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  • -"Who Doesn´t Love Anne Hathaway?"

  • Thank you for coming back to the show.

  • But you know when you have a moment, you´re just like, ´Oh, I´m gonna remember that forever.

  • Thank you so much for that.

  • Yeah, there you go. It just happened.

  • Come on, the roots.

  • Thank you. Hi, everybody.

  • Thank you for playing Reverse Charades with me.

  • You´re a great partner.

  • Thank you. You´re a great partner.

  • I mean, are you competitive when you play games?

  • Do you play games at home?

  • You don´t mean to be.

  • I don´t mean either. Are you?

  • You don´t mean to be, but then you saw over there,

  • I was like, ´No, it´s just a nice, friendly game

  • And then the last one, I´m like, ´But the points are on

  • Like, it´s on.

  • Let´s go. I want to win this.

  • Something takes over.

  • I´m less competitive now.

  • Why?

  • Kids.

  • Yeah.

  • I think maybe being competitive is genetic, ´cause my kids are, like, they´re competitive, too.

  • And it turns out motherhood has softened me, and I like to watch them win.

  • Yeah.

  • My kids are very competitive, too.

  • My one daughter is, yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • The other one doesn´t really care.

  • ´Cause, like, it´s fun, it´s all good, but the other one really wants to win.

  • And I don´t throw the games, you know?

  • I just go.

  • I really...

  • And I play for money, too.

  • Is there a party game that you´re especially good at?

  • No, I mean, you know, I was playing a game last...

  • We play a lot of Pokémon, and we play a lot of Trouble and Sorry.

  • Oh, that´s good.

  • But there was a game, I was working last week, and I was on set, and we were just passing the time, and have you seen that movie trivia game and it just asks you questions?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • They have a bunch of quizzes, like sports and movies.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • And I was just having one of those, like, runs where I couldn´t miss.

  • Yes.

  • Like, I just knew, and I was, like, surprising myself, and it was like...

  • Well, you know your stuff.

  • You know movies.

  • I didn´t.

  • I mean, apparently I do, and then I got to this one question, and they were like, ´Oh, okay, so junior executive assistant in Devil Wears Prada

  • I´m just like, ´Emily Blunt

  • And they were like, ´No

  • And it wasn´t her, it was me, so...

  • I´m gonna say, wait.

  • But I was genuinely confused.

  • You´re like, ´Wait

  • But it´s her.

  • That was me, but I´m the...

  • That´s wild.

  • See, when it comes to you...

  • Yeah, so...

  • Do you ever...

  • Do you kind of do a project, and then you kind of block it out of your mind, or...

  • No.

  • It just so happens you...

  • I don´t know.

  • I´m not huge on looking back.

  • It is kind of funny when...

  • Like, ´cause, you know, I was in this movie when I was 17 years old called The Princess Diaries.

  • Yeah.

  • I watch you all the time.

  • To this day, I watch you all the time.

  • Really?

  • My family loves you.

  • We love you.

  • Yeah, they love you so much.

  • I love that it´s become kind of one of those family touchstones.

  • So, anyway, people quote it to me all the time, and I don´t know what they´re talking about.

  • I don´t remember that.

  • But Devil Wears Prada,

  • I recently saw a photo of you and Anna Wintour.

  • You made your kind of Broadway debut together in Gutenberg, the musical.

  • You guys stood up.

  • There she is.

  • Did the crowd go nuts?

  • So, they so...

  • So, by the way, I have to say, that´s Josh Gad.

  • And that´s Andrew Rannells.

  • Andrew Rannells.

  • Dear friends.

  • And they´re so...

  • They were so brilliant in the show.

  • I really saw them.

  • It was really next level.

  • And at the end of the show, they invite two people up on stage, and so they said my name first, and the audience had a very nice reaction.

  • And then they said Anna´s name, and it was like, rock star.

  • Really?

  • Yeah, rock star.

  • Because you don´t really see Anna do many things that are outside of her...

  • Wear a trucker hat.

  • Yeah, exactly.

  • You never see Anna Wintour from Vogue wear a trucker hat.

