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  • All warfare is based on deception.

  • For years, the West's hypocrisy has made the world a battlefield.

  • The corrupt talk, while our brothers and sons spill their own blood.

  • Remember, you're Russian.

  • But deceit cuts both ways.

  • Russian authorities claim the attack was orchestrated by an American CIA operative named Joseph Allen.

  • The bigger the lie, the more likely people will believe it.

  • And when a nation cries for vengeance, the lie spreads like a wildfire.

  • I'm looking at fighter jets around any climes.

  • The fire builds, devouring everything in its path.

  • This is a deliberate act of war against the United States.

  • Our enemies believe that they alone dictate the course of history.

  • And all it takes is the will of a single man.

  • Your world as you knew it is gone.

  • How far will you go to bring it back?

  • Shepard created a war, but only we knew the truth.

  • Nikolai, we've got to get Svoboda here.

  • Ah, I know a place.

  • Get him inside!

  • What the hell kind of name is Svoboda?

  • His safe house is up ahead.

  • Keep moving!

  • Right on the bloody way! Get a doctor!

  • Get a doctor!

  • Get a doctor!

  • Get a doctor!

  • Get a doctor!

  • Back up! Back up!

  • Keep pressure on that wound!

  • I'm trying!

  • Hang in there, my friend.

  • He needs help now!

  • We're losing him.

  • Charging. Three, two, one, clear!

  • This is Flight 211 on the line. We're hit! We're hit!

  • What's the SIT rep on New York?

  • The Russian jamming rigs have neutralized our air support.

  • As long as they maintain air dominance, it's a losing fight.

  • We cannot lose New York.

  • Are there any special mission units in the area we can request?

  • JSOC's got a Delta Force team at Bennett Field. Call sign Metal.

  • Overlord, Metal Zero-One is up on green sat.

  • This is Sandman. Understand, we are op-con to you. Over.

  • Glad to have you in our corner, Sandman.

  • The Russians are using electronic countermeasures to jam our comms and guidance systems.

  • The primary emission tower is on top of the stock exchange.

  • I need your team to destroy it.

  • The jammer's full spectrum, so until it's down, you'll have no radio contact.

  • I have Ground SS to get you close. Over.

  • Copy all. We'll get it done.

  • This is Lightning Three-One. Guidance systems are back online.

  • Standing by with a full payload of Jade Amps. Requesting clearance.

  • Lightning Three-One, you are cleared to engage.

  • Breaking the hard deck. DOT five seconds. Weapons away.

  • Verify initial strikes on the Predator feed.

  • Sir, appears all sites have been destroyed.

  • Verify initial strikes on the Predator feed.

  • Sir, appears all sites have been neutralized.

  • Good work, Sandman. We've regained air dominance over Manhattan and pushed the front line back to the river.

  • What's our next target?

  • The Russian command vessel is an Oscar Two submarine carrying enough cruise missiles to level the eastern seaboard.

  • We need to strike fast before they can launch a counterattack.

  • Roger. What's the mission?

  • Infiltrate the vessel, take over the bridge, then turn their weapons against their own fleet.

  • I need you to link up with the SEALs and get it done. Good luck.

  • Get up, boys. Where's our infill point?

  • Brooklyn Battery Tunnel.

  • I thought it collapsed.

  • It didn't.

  • All friendly call signs. We are no longer on the defensive. I repeat, consolidate and counterattack.

  • This is ODA Foxtrot. The Russians are disengaging. We got them on their heels.

  • Beyond the jagged edges of war, there were still Russians who rejected Makarov's lunacy.

  • Men willing to stand against the tide.

  • Price, we've got vital signs, but they're weak. Soap won't last without proper attention.

  • He's a hard bastard. Trust me, he'll make it.

  • We're picking up inbound signatures.

  • We've got company.

  • It's Makarov. He's tying up loose ends. Who's your best man?

  • Yuri. Ex-Spetsnaz. Only man I know who hates Makarov more than you.

  • Get him. They'll use the ridge line for cover and fly in from the south.

  • How do you know?

  • It's what I do.

  • They say truth is the first casualty of war.

  • But who defines what's true?

  • On board the plane are President Bolshevsky and his daughter Elena.

  • The Russian president is flying to Hamburg to negotiate a peace treaty with NATO delegates.

  • Truth is just a matter of perspective.

  • However, many Russians still blame America for the massacre at Zakhaev airport.

  • The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent.

  • And sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil.

  • That war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale.

  • But for now, it looks like the world may finally know peace.

  • The only truth I've found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox.

  • All it takes is someone to light the match.

