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  • So the gender wars aren't over.

  • There was an op-ed in the New York Times about bro talk on Wall Street and how it still exists.

  • And I remember seeing this article, reading it one Saturday, Sunday morning, going out for a drive and actually literally having to pull over to the side of the road because

  • I felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach.

  • I remember thinking, this is still going on.

  • I know it happened when I was a junior professional.

  • When I first started work at Salomon Brothers, I would come into work and there'd be Xerox copy of male private parts on my desk in the morning.

  • So you are how old when that happened?

  • 23.

  • Right out of college.

  • Right out of college.

  • My guess it was some of the junior guys and my guess it was to try to run me out.

  • So by about time 8, 9, 10, 15, come on guys, really?

  • Come up with something better than this.

  • But it was clear they were trying to run me out, so I wasn't going.

  • I don't know that I'd say there's a 1,000% straight line between, my gosh, there continues to be discrimination in the workplace and I'm going to found Ellevest, but the line leads to it.

  • One, because if we women want to be successful, a great way to do it can be to start our own businesses.

  • Let the market decide.

  • Right?

  • Don't go through the corporate politics of it.

  • Let the market decide.

  • That's one reason.

  • The real big underlying reason is because what's become crystal clear to me over the past few years is that we women will not have all the opportunities of men.

  • We women will not be fully equal with men.

  • We women cannot live our full lives that we want to until we are financially equal with men.

  • My daughter interned for us a couple of summers ago and we were in the cruddiest offices you've ever seen.

  • Ever seen.

  • Crowded.

  • I couldn't stand up without banging into the back of our lead designer.

  • I don't mean to gross you out, but we had mice and the mice were, they leave droppings on the desk.

  • I know, I would get in early so that I could wipe off the desk for everybody.

  • It was horrifying.

  • I used to have a corporate jet when I was running Smith Barney and here I am, mouse droppings and we're working away and we're working on the prototype and my daughter's interning and interning.

  • One day we leave work at the same time and I said, well, you know, this is really different.

  • Remember when I used to have the jet and a couple of assistants and a huge office and really is a different thing.

  • And she turned to me and she said, but mommy, now you're making such a difference.

  • You're working to make such a difference in women's lives.

  • This is so much better.

So the gender wars aren't over.

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