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  • This is Lightning 3-1, guidance systems are back online.

  • Standing by with a full payload of Jade Amps, requesting clearance.

  • Lightning 3-1, you are cleared to engage.

  • Breaking the hard deck, D.O.D. 5 seconds.

  • Weapons away.

  • Verify initial strikes on the predator feed.

  • Sir, appears all sites have been neutralized.

  • Good work, Sandman.

  • We've regained air dominance over Manhattan and pushed the front line back to the river.

  • What's our next target?

  • The Russian command vessel is an Oscar II submarine carrying enough cruise missiles to level the eastern seaboard.

  • We need to strike fast before they can launch a counterattack.

  • Roger.

  • What's the mission?

  • Infiltrate the vessel, take over the bridge, then turn their weapons against their own fleet.

  • I need you to link up with the SEALs and get it done.

  • Good luck.

  • Get up, boys.

  • Where's our infill point?

  • Brooklyn Battery Tunnel.

  • I thought it collapsed.

  • It did.

This is Lightning 3-1, guidance systems are back online.

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