of Dollhouse Drama.

  • As this episode begins, Dexter is happily eating his breakfast. "Eat your breakfast, Dexter." "My breakfast is a non-removable sticker.

  • Although I am kind of hungry." Dexter is joined by his beautiful wife, Darby. "Dexter?

  • Dexter?

  • Dexter, aren't you going to kiss your blushing bride good morning?" "Okay." "Oh dear, look at the time.

  • You must hurry or you'll be late to the lab.

  • Mustn't be late." But Dexter has forgotten his briefcase. "Oh honey, I forgot my..." Dexter is shocked to find his wife in the arms of his best friend, Ben. "On the hands of my wife, you rat!" "Wow, what a great episode." "Uh-oh." "Darby, how could you do this to me?

  • Is there some reason, some explanation?

  • Your silence says it all.

  • Goodbye, Darby.

  • They were my favorite couple." "Start, darn it, start." "How could I have been so blind, so stupid, so out of touch with reality?" Dexter drives to lookout point and tries to figure things out. "Lookout point.

  • The view from up here always relaxes me." "Dexter?

  • I don't know.

  • Who are you?" "It's the ghost of your first love.

  • You must forgive Darby.

  • Or risk losing her like you did me." "I will, I will.

  • I promise, I will."

And now, we begin another dramatic episode of Dollhouse Drama.

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