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  • These days I've been doing 10 minute breath work sessions.

  • Before I start the day, it really just sets the tone and it's quite energizing.

  • All right let's try this Hong Kong style tea.

  • Oh that's really nice.

  • It's not sweet at all.

  • I'm having James's lunch break.

  • Life update.

  • Oh, I have a daughter.

  • Yes, James is a dad.

  • My brother is a dad now.

  • I'm very busy and I have no more time.

  • Wow, that looks good.

  • This is the pineapple bun sandwich.

  • It's so strange how it's like one of it is a metal utensil and the other is plastic.

  • Do you think this is to prevent violence?

  • It's really like Hong Kong style.

  • All the hours of mukbang I watched.

  • This is one of the most unique breakfast sandwiches I've ever had.

  • It's a good mix of sweet and savory.

  • I'll come back.

  • I'm glad we came here.

  • Exactly, this is like my purpose.

  • Don't you feel like you've graduated in a sense where it's like now you actually feel like an adult.

  • That was delicious and it was actually really nice to see my brother.

  • I haven't had a one-on-one with him in at least like a couple of months.

  • I think it's because he's a dad now and when you have a baby your time really is sliced in half.

  • It does make me happy knowing that as our children get older they're gonna have each other to rely on.

  • Now let's head back over to LA.

  • So I just wrapped up my weekly therapy appointment and it was just the release that I needed.

  • I also want to take a quick minute to thank BetterHelp for sponsoring this video.

  • I feel like there's so much emphasis on taking care of our physical well-being and not enough on our mental which I think is arguably way more important because your thoughts dictate your actions.

  • So BetterHelp connects you to a licensed therapist that has been trained to listen and give helpful unbiased feedback.

  • To get started you can go to my link

  • All you need to do is answer a couple of questions and then usually within 48 hours you'll be matched with your very own licensed therapist.

  • My favorite part about BetterHelp is just the convenience of it all.

  • I love that you can schedule your appointments anywhere and then have your sessions at the comfort of your own home in whatever medium you feel most comfortable in whether that is phone call, video chat, or even messaging.

  • If you're interested let BetterHelp connect you to a therapist who can help guide and support you.

  • You can go to my link

  • That's better H-E-L-P.

  • You can also just type in Jen Im during sign up and you can enjoy a special discount off your first month.

  • Use Lightroom and literally delete me.

  • Use AI generative tools to wipe my existence.

  • I freaking love it.

  • My Mike Kelly lenticular art piece has arrived.

  • Lenticular essentially means that it moves, it articulates.

  • Mike Kelly is one of my favorite artists.

  • He was a big player during that music scene when like Sonic Youth was really popping.

  • I saw his exhibition at Hauser and Wirth and I immediately fell in love with this piece.

  • After months of deliberation I just pulled the trigger and I got it and now I have my first big girl art piece in the house.

  • Before I left I thought I would do a little outfit of the day.

  • I am definitely channeling some early 2000s millennium Y2K.

  • Some light Levi's and some boots.

  • Maybe this could be my thumbnail.

  • I am on my way to go see Christina.

  • We're squeezing in one last hang before she goes to Hong Kong for a couple of months.

  • So we're gonna have dinner at the Century City Mall.

  • We're gonna be mall rats.

  • But honestly the Century City Mall is arguably the nicest mall in LA.

  • It's manicured, polished, everything is immaculate.

  • It kind of reminds me of Singapore in a way.

  • We're just gonna peruse and see what tickles our fancy.

  • Afterwards we're gonna go to the Hammer Museum for the Seoul to LA event.

  • A bunch of cool DJs from Korea are going to be playing.

  • I am personally excited for Mindspray.

  • I love putting on his mixes.

  • Just playing as I'm cleaning or doing laundry.

  • It's just such a vibe.

  • I'll put a couple of his sets here.

  • Welcome to Century City Mall.

  • I haven't had a hot pot in a long time.

  • So it's time.

  • This looks good.

  • The hot pot bib.

  • We have the Angus signature steak for our soup base.

  • We got the spicy pork broth.

  • And then a miso.

  • Mmm.

  • Good.

  • Yeah.

  • The sky is so beautiful.

  • The sky is beautiful.

  • Hello everyone.

  • I'm currently on route to pick up Joan.

  • Yay!

  • I'm so excited to be seeing her.

  • I'm picking her up in West Hollywood.

  • Hi!

  • Oh my god, you're in LA!

  • You look so rock and roll.

  • Do I?

  • Yeah, you look amazing.

  • Thank you.

  • I love it.

  • Oh my gosh, you're all green.

  • Even your nails are green.

  • Wait, but here.

  • Let me show you the accident that happened this morning.

  • Why?

  • Look.

  • Ouch.

  • I know.

  • This happened this morning when I was closing my fridge.

  • Two of my fingers got stuck.

  • I'm going to go back to the nail person today to get them fixed.

  • Wait, the whole thing is suction now.

  • Yeah, this was $60.

  • Wow.

  • It's so good.

  • Let's try this.

  • Breakfast burrito.

  • I get it.

  • This is phenomenal.

  • We've known each other for 10 years.

  • Wait, 10 plus now?

  • Yeah.

  • So every time I'm in Korea, Joan always shows me the best time.

