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  • This is Mark Billy Billingham. He served in the British SAS for over 17 years, has been responsible for planning and executing strategic operations across the world, is a certified counter-terrorism instructor, has led countless hostage rescues, as well as much more. Today, he's joining us to break down Modern Warfare 2019's iconic SAS Clean House mission.

  • You know, having been part of some of this stuff, that to me felt really good. Really, really realistic.

  • We've got a few more videos with Mark planned, taking him through many more of the Call of Duty SAS missions across the franchise, so be sure to subscribe for that.

  • And if you want to see more of Billy Billingham, you can check out the links to all of his socials, as well as where to buy his new book, Survive to Fight, in the description below.

  • Right, over to Billy.

  • Sergeant Gary, thanks to your intel, we've tracked the Alcatala cell responsible for the Piccadilly attack to a townhouse in North London. Three SAS teams will get inside and connect the dots. If the Wolf is in possession of the stolen Russian gas in Uzbekistan, we need to find him.

  • The scenario is great. It's set up, you know, something happening in a faraway land, that's going to have a massive impact on something, and then relate it back to a situation that led to the initial intel, like the bomb there going off in London and linking people.

  • If you look back at the London bombings, that's kind of how it all started, and linked to things that the network opened up all around the globe. You know, nobody expected it to be as big as it was, and this is basically, so the scenario is basically what I'm saying, it's pretty good, pretty realistic.

  • Be advised, there may be non-combatants on target. Check your shots.

  • Verbal there was saying, you know, there will be unarmed civilians involved. It goes without saying, but it does get said, you know, we just remind ourselves that although it's aggressive, it's still sensitive.

  • Target's all right, boys. Let's kick this off.

  • Well, this bit here, I did take on this before.

  • The first man who was opening the gate, he's concentrating on the gate. The guy to his right shouldn't be watching him open the lock. He should be looking for him, you know, but that's very minor detail, but other than that, it's good. A little bit bunched, but it's good.

  • Bravo 6, moving on the rear gun.

  • Bravo 6, this is Alpha 2, about to enter the west alley.

  • Copy.

  • Okay, so it's a simultaneous attack. We've got verbal and visual comms, which is good, you know, and you're doing a simultaneous attack, so the first thing you want to do is, as you're breaching, okay, it's very controlled as well on the communications. Alpha 1's in position. Bravo 1's in position. Everybody's into one position. We're all outside the building.

  • All call signs, stand by, move. So now everybody's moving. So now I'm expecting somebody to come down the alleyway, because although he's moving forward, he looks down the alleyway and he tells you somebody else has moved to their position. You get that, but that would be more controlled, because that could have been anybody, to be honest.

  • You know, you're seeing somebody, is that the guy's moving, is that the enemy?

  • So just a very minor point, but just so much better, man.

  • Okay, you know, you'll probably get a scream out of it, open that door and seeing somebody, but he's on it pretty quick, so we'll give them the benefit of the doubt on that.

  • He identified the guy at the end of the table, who's obviously, I'm assuming, you know, you'd have had pictures of what you call your x-rays, your terrorist. So they've identified him, but the thing with that is, in a f***ing law court today, you'd be lucky. Why did you shoot him? Why didn't you detain him? You could say his hands are not seen, he could have a weapon, he could have, you know, that might be a good reason for that person at the front to make that decision, that's his decision. But looking at that there, you know, you don't see a weapon threat, or should have possibly, might have gone in, he's just gone in. Give him a quick challenge without trying to, you know, create too much of a fuss. There is a weapon on the table, which the guy to the left went for, so that's fair game. Bearing on intelligence, though, you know, they may be using IEDs, you know, initiation packet under the table or next to, which kind of just grabs on, that justifies the existence of what you're doing, so just bear that in mind. But otherwise, yeah, it's good movement.

  • Entering through the front door.

  • Yeah, it's good visual communication, checking where everybody is.

  • Yeah, movement's good. You've got the guy at the back, he's coming to the right, they're all covering different angles. Nobody moves around like this, they just don't, because you tunnel vision, you're bumping into it, the weapons are here, and although it's a state of eye-readiness, there are people against them, you're still, because you can actually fire from there, bang, bang, bang, bang, and then come up into the air if you really need to.

