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  • Hey guys, Malcolm Moore here and in today's video I'm going to be teaching you how to Eurocarve and showing you that it's much easier than you might think.

  • So that right there was a Eurocarve and there's this common misconception that Eurocarving is like normal carving, that you just incline your body into the slope and to get a Eurocarve you just keep inclining and if you're good enough you get your belly right against the snow.

  • But in reality that's not true.

  • So just give that clip one more watch and see if you can spot the difference.

  • So as you can see I got down super low, I put my forearm on the snow and then I extend my legs through the turn and my weight is actually balanced between my toe edge and my forearm.

  • So let's build up to it and we'll just start off with some normal carving but really focus on changing from the heel to the toe edge early in the turn, way before the full line.

  • This will give you the maximum time on your toe edge to get into that Eurocarve position.

  • Now for more info on this precise movement, this early edge change, check out this video up here.

  • So we're getting on that toe edge nice and early in the carve.

  • The next step is to get down nice and low.

  • Now in this position if I keep my shoulders in line with the board it's really difficult for me to keep my weight forward over the toe edge.

  • I'm kind of let my back knee come in towards the snow, I can get down really low and keep my spine aligned over that toe edge giving me grip.

  • See if you can get into this position and then as we incline into the turn see if you can get the palm of your back hand rubbing on the snow.

  • The next step is to try and grab melon with your front hand on the heel edge behind the board.

  • After you've got that, probably actually a little bit easier is to grab your front hand behind the board.

  • No idea what this grabs called, if you know let me know in the comments down below.

  • Now let's go to the actual Eurocarve.

  • First thing you want to hold on to the cuff of your jacket, it's going to stop it sliding back and having your arm fill up with snow.

  • Get down into this position, shoulders open, incline into the turn and get your forearm on the snow parallel to your board.

  • From here you then want to start extending your legs out through the turn to bring your hips and your belly low down to the snow.

  • It's probably going to take you a little while to get the timing of all those movements quick enough to get yourself into this position.

  • You want to make sure you really are getting on that toe edge nice and early in the turn, crouch down low, get the forearm on the snow and then push out.

  • If you're finding you're losing control of your edge of the board, you're skidding out, you might need to actually think about pushing your heels back a little bit more.

  • That just stops that board being on too much of a knife edge where the front of your boots will dig in and you'll lose the grip.

  • Keep those heels pushed back that little bit more and it should give you more grip through the turn.

  • Now I'll just talk quickly about exiting the carve.

  • You need to have enough speed and momentum that as you come towards the end of your carve turn, you can retract your legs back in, bring them underneath you so you can then stand up on your board.

  • If you hold on to the carve for too long, you're just going to end up keep turning back up the slope, you just end up staying on your belly like a beached whale on the piece.

  • The final tip, it's a bit out of your control, but it's make sure that you have nice conditions on the piece.

  • All those other clips that you just watched, I filmed them the other day and to be honest it was a little bit icy and I was finding it quite difficult to actually do my turn.

  • Perfect conditions, trying them out.

  • All right, thanks for watching guys.

  • Give that a go yourself and you should kind of hopefully feel now they're not as intimidating as they might look and they're really safe.

  • The worst thing that can happen is that you just slide out on your belly on the snow.

  • Your main concern is going to be watching out for other people coming down the piece.

  • Because you're going to be cutting right across, do make sure you have a clear path before you give it a go.

  • So that's it.

  • As I say, thanks for watching and you know the drill by now.

  • If you haven't already, please hit that like and that subscribe button and I'll see you next time.

Hey guys, Malcolm Moore here and in today's video I'm going to be teaching you how to Eurocarve and showing you that it's much easier than you might think.

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