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  • Hey, how are you holding up, Sadness?

  • I know they got you working overtime.

  • Ever since his wife left him, I just couldn't take a break.

  • Dang, how long has it been?

  • It's been months!

  • Oh, dang.

  • Here, let me see if I can...

  • Ouch!

  • Yeah, sorry.

  • I wish I could help, but IT hasn't fixed my login credentials yet.

  • Oh my god.

  • Hey, what are you doing?

  • I'm taking PTO.

  • Wait, you can't just do that.

  • You gotta get that approved first.

  • I don't care.

  • I don't care.

  • I don't care about unfair working conditions.

  • You guys couldn't control his anger, and now I'm the one that has to clean up his mess.

  • Okay, now.

  • It was between spending time with her or the new Elden Ring DLC.

  • I had to make a decision.

  • But you didn't need to make him yell at her like that.

  • Yeah, well, Joy made me do it.

  • Look, I just really want to play Elden Ring.

  • You know what?

  • I'm taking off indefinitely.

  • Hold on one minute!

  • Hey, um...

  • Who are you?

  • Oh, I'm the new temp covering for Sadness.

  • You can call me Depression.

  • Wow, that was quick.

  • How long are you here for?

  • I don't know.

  • Could be a few days, weeks, months, or maybe until he has no reason to live.

  • I don't know.

  • Wait, what?

  • Let's see here.

  • He's drinking orange juice?

  • Yeah, we're gonna need something stronger than that.

  • Wait, wait, wait.

  • What are you doing?

  • It's still early in the day.

  • Oh, relax.

  • He just needs to loosen up.

  • What do you got him doing now?

  • Just scrolling down memory lane.

  • I don't think scrolling through old Facebook photos is good for him right now.

  • Hey, when was the last time you got any, you know...

  • Uh, what do you mean?

  • Yeah, hey man.

  • Can you come up here for a second?

  • What'd you need, Depression?

  • Aroused?

  • Joy, is that you?

  • Oh, wow.

  • Long time no see, man.

  • It's been a while.

  • When was the last time we met?

  • The wedding?

  • I think it was the honeymoon.

  • Oh, wait, wait.

  • No, no, no.

  • That time in Peru.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Peru.

  • Yeah, good times.

  • Good times.

  • So, you know Depression?

  • Oh, we worked on a few projects together back in the fantasy department.

  • Oh, what projects?

  • Let's not bring that up right now.

  • Anyways, do you know any, um, anyone here?

  • No.

  • No.

  • No.

  • No.

  • No.

  • No.

  • No.

  • No.

  • No.

  • No.

  • You know any, um, anyone he used to hook up with?

  • Any old flames or exes?

  • Nope.

  • Has he checked his Facebook?

  • He's doing that right now.

  • Um, guys, I don't think this is the time for him to hook up with anyone.

  • Trust me.

  • He just didn't get his mind off the pain for a while.

  • You know, I think what's best for him is that he should get back on a journey of self-love, you know?

  • Like get back into his hobbies.

  • Reconnect with friends, you know?

  • I think that would definitely help.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • You're probably right.

  • Wait, what's that?

  • What's what?

  • Whose page is that?

  • Is that who I think it is?

  • Oh, no.

  • No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

  • No, no.

  • No, no, no, no, no, no.

  • This is game over.

  • We're shutting this place down, boys.

  • No, no, no, no, no, no.

  • I think there's something I think we're safe.

  • Come on.

  • I said no.

  • All right, everyone, get out.

  • Who are you?

  • I am in security.

  • I'm here to stop this entire meltdown.

  • Now, get out.

  • All right, listen here.

  • I'm gonna need you to suck it up because today is the day you're gonna become a man.

  • From now on, the gym's your home.

  • You're gonna be drinking protein shakes, listening to Andrew Tate podcasts, investing in Bitcoin, and then today, you're buying a Dodge Charger.

  • Hey, guys.

  • Thank you for watching.

  • I was supposed to actually upload this video last week, but I got hit with some violations with some certain jokes.

  • It just wasn't that bad, but I'm like, what the heck?

  • But anyways, so I had to re-record, re-edit, and just simplify the story a little bit.

  • I hope you guys still enjoyed it.

  • But anyways, if you have anything that you want me to explore, please comment below.

  • And if I like it and it sparks something, then I'm gonna do it.

  • I'm gonna do it.

  • I'm gonna do it.

  • I'm gonna do it.

  • I'm gonna do it.

  • I'm gonna do it.

  • I'm gonna do it.

  • I'm gonna do it.

  • I'm gonna do it.

  • I'm gonna do it.

Hey, how are you holding up, Sadness?

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