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  • UGH!

  • UGH!

  • UGH!

  • Has it been three years?

  • How long has it been?

  • Mukbang was the new genre that took YouTube by storm in 2018, so popular that it made it to YouTube Rewind.

  • Wowee!

  • I want to eat something-



  • Yeah!

  • Korea!

  • Let's do it!

  • Korea style!

  • It's fun.

  • It's innocent.

  • But of course then YouTubers come in, and they gotta take everything to the next level, to the extreme.

  • Not that I've ever done that, of course.

  • What is this thumbnail?

  • I gotta hand it to Mukbang Channels, they always know how to make a good thumbnail.

  • Does anyone actually click on that and be like, wowee!

  • I can't wait to see her eat all that!

  • Mukbang for those of you who don't know is basically just people eating food on camera.

  • You know, even though I know that, any time I click on the video and all I hear is-

  • Right?

  • This for example.

  • I really shouldn't be surprised, right?

  • It is what it is.

  • It's just one of those things where you're like, that can't be it.

  • People just eat, oh wait, that's it, okay, alright.

  • But like I mentioned before, YouTubers come in, and they always take it too far.

  • It's sort of become a trend to eat.

  • The nastier the food looks, the more sort of interesting, I guess, people click on it, they wanna see.

  • This is called Mukbang ASMR.

  • If ASMR is supposed to be something nice and pleasant, this is doing the exact opposite for me.

  • I don't know what you would call that.

  • Oh, that's Mr. Krabs, no, oh, Mr. Krabs!

  • God, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it so much.

  • YouTube, please, bring it back.

  • Oh God, she's one of those YouTubers that like all the comments, so that you can't tell what people actually think.

  • It's really good, YouTube removed the dislikes, and now they have this.

  • There's nothing left.

  • She likes all the good ones, so they show up, right?

  • Whatever, I don't care.

  • This is so gross.

  • I get, I love seafood, but this is f***ing nasty, dude, stop it.

  • I don't know what it is with like, young Asian girls eating really nasty food.

  • Why?

  • Why?

  • Stop!

  • Stop it!

  • We're not watching that.

  • I've decided.

  • You're welcome.

  • Then, of course, there's this.

  • This happened in 2019, after I made my video, and it's just, uh, it's just wild.

  • Octopus attacks live streamer as she tried to eat it alive, in China.

  • Jesus Christ, this feels like straight out of a nightmare.

  • This is the stuff I, that shows up in my dreams, and I go, oh God, you wake up and you're like, oh God, thank God that didn't happen.

  • I never thought I'd actually root for the, for the octopus.

  • This octopus accomplished something great in his life.

  • He will be an inspiration for generations to come.

  • You can do it, man.

  • Come on, man.

  • May this octopus rest in peace for being a great hero.

  • That's right.

  • I actually agree.

  • No!

  • No!

  • But it didn't end well.

  • But she's playing it up, right?

  • It's like, haha, look, it's sucking my face off.

  • Haha, it's so funny.

  • But she later begins to panic.

  • Yeah.

  • No.

  • Mm.

  • Nah.

  • Mm.

  • Yeah.

  • My skin is broken.

  • I will eat it in my next video.

  • My face is disfigured.

  • The industrial revolution and its consequences.

  • To be fair, there are some funny mukbangs, like the guy that did the cheese thing.

  • That was funny, right?

  • Bro, just turn it off.

  • Jesus Christ.

  • I love when he actually managed to do it too.

  • Nice.

  • But some good doesn't outweigh the bad.

  • Oh, God.

  • This girl again.

  • Dislike button.

  • Bring it back.

  • Thank you.

  • Comments turn off.

  • Pussy.

  • God damn it.

  • Dislike button.

  • It still hurts, man.

  • I know.

  • Listen, I know.

  • It's a fucking fish who gives a shit, right?

  • But still, there is someone mistreating an animal at the end of the day.

  • I don't mean to be gay or moral.

  • It's moral.

  • Poor.

  • But, like, it's done on camera in front of millions of people, and it's fine, apparently.

  • And it's also weird.

  • Like, I'm not allowed to say what I actually think about this without YouTube coming in and being like, that's bullying.

  • You can't say that.

  • And we also have this girl.

  • I guess she's like the last boss.

  • I don't know what she eats, and I don't want to know what she eats.

  • What is that?

  • Don't answer.

  • Only wrong answers are allowed.

  • She always pours that sauce on, too.

  • That does not make it better.

  • She eats it like it's Chinese propaganda.

  • Oh, so good.

  • So yummy, yummy.

  • So she tries to pull out this snail thing.

  • I don't know what it is.

  • I don't care.

  • I don't care.

  • Stop telling me.

  • So she can't get it out.

  • So she just tries to, like, again, pour the fucking sauce on it.

  • And then bite it.

  • She clearly can't bite it.

  • Now, like, what are you doing here?

  • I don't want to know what that is.

  • I don't know.

  • That's fermented soybeans.

  • I actually know what that is.

  • That's a Japanese thing.

  • I don't know why they eat that.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • All right.

  • Anyway, long story short, I hate it.

  • Now, I made this video about Mukbang three years ago, and there was two YouTubers I brought up.

  • One of them was Nikan Avocado, and I kind of wanted to check in, see how they're doing.

  • This is from 2018.

  • Let's check them out today.

  • It's funny.

  • He's trying to sell his own clothing that he doesn't even fit into.

  • Nikan Avocado is the American final boss of Mukbang.

  • I gotta hand it to him.

  • Like, no one does thumbnails better than Nikan Avocado.

  • Because no one else can go from the spiciest instant noodles in the world to we broke up.

  • Extreme fire noodle challenge with Hungary.

  • I feel like I always hear something going on in the background of Nikan Avocado, and I just cannot be bothered to figure out what is actually happening.

  • But I do remember he did a response to my video, and, you know, at least, you know, I know he can laugh at himself.

  • He's not taking it too seriously.

  • My viewers, I'm doing this for life.

  • Once I hit 30, I'm done.

  • I'm going back to a healthy diet.

  • I remember that.

  • He said once I'm 30, he's done.

  • He's 29 now.

  • I feel like if he managed to just, like, lose all his weight and come back super ripped, that would be the funniest sh**.

  • That would be such a funny conclusion to his whole saga of degeneracy.

  • I don't know what to call it.

  • I literally keep revising this channel every once in a while to see if he's still...

  • I feel like that's the whole reason we made this video.

  • I'm like, ah, I wonder what they're doing.

  • Oh, it's the same old thing.

  • Except it's blue now.

  • I really appreciate the Coke Zero as well.

  • It's good to cut down on your calories.

  • Sometimes.

  • I guess my final take on mukbang is that I hate it.

  • It grosses me out.

  • Clearly, people like it.

  • Anything YouTube related is gonna be, uh, exploited to the max, I guess you could say.

  • I just find it weird how this kind of stuff YouTube is just...

  • And I'm not saying they should do anything about it.

  • I'm just saying, observing how it works, like, this is all fine, like, it's treating animals, just blatantly promoting obesity.

  • I know they're not condoning it, especially Nikado has never condoned it, but, you know, it has its effect still.

  • Kids are impressionable, right?

  • As someone who's dealt with so much censorship on this platform, it's like, what? Really?

  • I'm just baffled by it.

  • I'm not saying I disagree with it existing at all.

  • It's just weird when you find these different corners on YouTube, and you're like, oh, this is fine.

  • Oh, why? Okay.

  • Anyway, what do you think?

  • Let me know in the comments.

  • Smash like, subscribe, and you could win a billion dollars.

  • Subscribe now.

  • You could.


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