  • So now I'm so happy that I can return the favor and take her around LA, even though she's been to LA so many times.

  • But you're taking me to new places.

  • Like, I didn't go to that restaurant before.

  • Yeah, Great White.

  • It was my first time there too.

  • We were experiencing something novel together.

  • Thoughts and feelings of Great White.

  • Oh, it was good.

  • LA food is good.

  • But just catching up with her was the fun part.

  • So that's what I'll remember.

  • Going to go to a shop now that she had saved.

  • Yes.

  • Okay, so this is also something on the WeHo want to go list.

  • It's called OK.

  • It's like a home decor, gifts, tchotchkes store.

  • So I'm sure we're going to find something.

  • Yeah.

  • OK.

  • There's so many books.

  • You know like you have like those harmony pads with like a bunch of like flowers on it?

  • Yeah.

  • Wear that and make kimchi.

  • That's why it's dangerous when we go out together.

  • Yeah, we need to do it though.

  • A baseball.

  • You want to do the baseball book?

  • Yeah.

  • OK.

  • This one?

  • You want to do the horse book?

  • Yeah.

  • OK.

  • Want to do both of these?

  • No.

  • No?

  • OK.

  • It's dark outside.

  • The streets are still, but there's a lot to do.

  • That's a worker.

  • The workers need to fix the road before the night is through.

  • He's using a smoother.

  • I kind of did a rough pack yesterday.

  • Why am I always on my period when I travel?

  • I don't know.

  • I usually bleed for around three to four days.

  • Tomorrow's going to be the heaviest.

  • So Saturday, Sunday, and then I should be back.

  • So four petites.

  • I might pack some extra in case another girl starts her period on the trip.

  • Hi.

  • Nina, this is so yummy.

  • I know.

  • It's dangerous.

  • It is.

  • It doesn't taste like alcohol.

  • Hi, guys.

  • Hi.

  • Yay.

  • Yay.

  • Stephanie, would you like to explain where we are?

  • We're at Portavia, a really nice-looking restaurant.

  • We're about to carve it up.

  • Pasta.

  • I know.

  • I'm so excited.

  • Pasta.

  • There's a lot of good stuff on here.

  • I see some bolognese.

  • So Ashley and Stephanie are sisters, and I am the self-declared middle child, because I truly am a blend of both, you know?

  • So within the three of us, we can make some really great decisions.

  • I'm wearing Eggie.

  • It's kind of bad.

  • It's so, so timeless.

  • Okay.

  • It looks amazing.

  • She's supposed to have it forever.

  • We are heading to our tennis lesson.

  • I've got my tennis fit on.

  • Thank you, Wilson.

  • This is my first time ever playing tennis.

  • I have no idea what to expect.

  • I know a lot of my girlfriends are super into it.

  • They go religiously.

  • It's like their church.

  • So maybe today I will be converted as well.

  • Woo!

  • 10am, start the day with a Celsius.

  • You got it, Jen!

  • You got it!

  • We're in Palm Springs for the Rare Global Morgans Tennis Club excursion.

  • Yes.

  • I felt like a proud mom.

  • Yeah.

  • I was on the sidelines just taking lots of videos and stuff.

  • And now we are getting ready to go to the Indian Wells Open.

  • It's going to be crazy.

  • It's going to be fun.

  • I'm so excited.

  • I feel like now that we had our tennis lesson, I'm going to have a deeper appreciation for the players out there.

  • It's so nice to get this uninterrupted stretch of time with everyone here.

  • I know.

  • It's so good.

  • I feel like I'm at summer camp.

  • I feel like I'm in a big sorority house.

  • It feels more like The Bachelor.

  • If you are The Bachelor, right?

  • What random career would you want to be?

  • Me?

  • If you could pick anything.

  • Oh, I'd be like a prompt engineer.

  • A what?

  • I'm a prompt engineer.

  • Prompt engineer?

  • Yeah.

  • What's a prompt engineer?

  • It's like basically when you're using large language models like Chachabitty.

  • It's basically people who specialize in the prompts.

  • Wow!

  • And getting you to do whatever you want to do.

  • So it would be a little bit of, you know, maybe I'm like the tech lady.

  • Like tech lady trope.

  • Wow.

  • That would be cool.

  • Yeah.

  • What do you think?

  • Because I'm just thinking like, you know, when certain people's careers pop up, you're like, oh, that's interesting.

  • So you'd definitely be the first prompt engineer.

  • Yeah.

  • What would you be?

  • Dog trainer.

  • Dog trainer.

  • She's 23 and she's a dog trainer.

  • Of my own dog.

  • But only my dog.

  • Of one singular dog?

  • That's it.

  • My single dog.

  • That'd be hilarious.

  • That'd be hilarious.

  • That'd be hilarious.

  • All right, guys.

  • I am importing all the footage and I'm just going to wrap up the vlog here.

  • Just a quick reminder, if you guys are looking to connect with a therapist, definitely check out BetterHelp.

  • You can visit my link, slash Jen, or you can type in Jen during the sign up and you can enjoy a special discount off your first month.

  • Clicking the link also helps support me and this channel.

  • So give it some love if you'd like.

  • Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one.

  • Bye.

These days I've been doing 10 minute breath work sessions.

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