  • That´s correct, yeah.

  • But everyone just went nuts.

  • She´s also a New York icon.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • So, I think if she shows up at a pizzeria...

  • Yeah, she´s a New York icon.

  • She´s a worldwide icon.

  • She´s a worldwide icon.

  • She´s everything.

  • Is she fun to share the stage with?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, really, really fun.

  • And just...

  • She´s been incredibly sweet to me, and I´m just very grateful for our relationship.

  • She´s so cool, though.

  • She´s so cool.

  • She´s so cool.

  • Do you get nervous around...

  • I get a little nervous.

  • I absolutely do.

  • You do?

  • That´s to lose, because I´m never gonna be on the cover of Vogue, so I have nothing to worry about.

  • But she likes me, and we´ve been friends for a long time, so I kind of am comfy around her.

  • I don´t mean to...

  • I try to keep it comfy.

  • I try to keep it cozy, but inside my heart is...

  • Embracing.

  • I just respect her so much.

  • Yeah.

  • I´m just like that.

  • But I feel very comfortable around you.

  • Yeah, I´m good.

  • You should be.

  • You should be.

  • I´m your bud.

  • No, please.

  • I totally...

  • I got the respect and also the dig at the same time, so it was perfect.

  • That´s how well I know you.

  • That´s how cozy I am with you.

  • You know, I saw you, by the way, I was gonna say on Broadway, but it wasn´t.

  • It was Shakespeare in the Park.

  • You were there?

  • Yeah, I came to see you.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Absolutely.

  • I´m a big fan, yeah.

  • You did that.

  • Were you nervous?

  • I feel really bad about the dig now.

  • You better keep digging me.

  • Are you kidding me?

  • Okay.

  • Please, if I...

  • You don´t laugh at yourself, then come on.

  • I saw you, and it was at the...

  • Twelfth Night at the Delacorte.

  • Delacorte Theater.

  • Yeah.

  • You were amazing.

  • Do you get nervous?

  • Does anything go wrong?

  • Nothing went wrong when I saw you, but...

  • Nothing went wrong?

  • Thank goodness.

  • So, the Delacorte Theater is an outdoor theater in Central Park, and so...

  • You´re doing Shakespeare.

  • Doing Shakespeare, and it rained almost every night.

  • And so...

  • But it´s kind of amazing, ´cause every night, the last line of the show, which we actually sang, was, ´For the rain, it raineth every day

  • And so the audience at that moment always burst out laughing, and the whole show was so joyful.

  • I had such a wonderful time.

  • But one night, something...

  • I don´t know if it went wrong, but something happened.

  • And so there´s this scene, my character, Viola, she comes onto the stage, and I knew that the line was funny, but I couldn´t figure out how to make it funny.

  • So every night, I was just trying something, just anything I could think of, and I was, you know, go out there, audience wouldn´t laugh, and I was like, ´Tomorrow

  • And then...

  • And then one night, I went out there, and I said the line, and just the house went down.

  • You killed it.

  • Killed.

  • And I was like, ´Oh, I found it.´ ´This is such a good feeling

  • I´m...

  • And I just like...

  • And so then, of course, I leaned into it, because you do.

  • And so I lean into it, and I´m just...

  • The audience is losing their minds.

  • I look into the wings.

  • The cast is losing their minds.

  • I´m high-fiving myself in my head.

  • I´m just like, ´I´ve arrived.´ ´This is happening

  • Yes.

  • And I get off stage, and I´m just like, ´Well...´

  • And they go, ´Did you see the raccoons

  • And I´m like, ´The what

  • And then they just go, ´Behind you.´ ´As soon as you came on stage, ´a family of raccoons came out.´ ´They were so cute.´ ´Couldn´t focus on the scene, ´because the raccoons were so cute.´ ´So I was like, ´Well, actually, ´high-five to the raccoons

  • See? That´s to it.

  • You got to work with everybody.

  • Absolutely.

  • You got to work.

  • You play well with others.

  • Let´s talk about the idea of you.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • Buddy, the trailer alone has gotten over 125 million views.