  • The Russian president never arrived in Hamburg for the peace summit.

  • With his whereabouts currently unknown, no one is certain what this means for the peace treaty.

  • Looks like Makarov just played his next hand.

  • If he puts himself back on the grid, he wants it to be known.

  • So where do we start hunting?

  • Africa. Makarov's been using local paramilitary group to move shipments into Sierra Leone.

  • From there, they go towards Morocco and into Spain.

  • He's moving north.

  • Right towards Her Majesty's doorstep.

  • What's the cargo?

  • I don't know, but it's important to him.

  • Then I want it.

  • We can use the river to get in close.

  • There's a factory in the camp where they store the shipments.

  • The PRF's been waging genocide in the highlands for months.

  • They'll be everywhere.

  • Makarov wouldn't let this travel lightly if it didn't serve a greater purpose.

  • And chances are the bastard will be there personally to see things off.

  • If he's back on the grid, then so are we.

  • This is Corsica Station. We've intercepted a encrypted message.

  • Idone. That's Indigo London now.

  • Tell the British intelligence that we have a problem.

  • The French just intercepted a message concerning a suspicious shipment headed for British soil.

  • Have we identified the vessel?

  • No, sir. The call came from a number on the watch list for Fregata Industries.

  • Wake up MI5 and notify them that we have an imminent threat.

  • Gentlemen, what do we know?

  • Nothing solid. Special branches sweeping up known persons of interest, but we advise tasking SAS to investigate Tier 1 threats.

  • Patch me through to Hereford.

  • Ma'am, I understand we have unknown hostiles expecting a package.

  • MI5 has identified several possible points of entry.

  • Be advised, the nature of the cargo is currently unknown.

  • Roger. My team is making ready. We'll be on plot within the hour.

  • Don't worry, ma'am. Whatever they're up to, we'll put a stop to it.

  • At 622 Greenwich Mean Time, chemical attacks were triggered across Europe.

  • I repeat, down the street is within a contamination radius. Over.

  • It's being called the worst terror event in history.

  • This is GIGN HQ. My men are dead or dying. I've been exposed.

  • This is Ramstein. We're under attack.

  • Roger. We are aware of the gas attack and are sending decon units your way.

  • Not the gas. We're under attack by Russian grenade launchers.

  • Say again, Ramstein. What Russian forces?

  • The entire Russian army. Request immediate assistance.

  • My witnesses are now reporting Russian tanks rolling down the Champslysées.

  • This was no act of terrorism.

  • The attacks were intended to cripple our defenses and pave the way for an invasion.

  • We need to hit them now with everything we've got.

  • Sir, we've lost contact with the delegation in Hamburg.

  • Metal 01, this is Overlord Actual. You are being re-routed for Hamburg.

  • We've got a problem.

  • Metal 01, this is Overlord Actual. You are being re-routed for Hamburg.

  • We've got a principal-level hostage rescue.

  • Who is it?

  • The Vice President.

  • The Vice President.

  • O.C., we've got a caller with a lead on the chemical attack. Says he'll only speak to you.

  • Identify yourself.

  • Mac, this is John.

  • We've put a lot of names on the clock tower this week, lad.

  • It was Makarov, the bastard slipped from my fingers in Sierra Leone. What does MI6 know?

  • You're on everyone's shit list, John. There's no way I could get you clearance.

  • Don't give me that! You still owe me for Pripyat, and I'm calling it in.

  • Easy, son.

  • All right. We've traced the delivery freighter to an outfit in Bosaso, Somalia.

  • It's run by a nasty piece of work named Morabi.

  • My hands are full with the bleeding at home, so you're on your own.

  • Good hunting.

  • What should it look like?

  • A strictly second division. Local triggermen guard the compound.

  • We'll stick out like bollocks and a bulldog. Stealth's not an option.

  • Then we'll just have to kick in the front door. Tell Nikolai to ready his men.

  • Caller, please authenticate.

  • Access code Black Viking. Get me a secure line to Asset Metal Zero-One.

  • Bryce, thanks for the tip on Kingfish.

  • You should know Uncle Sam's got a kill-capture order on your head.

  • Tell him to join the bloody queue.

  • Makarov's bomb maker, Volk, is in Paris.

  • We need to act before he bolts and I can't make the window.

  • You're the only one I trust with this.

  • I'm on it.

  • The bastard used Brigadier Industries as a front to distribute the WMDs.

  • I'm en route to their European HQ.

  • French special forces have located Volk.

  • GIGN tracked him deep behind enemy lines, but they're pinned down.

  • And you want us to unpin them?

  • Prosecute the target as needed, but Volk comes back alive.

