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Women decide whether or not they like a guy within 15 minutes of meeting them.
女生在和男生見面的 15 分鐘之內,就決定了男生是否被淘汰出局。
That's a full 14 minutes and 59 seconds longer than YouTube viewers.
那可比 YouTube 的觀眾整整多出了 14 分 59 秒!
Welcome to DNews, I’m Ross Everett.
歡迎來到 DNews,我是 Ross Everett。
Women’s intuition, aside from being the name of my new fragrance line, is a very powerful thing.
Not unlike my new fragrance line.
From the moment a woman lays eyes on a possible mate they're analyzing their traits, deciding "Do I want my offspring to have these?"
How do we knows this? Well, findings from the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland Ohio has been doing experiments on the brains of fruit flies.
Ross, are you saying that women have the brains of fruit flies? Not at all...Men do too.
Here's a fun little factoid.
Fruit flies are often used for research because they share 60 percent of human genes.
果蠅常被拿來做研究,因為牠們和人類的基因有 60% 相同。
So when someone says you have a flea brain, they're not far off.
Our brains share six of the same chemicals that transmit messages as well as have the same division of regions that process sound, sight and smell.
Think about that next time you're about to make a big decision.
When studying these fruit fly brains, scientists identified one single gene that when mutated, rendered a female completely incapable of deciding on a mate, even when a male is trying really hard...the poor guy.
當正在研究這些果蠅大腦時,科學家發現當雌果蠅的一種基因突變時,她會完全無法決定誰來當她的伴侶,即使雄果蠅非常地賣力表現…… 可憐的兄弟。
You're not gonna get it. It's already been decided.
From there, scientists were able to map this courtship gene to a small number of excitatory neurons located in just three distinct regions of the brain.
Two of which, they never even knew had anything to do with mating behavior.
So it's that tiny number of neurons that help a lady-fly decide whether she's impressed by all of his dancing, and singing and pheromone-releasing.
And if it takes a male any longer than 15 minutes to win her over...pretty much a "no."
也就是說,男性若要花超過 15 分鐘的時間才能擄獲對方的芳心的話,這就代表你們之間「不可能」 。
So if you wanna get a big consensual "YES" from a partner, remember that always put your most exciting foot forward.
And if you get rejected, maybe it's not you, maybe it's just her excitatory neurons are just malfunctioning.
Do you find yourself gravitating towards more exciting options? Let me know in the comments down below.
Remember to like this video and subscribe to DNews for more scienti-type brain things on the regular.
記得要幫這部影片按個讚,並且訂閱 DNews,就可以定期知道更多關於腦科學的知識。
And also, if you would like to hear about the changes to California's sexual consent law, you can check out this video where I lay it all out loud in the simplest of ways.
Now in California they're flipping no means no on it's head and throwing it's legs over their shoulders consensually, of course, as they've embraced a new position on what it means to give consent.
現在在加州,對「不要」的解讀被顛倒了,當然,在一致認同的前提下,他們迎接了一個新的對「同意」的定義 。
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