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  • Hey Vogue, I'm Zac Efron.

  • This is High School Musical 1.

  • Cheers!

  • Okay, ready?

  • Hey, what's up everybody?

  • This is Sabrina Carpenter and welcome to my perfect night in.

  • This is my dog, G- Do you hear him?

  • He's like...

  • You're so crazy!

  • Come on in!

  • This is my house, where I live.

  • And this is kind of the first room that everyone sees, which is why I have this here.

  • The French Ferris Bueller poster, which is one of my favorite films.

  • My Harry Potter wand on display, just in case I need to cast some spells real fast.

  • Be careful.

  • And then this is probably my favorite part of the house, is my grand piano.

  • My baby Baldwin.

  • It's something I've wanted my whole life and I'm always just kind of playing, no matter what.

  • You'll notice a Christmas tree up, which makes a lot of sense right now.

  • I've not taken it down for the entire year.

  • Literally, I have no excuse this year, we had a global pandemic.

  • I've been inside, I could have taken it down, but I didn't.

  • Follow me!

  • This is our little game room, when everyone gets together.

  • I promise I have friends.

  • In this video, it doesn't look like it.

  • Guys, I really, I need to get this.

  • It's more for street cred than it is anything else.

  • Love to play a game of pool.

  • We have a couple of my gold records up on the wall.

  • My mom likes to show those off.

  • We have the bar for all the Shirley Temples I drink.

  • This is the part of the house that when I have friends over, or when the whole family gets together, we all like to come in here and play a nice game of pool, before we go outside into the real pool.

  • See how I did that?

  • There's no script here, folks, it's all improv.

  • So, we are in my backyard now.

  • This is one of the best places that we spend a lot of time throughout the summer.

  • My grandma's favorite place in the whole house is the ping pong table.

  • Over the years, if my sisters and I would have, like, boyfriends or whatever it is, she'd have to play them in ping pong in order to see if they were worthy or not.

  • So, it gets pretty intense over here.

  • And then this is my trampoline, which I did not purchase until I was 18.

  • Because my mom is a chiropractor, always very, very worried about my spine throughout the years.

  • Totally understand.

  • But I basically told her, I was like, Mom, I'm an adult now.

  • And we can actually go back here.

  • And we are in the party trick of the house.

  • This is the basketball court.

  • This is really fun because in the summer at night, I would basically watch movies on my projector out here on this little wall.

  • My dad helped us paint it white, so that was very sweet of him.

  • And then this is where we play ball.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Humble.

  • Three times a charm.

  • Nope.

  • No.

  • Nope.

  • Should I give up?

  • It's so hard being so good at everything.

  • Just in case you're not convinced that I'm seven years old yet, this is my bedroom, my sanctuary, my safe place.

  • And this is my swing.

  • It's actually very peaceful and very comforting.

  • I kind of put it up every time I move in a new house because it makes it automatically feel a little bit more like home.

  • I'm going to bring you guys into my closet.

  • One of my favorite places in my whole house, I don't just use it for getting changed and picking out clothes, but I also have turned it into my miniature recording studio.

  • I have the most privacy in here.

  • It's also very soundproof.

  • I've had to do a lot of recording things from home.

  • I've got my interface set up with my laptop and my mic, and I'm able to kind of do things from this closet, which no one knows until right now.

  • Now everybody knows.

  • So now we're in my kitchen, and this is my personal chef.

  • No, I'm kidding.

  • This is my sister, Sarah.

  • I'll be her sous chef.

  • My dad's actually really the cook of the family.

  • I'm really good at standing here and making sure that she is doing a good job.

  • I like to pretend I'm a master chef junior.

  • Sarah likes to yell at me in a British accent.

  • You're supposed to do it.

  • She's like, yeah.

  • I am not doing a British accent right now.

  • There's no way.

  • Cheers.

  • Oh my god.

  • So this is where I wind down.

  • Basically what I'll do at night is I'll light all my candles.

  • I kind of just like set the mood.

  • I mean, I have my rose quartz here.

  • I have all the things I love.

  • This is my Rihanna book.

  • My prize possession.

  • This is my first Playbill.

  • That's me right there.

  • Flip it around.

  • We come over here where the magic happens.

  • My fans will notice this is kind of where I do all my covers.

  • So I set up my camera usually right here.

  • It'll fall most of the time.

  • I started doing covers on YouTube when I was nine.

  • I don't encourage you to look those up.

  • I just encourage you to look at the newer ones.

  • This is a step that we must never forget, which is taking off our makeup and doing my nightly skincare routine.

  • The reason why I'm not using makeup wipes is because, Rihanna said we don't do that anymore.

  • I have to stand on my tiptoes because I can't reach my sink.

  • Fun fact.

  • Just put in some elevator music here so it's not awkward.

  • A bunch of stuff on my lips.

  • Because I wake up and they're super soft.

  • Vogue, thank you so much for joining me on my perfect night in.

  • We're going to sleep now.

  • Thank you guys so much for coming along.

  • Hey Vogue, I'm Sabrina Carpenter.

  • And to watch more videos, subscribe here.

Hey Vogue, I'm Zac Efron.

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