  • General, you're online with the President of the National Security Council.

  • Mr. President.

  • General, have you found Makarov yet?

  • No, but we received actionable intelligence on his bomb maker.

  • The situation is developing.

  • Developing? Do you have him or not?

  • A Delta team just took him down.

  • I'm sending you the footage now.

  • What's their status?

  • They have Volk in custody, but their OPSEC's been compromised.

  • In English, General. Please.

  • They're gonna have to shoot their way to the extraction point.

  • General, I want this man Volk alive.

  • I don't care what it takes.

  • You bring those men home in one piece.

  • Did her man talk?

  • They always talk.

  • We got names, dates, locations.

  • Volk gave us everything.

  • He even forgot her.

  • It seems your hunch was right, Captain.

  • Makarov's already making friends.

  • He's meeting with his top advisor six hours from now.

  • Location is the Hotel Lustig.

  • It's in the center of the city, near the Old Square.

  • We have Tier 1 groups assigned to handle this, but I don't think they'll make it in time.

  • But you're close.

  • Ferry, I'll contact you when it's done.

  • Makarov's council all together in the middle of a war zone.

  • Sounds convenient.

  • Overconfidence makes you careless.

  • We'll infiltrate along two separate routes.

  • So, you and Yuri head for the church and provide overwatch.

  • The city's locked down tight.

  • We'll need a backdoor.

  • Leave that to me.

  • Let's go.

  • There's a clock tower in Hereford where the names of the dead are inscribed.

  • We try to honor their deeds, even as their faces fade from our memory.

  • Those memories are all that's left when the bastards have taken everything else.

  • What happened?

  • He killed Soap.

  • He's gone, Mak.

  • What do you want from me, son?

  • A location.

  • Our Russian says Makarov used to cache weapons at an old castle near Prague.

  • He's got nothing more solid than that.

  • Can you trust him?

  • What choice do I have?

  • He's got his own reasons for wanting Makarov dead.

  • Place ring any bells?

  • Aye. We ran drones over a suspect castle back in Zakhaev's day, but we never got wind of our targets visiting the area.

  • What am I up against?

  • The place is a fortress.

  • Only one way in or out.

  • It's on the far side of the compound and a command center north of that.

  • Both were heavily guarded.

  • If Makarov's there, he'll be in that control room.

  • What's this you're sending me?

  • Equipment list.

  • That's a lot of hardware, John.

  • What do you plan on doing?

  • What you told me to do.

  • Kill them all.

  • Makarov's tracked Vorshevsky's daughter to Berlin.

  • If they find the girl, it's only a matter of time till he gives up the nuclear codes.

  • Do we have her exact location?

  • Triangulating now.

  • ISA cell phone snipers just intercepted a call from her.

  • Passing you through in three, two, one.

  • Alana Vorshevsky?

  • American Special Forces.

  • Do you speak English?

  • Yes. My security's dead.

  • They're coming for me.

  • Stay calm. We're en route to you now.

  • Where are you exactly?

  • I don't know.

  • There's a building across the road.

  • Sign on the roof says Ristov.

  • Please hurry.

  • Okay, put the phone down and don't move.

  • We'll come to you.

  • Athena is still with us.

  • Weapons tight and don't throw any shots.

  • Price, we lost the girl.

  • Looks like the helo took her to a diamond mine in Siberia.

  • We're gonna have one shot to grab the president before he gives up the launch codes and Makarov turns Europe into glass.

  • Once we get boots on the ground, it's gonna get lively down there.

  • Hopefully you can keep up, old man.

  • I know you youngsters take all the credit, so Yuri and I'll keep the neighbors in check while we roll out to secure the hostages.

  • Okay, weapons tight, guys.

  • No one likes a dead hostage.

  • What's the score, boss?

  • Everyone's hostile.

  • We cross now to the Rose Garden where the president is holding a press conference with Russian Premier Vorshevsky to formally announce an end to the hostilities.

  • On this historic day, the representatives of two great nations stand before you united.

  • There's a simplicity to war.

  • Attacking is the only secret.

  • Dare, and the world yields.

  • A chapter in which we pursue peace.

  • How quickly they forget that all it takes to change the course of history is the will of a single man.

  • Who's this?

  • Prisoner 627.

  • I'm coming for you, Makarov.

  • Haven't you heard, Price?

  • They say the war is over.

  • My war ends with you.

  • Like it ended for Captain McTavish.

  • Tell me, Price, how long did it take him to die?

  • I've destroyed your world piece by piece.

  • It's only a matter of time until I find you.

  • You won't have to look far.

All warfare is based on deception.

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