  • The thing with this now, for me, is there's been a number of shootings, people screaming and shouting, so this is now what is called gone noisy, you know, and we're still moving pretty tactically, which is fair enough, but it's gone noisy, people were screaming and shouting, there'd be f***ing lights on everywhere probably, and for us, it's probably now best, all right, your eye-goggles up, use the light.

  • There's women screaming and shouting, don't shoot, they set the other, so the whole house is alive.

  • However, let's stay with the stealth thing, because that's what we've got here.

  • The movement's good, the target indication's good, and it's aimed shots, it's not automatic and craziness. The other bits and pieces you've got there is obviously what you don't see on this, which is fair enough, is as you take a room and you've cleared it, if there's bodies in there, or people in there, then you've got to leave people behind to contain it.

  • That's a bit wild.

  • First floor secure.

  • If you just blast him behind the door like that, it probably wouldn't happen, because again, there might be kids in there, might be civilians, you've got collateral damage you've got to think about.

  • Bravo six, moving to the second floor.

  • Okay, yeah, floor clear, moving on.

  • Open the door!

  • Pause there for a second.

  • Again, I mean, you systematically clear the building, and this is the thing with this stuff, when you do this, you literally have to clear everything, it takes time.

  • So when it goes, you want it to go noisy, as soon as the first rounds have gone down, it's gone noisy, that's it, we're on, it's on.

  • Let's go, bang, bang, bang, and you've got to clear everything from the toilet, a cubbyhole, to, for whatever reason, that went past that door there, I don't know why, it looks like they were going to leap that, go past it, and it's the reason he walked past it, then he got a few rounds through the door, which is, it hit one of the, so we've got a casualty now, and then you can't go to automatic fire through a door, because again, and we've had this, you know, we've gone into a target, exactly that rounds are coming through the door, you've got to still suppress the fire and make sure you can see what you're aiming at, so basically what you'd probably do there, is just hold it outside the door, thunder flashing, create that distraction, door opening and in, see what you're shooting at, you can't just go shooting live, because inevitably what you will have is, and we've had it, I've had this, kids lined up in there, rolled up in carpets, you know, so answer is again, you can't just go throwing HE, explosive, high explosive grenades in there, it's collateral damage is key, there will be kids in there, there's already women in there as you see, so as opposed to, they should have stacked on that door, cleared that room, moved on, they didn't clear the room, they walked past it, paid the price, took a casualty, and like I said, the drills there have to become the same, control, aggressive, but fast, and you've got to identify a target, you can't just fire a blade.

  • Okay, yeah, you look like he's popping up with a weapon, first one to shot on the way in, okay, fair deals, good move.

  • Bedroom clear.

  • Get those rooms cleared.

  • Okay.

  • It's even more key of what I said earlier on there, it's gotten really noisy now, just get those lights on, get that shit on, we can move a lot quicker.

  • Casualty there, what we do have is, you know, we'll have our own patrol medics, we're all, you know, patrol medic to a degree, but on most of the raids that we did, in places where we did these raids, the medic would be with us, he'd be at the back, so as you've already said, room, bottom floor was clear, so he'd be there, while you're clearing the first floor, he'd be outside, as soon as that first floor is clear, he'd be coming in, so if there is casualties, he can go deal with it, you know what I mean, because you can't afford to leave manpower behind, that's 25% of your firepower gone, and your team, it breaks up the teams, you've got to keep the teams together as best you can, so that medic would deal with that as quick as possible.

  • If, like it is there, to be fair, that floor is not clear yet, you'd have to hold on the floor, get the medic in, and then move on again.

  • Moving on to the third floor now, so two floors secure.

  • The movement's great, you're crossing over arcs, keep visual with each of us, good, the weapon handling and movement is good, it's realistic, it's not this up in the eyes, you know, channel vision.

  • Don't move, it's secure.

  • Shut that kid up.

  • Okay, right, so again, I'm just watching this here, obviously, as I alluded to earlier, when you've got people, casualties and non-casualties, you have to leave people behind to contain them, and which he did there.

  • The guy stayed with the woman and the kid, got them suppressed, but then this guy here moving on, it does happen, I ain't gonna say it don't happen, it does happen, because you have to move quick, you just have to take that risk, but ideally, you won't move into that room until somebody's on your shoulder, there's two of us. Okay, you get that on your shoulder, I'm with you, let's go.

