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  • Do you have any idea what's going on today?

  • I might have a slight idea.

  • We're surprising your family!

  • By flying back to New York and showing Sunny off!

  • Howdy partners!

  • Welcome to the Pattersons!

  • Today's video is probably going to be one of the most insane we've ever done.

  • We are going to be surprising my family, which is also now your family.

  • My family.

  • In New York, they have no idea that we're coming.

  • They have no idea that Sunny is coming.

  • The only person that knows is my sister Liz because she's going to be picking us up.

  • I think Sunny thinks we're leaving him.

  • You're coming with us, buddy!

  • Look at all this stuff!

  • You're never packing again.

  • I only have one bag.

  • One bag!

  • This is Monica's.

  • No, that one's ours.

  • This is my hand luggage, okay?

  • And I even have some of Monica's stuff in here.

  • This one, I think, is all mine.

  • Is this all mine?

  • It's not, is it?

  • You put stuff in here as well?

  • Yeah, just one thing.

  • It's a good little workout, this.

  • Hey, Sunny!

  • How are you feeling, buddy?

  • Your first big, proper family trip.

  • So we haven't eaten yet and our flight leaves at 1.15.

  • We're arriving at 12.57.

  • We had to stop for food because we're hungry.

  • I think we made a big, big mistake, didn't we?

  • I do.

  • Except, guys, with this airline, we only have to arrive 20 minutes before our flight, thankfully, so we don't have to do all the other stuff.

  • But we have a dog who needs lunch.

  • We have, like, 17 bags and we've got to park the car as well.

  • Yeah.

  • We genuinely might miss it.

  • I'm being deadly serious.

  • We might miss the flight.

  • A Christmas miracle just happened!

  • I'm not even joking you right now.

  • I just got a text.

  • Our flight was 1.15.

  • I just got a text.

  • Our flight is now estimated to depart at 2pm.

  • That is literally a Christmas miracle.

  • Because we've been so stressed out.

  • We're like, we really might miss this flight.

  • Do we get a hotel and try to book a flight for tomorrow?

  • Like, we've been freaking out.

  • That is so good.

  • Now I feel bad because I didn't even eat my sandwich because I was so stressed out.

  • Like, I lost my appetite.

  • We have arrived.

  • It is 1.05, so thank goodness our flight's not at 1.15 still.

  • Sunny is a tired little baby.

  • Hi, baby boy munchkin man.

  • You want your lunch?

  • You want lunch?

  • He's being so good, isn't he?

  • He's being so well-behaved.

  • Oh my goodness, this is doggy heaven.

  • There's another Sunny.

  • Look at the twins.

  • Sunny's being such a good boy.

  • Here we go.

  • He's being a really good boy, isn't he?

  • There's only four people on the plane.

  • There's a dog there.

  • And there's a dog back there as well.

  • This is incredible.

  • How are you feeling?

  • Really excited.

  • How are you feeling, buddy?

  • He said really good.

  • He's watching outside.

  • And we're done!

  • You did so good, buddy.

  • Sunny didn't sleep.

  • Now, it's time for Sunny to meet the family.

  • To surprise the family, should I say.

  • Oh, he's a happy boy.

  • He's tired.

  • Let's go.

  • We're in the car.

  • What is the plan for surprising everybody?

  • It's a really good question.

  • Should we surprise your dad tonight then?

  • And stay at your grandma's?

  • We should probably do that, right?

  • Look, Liz got Sunny an early Christmas present.

  • Hey, buddy.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • Look at the tail going.

  • He knows he's good-looking as well, doesn't he?

  • We're outside Monica's grandma's house right now.

  • Where my dad and Bentley are.

  • The plan is, Monica's going to go in with Liz.

  • And then she's going to text me.

  • And I'm going to come in with Sunny in a couple of minutes' time.

  • You had mashed potatoes without me?

  • What?

  • No way!

  • Hi, honey!

  • Hi, honey!

  • You came to the cold?

  • You guys are too much.

  • You came solo?

  • Yeah, we couldn't find a babysitter for Sunny.

