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  • Who knows all the countries in the world or even knows the basics about these countries?


  • In this small series I would therefore like to give you a little overview and that includes a brief overview of the most important data on their political system.


  • And today it is about Mongolia.


  • And that is already the official full name of the country.


  • The form of government is a parliamentary democracy with a constitution based on the rule of law.


  • The head of state is Kaldmar Batulga, President of the Republic.


  • He was appointed on July 10, 2017.

    他於 2017 年 7 月 10 日獲得任命。

  • He is from the Democratic Party.


  • The head of government is Lufsanam Srei Oyun Erdene, Prime Minister appointed on January 27, 2020 from the Mongolian People's Party.

    政府首腦是盧夫薩納姆-斯雷-奧雲-額爾德尼(Lufsanam Srei Oyun Erdene),他於 2020 年 1 月 27 日被任命為總理,來自蒙古人民黨。

  • The Foreign Minister is Batmung Batsasek, appointed on January 27, 2020.

    外交部長為巴特蒙-巴察塞克(Batmung Batsasek),於 2020 年 1 月 27 日任命。

  • On the Human Development Index they rank 99th place.

    在人類發展指數方面,他們排名第 99 位。

  • The poorly populated, because only 3.2 million inhabitants, ethnically largely homogenous, with 94% Mongolian, state of Mongolia, has made considerable progress in terms of democratization and the development of market economy structures.

    蒙古國人口稀少,只有 320 萬居民,民族基本單一,94% 為蒙古族,但在民主化和市場經濟結構發展方面取得了長足進步。

  • The 1992 constitution provides for a separation of powers between the legislature, government and judiciary.

    1992 年憲法規定立法、政府和司法三權分立。

  • Freedom of the press and freedom of expression is guaranteed.


  • Mongolia has a multi-party system.


  • The largest parties represented in parliament are the Mongolian People's Party, the MVP, which is currently the ruling party, and the Democratic Party, the DP, as the opposition party.


  • Mongolia is organized centrally and has 21 amoks, that's provinces headed by governors.

    蒙古實行中央集權制,下轄 21 個省(即由省長上司的省)。

  • The capital, Ulaanbaatar, has a special status.


  • The geographical location between the two great powers, Russia and China, is decisive for Mongolian foreign policy.


  • They pay attention to close relationships with their immediate neighbors and at the same time try to maintain their independence.


  • In addition, they maintain close relationships with their third neighbors, Japan, South Korea, USA, Germany and the rest of the EU.


  • And if you want to stay informed, please subscribe to my channel.


  • Auf Wiedersehen!


Who knows all the countries in the world or even knows the basics about these countries?


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