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  • What's something you put on when you want to feel confident?

  • This is so hard because I'm such an honest person and it's so hard for me to do these kind of things because the answer is I probably take things off.

  • What's the one piece of advice you have for someone going through a hard time?

  • Go right through it.

  • Like right through it.

  • Feel it.

  • Be in it.

  • Don't avoid it.

  • Go completely in it.

  • Feel everything and then go right through it and get out the other end.

  • Many of these things you don't have a choice.

  • You know, it's that expression, it's how well you walk through the fire, but you walk through it.

  • What's the one thing you do when you need strength?

  • I think I, well I probably, I spend time with my kids and just to be around them because they're the best of me and I've learned something from all of them differently and I think they're really interesting people, but I feel stronger when I'm with them.

  • What's one piece of styling advice you've gotten from your kids?

  • My daughter tells me I wear too many trench coats and I know there are certain things they wouldn't want me to wear.

  • I think I stopped wearing certain things when I had teenagers.

  • Is there something they love seeing you in?

  • You know the nicest thing is I've realized as my children have gotten older, when I put myself together nicely or when I'm creative and I'm doing something fun, they're so happy.

  • I think it's a way of seeing that their mother's being herself and feeling good.

  • Tell me about the one time your kids wore your old red carpet dresses.

  • What's the story behind that?

  • That was just an experiment in here's some old clothes, here's some vintage, here's some things you can cut up, here's something you can do it all these different ways.

  • Who are you?

  • What do you want?

  • You know, I don't work regularly with a stylist.

  • I don't like the idea of just somebody putting clothes on me or on my kids.

  • I don't think they like the idea of being styled by someone else.

  • So much of clothing is identity and if someone else is styling you and if someone else is dictating who you are and what you wear, especially as a mother, I want to know who my children are.

  • And so I want to put things in front of them that help them question or break the box or say I don't like this or this doesn't feel right.

  • So you're always trying to just put different options in front of them and see where it takes them.

  • Tell me the one moment you knew you wanted to start a fashion business.

  • I was a punk.

  • So when I see very expensive corporate clothing that is made to look punk, it's the opposite of what punk is.

  • So one thing I was with my children and it wasn't a one moment,

  • but it was a series of moments with them realizing that the way young people decide clothing does not feed as much as it should into their individuality and creativity.

  • What's the one focus of your new fashion business?

  • The focus is about how we can contribute and how we can share our business with other people, how we can all work as a collective and make it nice for customers and for people to play.

  • So we're very focused on that as our business model.

  • What's one piece of advice you'd give to somebody starting a business?

  • I think you make something you truly enjoy and you hope that it brings the same level of interest and joy in someone else.

  • So to try to be really bold in creating something that you actually really do stand behind.

  • And understanding why you're doing it.

  • Are you doing it for finances or are you doing it because you believe in something and you're creative and excited?

  • And I think there's a difference.

  • What's the one trait you look for in a collaborator?

  • I think someone who's bold and maybe a little mad, a little bit of madness.

  • Why is that important?

  • I think while it's very important to be thoughtful and ethical and considerate,

  • it's also very important to have a little madness, have a little wild, get out of the box, get out of your head and be willing to make a fool of yourself, make a mess.

  • What's one piece of advice you'd want to give your younger self?

  • Oh, so many things I'd like to warn her about.

  • I think it's taken me a long time to get back to her.

  • I didn't trust my madness.

  • I didn't think it was a good thing when I was young and I think it's a part of me.

  • It's important.

  • Would you say you're creating for her now?

  • I think that's a very nice way to put it.

  • I think, yeah, I'm trying to find her again.

What's something you put on when you want to feel confident?

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