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  • What is copion?

  • Copion is a slang term that combined cope with opium.

  • It is used humorously to describe how someone might deal with disappointment or failure.

  • The idea is that copion is a fictional substance people use to comfort themselves when things don't go their way, similar to how opium might dope physical pain.

  • The term is often used in online community, particularly in gaming and social media, to mock individuals or groups perceived to be in denial about an unfavorable situation.

  • For example, if a sport team loses a crucial match, fans of the opposing team might say the losing fans are huffing copion to cope with their defeat.

  • Overall, copion highlights the human tendency to find ways to mentally or emotionally mitigate unpleasant realities.

  • Example sentence.

  • After losing five games in a row, the fans were on a steady diet of copion, convincing themselves that next season would be their year.

What is copion?

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