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  • Little outfit of the day is jumper is Love Child, skirt is from a brand called Low Classic which I got on Essence.

  • Some random little blue tights and loafers are Jeku and then I'm going to wear this new little suede brown bag.

  • The bag is from a company called Smooth Mood, I think, it could be like a Korean brand.

  • Just love the oversized a bit, there's 11 brown accessories at the moment.

  • It's like 7, maybe like half 7 and I've just showered.

  • My eyes are super puffy, I think because I'm just a bit tired but I have an exciting day today.

  • I'm doing something very out of my comfort zone, which I'm excited but also really scared about.

  • But I'm sure I'll show you guys soon.

  • I've been really bad at filming Copenhagen Fashion Week but it's maybe my last show of the week and I've literally just run home and put on this big Charlotte Simone coat because I was so cold.

  • But yeah, it's Helmstead, that's how you say it and I'm excited.

  • I've actually got a very basic outfit on, these jeans from Sea New York, some little ballet thumps and the Charlotte Simone coat because I'm a bit done.

  • Outfit of the day is J.

  • Crew loafers again, market jeans, Ganni dress and Issa Ekin tee.

  • And then my scowl coat and we're good to go.

  • I've also picked up this little jumper in the YMCA sale, this actually went to the back but I feel like it's too cute to be on the back.

  • I'm not sure, this is the medium, I'm not sure on the fit that much because I'm wearing it with my new Reformation jeans which need an iron.

  • I don't know if you can see the fit, they're more fitted than I usually wear but quite cute.

  • Hmm, can't decide on the jumper, let me know what you think.

  • And I also got some new nails, just so cute, they're like little gems in the middle of the flower, just so cute.

  • I got them done at Shoreditch Nails, so cute.

  • The girls in there are also so, so nice.

  • Yeah, well I'm going to go out and meet Harry Fullinch at Padella.

  • Bye!

  • Tried it on with my R-Kit jeans which are the lark style and they're like baggier, I just feel like they look so much better.

  • So it's like a smaller top.

  • The jeans, quite cute but also do I need more jumpers when hopefully we're coming out of winter?

  • Don't know, I think it's reduced to 150, still quite a lot but it feels really thick, nice quality.

  • Bye!

Little outfit of the day is jumper is Love Child, skirt is from a brand called Low Classic which I got on Essence.

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