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How do you end your emails in English?
Best regards?
Best regards(致以最誠摯的問候)?
Sure, those are okay, but what if you want to add a little flare to your emails and still be professional?
Hi, I'm your English coach, Christina, and welcome to Speak English with Christina, where we eliminate what's blocking you and increase your confidence in business English step by step.
嗨,我是各位的英語教練 Christina,歡迎來到 Speak English with Christina,我們將在這裡消除你的障礙,逐步增強你對商務英語的信心。
Now, in this episode, we're not going to debate the nuances between "kind regards" and "best regards".
在這一集裡,我們不會討論 kind regards 和 best regards 之間的細微差別。
- "Kind regards" is just friendlier. - "Best regards" is just fine.
- Kind regards 就是比較友善。 - Best regards 完全沒問題。
- But I... I think "kind regards" is better. - "Best regards" is like the professional standard.
- 但我⋯⋯我覺得 kind regards 更好。 - Best regards 根本是專業標準。
But, yeah, you want something, you know, kind of human, too.
Honestly, both are fine, both are pretty neutral.
And, instead, I want to share with you three fun but professional ways to leave a memorable, positive impression with your emails in English.
Now, first step, why bother to use something different than the standard "best regards"?
第一步,為什麼要使用與標準 best regards 不同的詞語?
First, you're more memorable because you did something different.
Two, you're also more memorable because you created a positive emotion for your reader.
And all of that means that you're more likely to get a response and maybe get some more business.
So, to stop being boring with your email sign-off and to spread some positivity, here's our next step⏤
exactly what you can say, or write, rather.
To compliment someone on their work or their contribution to a project, "Keep up the good work".
要讚美某人的工作或他們對項目的貢獻:Keep up the good work(繼續努力)。
If someone is doing work for you and you're very satisfied, let them know.
It'll encourage them to continue doing great work, and everybody loves a little pat on the back.
這會鼓勵他們繼續出色地工作,而且每個人都喜歡別人讚揚自己。(譯註:a pat on the back 直譯為「拍一下背」,引申為「讚揚,稱讚」的意思。)
Pat on the back.
To express gratitude in a meaningful way, "Thank you for...," and then something specific that they did.
以一種有意義的方式表達感激之情:先寫 Thank you(謝謝你),然後說明他們所做的具體事項。
For example, "Thank you for taking the time to clarify those details."
例如:Thank you for taking the time to clarify those details.(謝謝你花時間澄清這些細節)。
This is much more powerful than the generic "Thanks for your help," and it creates this nice feeling of "aw...".
這比一般的 thanks for your help(謝謝你的幫忙)要有力得多,而且會讓人產生窩心感,(譯註:aw... 為狀聲詞,通常是表示喜愛的感嘆詞)
and that makes the reader like you a little better.
To get some positive energy before an event, "I can't wait to...," and then something specific that's coming soon, "...with you".
為了在活動前獲得一些正能量:I can't wait to(我已經迫不及待⋯⋯),然後是一些即將發生的具體事情,with you(和你一起)。
I'll give you an example.
I can't wait to start the project with you.
I can't wait to start the project with you.
The excitement is contagious.
When the other person sees that you're excited about the event, they become excited about the event, too.
And that, again, just creates that nice, positive energy.
Now, before you go, can I ask you to do two things?
The first is to go to and sign up for my free newsletter so that I can continue to help you become more confident in business English.
首先,請前往 並註冊、訂閱我的免費電子報,這樣我就能繼續幫你們更自信地使用商務英語。
And the second thing, let's take a few more steps together to continue increasing your confidence.
I created a playlist for you to help you master, once and for all, key business situations that you encounter often in your work.
How to introduce yourself, how to answer the phone in English with confidence, and how to manage Zoom and Skype problems efficiently for all those video calls that you're doing right now.
如何自我介紹、如何自信地用英語接聽電話,以及如何有效應付 Zoom 和 Skype 問題,解決你現在所有視訊通話狀況。
Just click over there to continue learning with me, and I'll see you in the next video.