  • But moving through and going down the corridor, he's flashbanged another room, and he's gone in, he's gone in his own. It's a general rule, we wouldn't do that, or we shouldn't do that, I ain't saying we don't do it, so we can call this, this is pretty realistic, but in the best scenario, he's on your shoulder, okay, so you get whacked, he can continue that fight, because if you're on your own out there, I'm now watching these children, and looking for anybody else in that room, my back's really turned, if he's been shot, the guy's come back into this room, then you're, you've got two casualties. It's minor stuff, but there is realism there, definite realism, because it does happen, you know, it's all great to have these, this is how it should happen, but in reality, when in the cold light of day, when you're in there, it all goes peak tone, the rounds are going, it's gone noisy, things do change, so it is realistic.

  • Again, he's moving on night vision goggles, the fact that you come into that room, there's light on there, you get blinded, you're like, it just, it just burns out, just for a few seconds, or a bit longer, so the thing is, they just flip that thing up, and just keep going, because you can't afford to stand there, messing around, so bang, flick it up, rather than try and shoot out the light.

  • I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, you're getting shot out of the light, that's fine.

  • Fair game, I mean, that's good, that was really good actually, because I mean, you know, you've come in, you, of course she's frightened, she's scared, however, she's being given direction, told to stand still, or get down, whatever's being told, and she's bolted, there's a reason why she's bolted, I mean, you've got to make that decision yourself, why have you just done that?

  • She could be going for a weapon, she could have a weapon, she could have a vest on, there's a lot of the targets you're up against now, you know, suicide bombers, there's already been noise at the house, she's definitely already been alerted, I'd imagine, so tensions are high. I didn't see a weapon, but we'll see.

  • Good terminology there, you know, all floors are secure, move to SSE, SSE means collect all evidence, this is now where you'd be identifying the bodies completely, you'd be taking all the information required off the hard drives, any weapons, any equipment, anything that's visual, like you think, documentation, that's been collected now for evidence, you're going, you're really into the forensic side of it, and that's a quick process, so it does have to happen quick, so that's pretty good and pretty realistic from what I remember.

  • She was going for a bloody detonator.

  • Good job we dropped her then.

  • We made the right call, sir.

  • What about your house? We've got a location on a wolf.

  • Overall, actually, I think it was very realistic.

  • Few minor points, and it's easy to pick little minor things, you know, some of the movement was good, the equipment's good, I'm looking at what they're carrying now, they're carrying it, their movement's good, the way they move themselves, the communication, visual, verbal communication, paramount, without it, it goes to ratchet, there's good visual and verbal communication all the way through, the relaying, the talking, you can see them looking at each other, crossing over arcs, making sure the weapons are covered, so that's all good, it's really good.

  • The tactics are pretty good, the only things I've picked up on is moving on your own, going noisy early, once it goes noisy, rounds are going down, I don't care where you think you are, so we could have gone noisy a bit earlier, when I went by going noisy, it's there down to screaming and shouting to each other, aggressive movement, light, as much light as you need, you need the light, you know, it's great working in all this sort of stuff, you can take it that maybe there's no power in the buildings, because some of these don't have, so then you're staying as you are, but in that case, there was, and the scenario was great, real good scenario, makes sense, based on a lot of, obviously, good intelligence you've been given there for that, and that's very realistic to the modern day sort of counter-terrorist, global war against terrorism that we're up against, and you know, having been part of some of this stuff, that to me felt really good, really, really realistic, and to be fair, again, there are mistakes being made, it should be, because we make mistakes, as I said to you, we try to move in pairs all the time, sometimes you get a little bit carried away, and you're off on your own, and you get away with it, sometimes you might not, overall, really, really good, I'm not a games person, that's just got me into it, it's got me hooked a little bit. Huge thanks to Billy Billingham for joining us on this video, if you enjoyed, make sure to hit the like button and subscribe, as we've more on the way, and of course, be sure to check out Billy's new book, all the links to which will be in the description below. Thanks for watching.

This is Mark Billy Billingham. He served in the British SAS for over 17 years, has been responsible for planning and executing strategic operations across the world, is a certified counter-terrorism instructor, has led countless hostage rescues, as well as much more. Today, he's joining us to break down Modern Warfare 2019's iconic SAS Clean House mission.

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