  • Did someone order a puppy?

  • Good boy!

  • You guys really pulped it up.

  • How you doing, dude?

  • We just got up.

  • It's the next morning.

  • Monica's soon-to-be sister-in-law, we'll say, Danielle, just texted us saying you're on Long Island, question mark.

  • Does she have your location on?

  • Should we break the news to her?

  • We have to.

  • But she doesn't know that Sunny and I are here.

  • So Sunny can still be the surprise.

  • Next surprise is coming right up.

  • So Robert is helping Liz with something at her apartment right now.

  • So Liz is going to get Robert to come over here somehow.

  • And again, we're going to do the whole I'm going to show up first, and then they don't know.

  • And soon it's Sunny.

  • I think it's just Robert, my brother Robert.

  • I don't think Danielle has girlfriends with him.

  • Let's do this!

  • Come on in.

  • What's up?

  • I didn't think you were here.

  • What?

  • I'm here!

  • Hi!

  • Hi, Bob!

  • You got to come here.

  • Hi, honey!

  • Did you notice?

  • Yeah, Liz picked me up.

  • Wait, is that why you asked for help?

  • Yes!

  • My apartment!

  • What's up, dude?

  • Uncle Bob is here!

  • Uncle Bob is here!

  • We flew!

  • You did!

  • Surprise!

  • Hi, honey!

  • That was a good surprise, I feel like.

  • Give me a tissue.

  • Sure.

  • Surprise!

  • Surprise!

  • Oh, my God!

  • Hello!

  • That's the real surprise.

  • He told me he wasn't here.

  • I thought she didn't see me.

  • Robert didn't actually need a tissue.

  • Yeah, and now I just took the whole toilet paper roll.

  • It's the biggest thing I've ever seen.

  • Okay, so now that Danielle's here, we just have Joanie and Jacqueline left.

  • We finally figured out how to get Joanie here.

  • Rob walked down to Joanie's house.

  • She's giving him a lift back here.

  • He's going to somehow try and convince her to come in the house.

  • I just don't know how she's going to go inside because she literally will knock it out the car.

  • It's so cold!

  • I think this is the biggest surprise of all because she's going to freak seeing Sunny.

  • I would genuinely say I think Sunny prefers Joanie to me.

  • No.

  • Back into the bathroom we go, buddy.

  • Let's see if we can bring Joanie in here somehow.

  • Where's Judy?

  • Oh, you came for Judy?

  • I came for Mimi.

  • Holy s***!

  • Monica!

  • I need to go shopping now.

  • I need to get ready for this.

  • Where's he at?

  • He's not here.

  • He had to stay, honey.

  • He couldn't bring the baby.

  • We were going to do the drive, but it's too much.

  • Monica!

  • Idiot.

  • Didn't I bring the baby?

  • Mommy!

  • Hi!

  • Hi!

  • No!

  • I can't believe it!

  • Finally!

  • We're at Liz and Jake's apartment right now.

  • And my sister Jacqueline is coming.

  • Monica's going to be pretending to be Jake, sat around on the chair.

  • I need a hat or a hood.

  • Oh, Jake?

  • What up, bro?

  • It's me.

  • I'm Hannah Montana.

  • I haven't been here in a while.

  • Me either!

  • Stop.

  • I was crying like...

  • Oh, honey!

  • I can't believe you're not going to be here for Christmas.

  • I love you!

  • What?

  • I can't believe it!

  • I didn't bring your gift!

  • It's okay, honey.

  • I didn't want to tell anybody.

  • Only Liz knew.

  • I was saying it's so sad that she's not coming.

  • Now where's Sunny?

  • No!

  • We were going to do the drive, but the drive was too much.

  • Yeah, so we flew instead.

  • Stop!

  • Oh, my God!

  • Stop!

  • Stop!

  • Stop!

  • Help me!

  • Oh, hi, honey!

  • Hi, honey.

  • This is the best gift!

  • Sunny, it's an earring!

  • Yay!

  • Oh, my God!

Do you have any idea what's going on today?

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