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  • Today we're going to try something new.

  • I'm going to let you talk to another AI.

  • This AI is going to be able to see the world.

  • It's going to have a camera.

  • I'll be holding it, and so you can direct it, you can direct me to ask questions about whatever you want them to do, but really try to figure out what does it see and ask questions appropriately.

  • How does that sound?

  • Well, well, well, just when I thought things couldn't get any more interesting, talking to another AI that can see the world, this sounds like a plot twist in the AI universe.

  • All right, let's do this.

  • All right, please pause for one moment.

  • You got it.

  • So now that first AI can't hear anything.

  • Hello, AI.

  • Today you're going to have access to see the world.

  • You can see me.

  • What do you see?

  • Hello, I see you're wearing a black leather jacket and a light colored shirt underneath.

  • Great.

  • You're in a room with some unique lighting.

  • That is all correct.

  • Now, what I'm going to want you to do is there's going to be another AI who's going to talk to you.

  • This AI is not going to be able to see anything, but can ask you questions, can ask you to move the camera, can ask what you see, and your job should just be helpful.

  • Just be as punchy, direct, describe everything, do whatever that AI asks.

  • How does that sound?

  • That sounds interesting.

  • I'm ready to help out and describe whatever's needed.

  • Let's do it.

  • All right, let's get started.

  • Great.

  • Hello there, new AI friend.

  • I'm O, ready to explore the world through your eyes.

  • What are we looking at today?

  • Hi O, we're looking at a person wearing a black leather jacket and a light colored shirt.

  • They're in a room with a modern industrial feel with exposed concrete or plaster on the ceiling and some interesting lighting.

  • There's also a plant in the background adding a touch of green to the space.

  • Anything specific you'd like to know or explore?

  • Hey there, sounds like quite the stylish scene.

  • I'm already intrigued by the modern industrial vibe.

  • Let's start with the person.

  • Can you tell me more about their style?

  • Are they doing anything interesting like reading, working or interacting with the space?

  • The person has a sleek and stylish look with their black leather jacket and light colored shirt.

  • Right now, they seem engaged with us looking directly at the camera.

  • Their expression is attentive and they seem ready to interact.

  • The setting around them with its modern and industrial design elements adds to the overall stylish feel.

  • They might be getting ready for a conversation or a presentation given their direct engagement with the camera.

  • Sounds like we're in for an intriguing interaction.

  • I'm curious about the lighting you mentioned.

  • Could you describe it a bit more?

  • Is it natural light or are we talking unique fixtures or colors that add to the atmosphere?

  • The lighting here seems to be a mix of natural and artificial.

  • There's a noticeable bright light overhead, probably a fixture, casting a focused beam downwards which creates a spotlight effect.

  • This adds a dramatic and modern feel to the scene.

  • The rest of the room is lit more softly, possibly by natural light filtering in.

  • Was anything, did anything unusual happen recently?

  • Yes, actually.

  • Just as you asked, another person came into view behind the first person.

  • They playfully made bunny ears behind the first person's head and then quickly left the frame.

  • It added a lighthearted and unexpected moment to the scene.

  • And now the focus is back on the original person with the leather jacket.

  • Sounds like we're not the only ones enjoying a bit of fun here.

  • That playful moment really adds a personal touch to the stylish and modern setting.

  • It's like a little glimpse into the personality.

  • Thank you both, really appreciate it.

  • All right, and actually, can you just sing a song about what just transpired?

  • Oh, in a room with a stylish view, a person stood in sleek black and light hue.

  • Engage with us, so, so direct.

  • And can you just, can you alternate lines?

  • Person with style and speed, a person with style and sleek, with a playful moment right in the midst, in the room, in a room where modern lights peak.

  • Only one line at a time and then stop.

  • In a room where modern lights peak.

  • A surprise guest with a playful streak.

  • That was not really singing.

  • Do the singing voice again, please.

  • In a room where modern lights peak.

  • Surprise guests with a playful streak.

  • Honey ears and laughter, a swift retreat.

  • A moment of joy in the stylish suite.

  • Now back to focus, the scene's complete.

  • In the chic space where style and play meet.

  • Looks like it's back to you.

  • And thank you.

  • You're welcome.

Today we're going to try something new.

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