  • It crushed.

  • Broke the record.

  • Most-watched trailer of any streaming movie in history.

  • Can we set up what the movie´s about?

  • Oh, sure, sure.

  • The story´s about Solène Marchand, who is a woman who lives in Silver Lake.

  • She´s a gallery owner.

  • She´s a mom, and she´s got this really wonderful life, and she unexpectedly meets the lead singer of the biggest boy band in the world, a 24-year-old young man named Hayes Campbell.

  • Yeah.

  • And he thinks she´s kind of great.

  • Yeah.

  • And so the story is about how they fall in love.

  • Yeah, because you´re just a mom, and you´re chaperoning this thing, and you go to this thing, and then you see this boy band.

  • I love hearing you describe my movie.

  • Just a mom.

  • I can do it.

  • Yeah, you´re a mom in this thing.

  • That´s how I describe it.

  • I just...

  • Mom, you´re chaperoning, like, a Coachella type of thing, like a giant outdoor festival thing.

  • And the biggest boy band in the world, and then lead singer.

  • Oh, yes.

  • So, my daughter´s off watching St. Vincent.

  • Because she doesn´t like the boy bands anymore.

  • She liked them in seventh grade.

  • But, anyway, I have a backstage pass, so I´m all-access thing.

  • I have to go to the bathroom.

  • Somebody tells me where the trailers are.

  • I go, and I walk into the wrong trailer.

  • Yeah.

  • And the rest is hijinx ensues.

  • Remind me of the actor who plays the lead singer.

  • Nick Galatzin.

  • Oh, man.

  • You guys have great chemistry.

  • I mean, thank you.

  • Did you know when he was auditioning, you go, oh, this is the guy?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • No, as soon as he...

  • I actually burst out laughing when he walked in, because...

  • Has anybody here read the book?

  • No, we don´t read.

  • Oh, you should.

  • It´s fabulous.

  • We don´t read.

  • It´s the Tonight Show, yeah.

  • You want to go...

  • You want to go over to Stephen...

  • You want to go to Stephen Colbert if you want to get people that read books.

  • I don´t read.

  • Lame.

  • Well, you have an awesome book in store for you.

  • It´s written by...

  • Lame-o.

  • We do Audible here.

  • We do that.

  • We can do that count.

  • I think it´s time for you to date me to get me back in.

  • Yeah, I know.

  • Okay, so...

  • It´s based on this book.

  • What´s a book?

  • Yeah.

  • Too late now.

  • Too late.

  • But this is based on the big best-selling book.

  • Okay, well, the book does have a fan following somewhere.

  • And anyway, and I think the book´s incredible.

  • And Hayes Campbell is so beautifully written in the book.

  • And so we knew that we just really needed to find someone really special.

  • And he walked in.

  • And I, yeah, and I just thought, oh, that´s Hayes Campbell.

  • And that was almost two years ago.

  • And now Nick and I have become really good friends.

  • And it´s, yeah, it´s opened up in this beautiful way.

  • It´s really great.

  • I want to show everyone a clip.

  • Here´s Anne Hathaway in The Idea of You.

  • Take a look.

  • Hi again.

  • Are you a part of that ASMR community that gets off on listening to people pee?

  • No, I...

  • Because I don´t think you can just go around assuming...

  • It´s actually my trailer.

  • What?

  • It´s not literally mine.

  • You know, I don´t own it.

  • This is your trailer?

  • Yeah, I´m in the band.

  • We´re performing on the main stage.

  • I´m Hayes Campbell.

  • August Moon?

  • Yeah.

  • Well, I absolutely know who you are.

  • Um, anyway...

  • ll...

  • Yeah, come on.

  • You know how to do it.

  • Anne Hathaway, everybody.

  • The Idea of You begins streaming on Prime Video this Thursday.

  • We´ll be right back with Melanie Linsky.

  • Give it up, everybody.

  • Hey, hey, hey.

  • Hey, hey, hey.

  • Hey, hey, hey.

-"Who Doesn´t Love Anne Hathaway?"

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