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  • Zach is praying that a paternity test is going to prove that he is the father of this six-week little boy named Connor.

  • You see, a year ago, Zach found himself on the wrong side of the law and he went away for about three months.

  • And during that time, his girlfriend Marlena admits she had a brief affair with a man named Vince.

  • And a one-night stand with another friend of hers, Daniel.

  • So now Marlena is not sure who Connor's father is.

  • And is devastated that her mistakes may have ruined the future of her family. Watch this.

  • I've loved my boyfriend Zach for over five years.

  • He's my soulmate, but I've made mistakes that have hurt him and our family.

  • Zach and I had a baby six weeks ago that we named Connor.

  • But I'm not sure that Zach is his biological father.

  • Zach had to go to jail for a few months last year.

  • I needed someone to help me get by and I got together with a man named Vince.

  • The minute Zach got home, I left Vince to be back with him.

  • But when I found out I was pregnant, I couldn't be sure who the father was.

  • My best friend Daniel came back into my life while Zach was away too.

  • We've been close since we were kids.

  • But one night, we had too many drinks and slept together.

  • I know it sounds bad, but you can't imagine how sorry I am for causing this.

  • It's my fault, but I'm trying to make things right.

  • I'm just praying that this test proves that Zach is Connor's father.

  • So now there's another twist to this story that everybody has to understand before we go forward.

  • Zach knows that there are three possible fathers.

  • Daniel knows that there are three possible fathers.

  • But Vince, who's in seclusion now, he only thinks it's between him and Zach and has no idea about the third guy, Daniel.

  • So he's going to find out when he comes out here.

  • What an emotional rollercoaster you've been on.

  • It's been hell going through all this.

  • I mean, you know, to find out one, but then to find out one of your best friends could possibly be the father also.

  • I mean, it's just a living hell.

  • Okay. Did you know that she was with Vince?

  • Well, yeah, see, I knew that she, you know, I was away, right?

  • You know, she has to have a way to survive and have a place to sleep and, you know, eat and all that and whatnot.

  • So, I mean, I completely understand that.

  • And if it was to be intimate, not, not irresponsibly intimate, you know what I'm saying?

  • In other words, wear some protection.

  • Exactly. Exactly.

  • So when did you learn that she was pregnant when you got out?

  • I was still on work at least when I found out she was pregnant.

  • I mean, I was, you know, I was completely, I was really excited because, you know, we've been together for five years.

  • We also have a little girl together. She's three.

  • Okay. So I wanted to have a boy with her and was hoping it was going to be a boy.

  • So when I did find out, I was, I mean, I was just, I was just grateful that she was even pregnant.

  • Right. And when did she tell you about the other two?

  • She told, well, see, look, she was about six months pregnant when she told me about Vince.

  • Honestly, I really didn't think it could be his, but also if she was being irresponsible, it could be.

  • When did she all of a sudden tell you about your friend, your mutual friend, Daniel?

  • My son's six weeks old and I didn't find out until after he was born.

  • Oh, I see.

  • Have you forgiven him by the way?

  • Actually, as a matter of fact, I have, because the only way to get through it is to forgive him, him and Marlena with that.

  • Because I...

  • Were you at the hospital when the, when Connor was born?

  • I was there through her pregnancy.

  • I was there at the hospital.

  • I took care of him while he was in the NICU.

  • Marlena had E. coli.

  • She couldn't even go take care of him.

  • I had to. I almost lost my job over it.

  • And was Vince at the hospital?

  • No, not one time.

  • What do you think of Vince?

  • I absolutely hate Vince.

  • He is a sorry low down piece of trash.

  • Now here comes the big question, Zach.

  • There are three guys.

  • There's one little baby boy.

  • What does he look like?

  • He's got a mole on his head like I do right here.

  • And when he yawns, he looks like me.

  • And when he sleeps, he looks like me.

  • But I see Vince in him so much.

  • But I don't know if that's just because I'm seeing what I want to see.

  • Do you see any of Daniel in him?

  • I don't even see Daniel in him, man.

  • You know, Vince doesn't know about Daniel.

  • No, he doesn't.

  • Do you know that Vince wants to be the father?

  • I don't know if that's just a ploy to try to get back with Marlena.

  • Or if he really wants to be a father.

  • Because he's very irresponsible.

  • He couldn't take care of a kid if he wanted to.

  • He's not going to bring out your woman, Marlena.

  • I don't want them to boo her at all.

  • Because that's the mother of my kids.

  • And that's my fiance.

  • I don't want her disrespected in any way whatsoever.

  • I love her.

  • Here's Marlena.

  • You know, if I had a mate like that,

  • I don't think I'd be finding somebody else who's arms to fall into.

  • He wasn't there at the time.

  • You're broken over this, aren't you?

  • I am.

  • I love Zachary.

  • And this is tearing our family apart.

  • If you love me, why did you get with Vince like that?

  • It's kind of the way, as I understand it, Marlena, the way you were brought up as a woman.

  • You know, a woman has to get along when she is by herself.

  • Is that right?

  • That is correct.

  • It's how I was raised.

  • But you have to be responsible.

  • What is responsible?

  • Safe sex.

  • He says he was so excited when you told him you were pregnant.

  • He was.

  • He was very excited.

  • When did you tell Vince that he could be the father?

  • Zachary was still gone, and I didn't tell him until later that it was a possibility that he wasn't.

  • And what about Daniel?

  • Is that a possibility or not?

  • It was around the same time, but I don't believe so.

  • We've asked Zach who Connor looks like.

  • Who do you think he looks like?

  • I think he looks like Zachary.

  • The mole on top of both of their heads is very uncommon, especially, like Zach said, when he yawns or when he's sleeping.

  • He's just like him.

  • And you want Zach to be the father, of course.

  • Of course I do.

  • I know that you have doubts, but you know he's yours, Zach.

  • I don't know that.

  • What happens if Vince wants to be in his life and Zach doesn't want that to happen?

  • I'm not going to let that happen.

  • Okay.

  • We might as well meet Vince, right?

  • He wants to be the father.

  • He's not a friend of yours.

  • You don't like him much at all.

  • We'll find out what happens.

  • Vince, come on out.

  • Here's Vince.

  • Vince, did you know that he was gone?

  • I did.

  • You didn't know?

  • Not a clue.

  • You did know that he was gone.

  • You did know we had five-year wishes.

  • I did not know what was going on with y'all.

  • Dude, hold on now.

  • You know for a hundred percent fact that she was coming to me in your car.

  • You come and dropped her off and seen Vincent.

  • That's when I started.

  • That's when you got working with us, man.

  • That's when you got working with us.

  • It was when I was working with you, yes.

  • He was gone.

  • So you told him it was him?

  • We told you later that it might not be.

  • So then why would you let him be in the life and not me?

  • It's always about what you want to be with me or anything else.

  • I have been here since day one for that kid and you.

  • How?

  • I've given you my car.

  • I gave you a place to live.

  • I always made sure you got some food and money.

  • I've been here since day one.

  • You have been in jail, okay?

  • I wasn't in jail when he was born.

  • I went to the NICU every day.

  • I took care of him.

  • Because y'all wouldn't let me.

  • Because y'all wouldn't let me.

  • You weren't there.

  • You would not let me.

  • You want to tell Vince something that he doesn't know about?

  • Daniel could also be a possibility.

  • You've got to be kidding me.

  • It was a one night only.

  • One night.

  • You know Daniel and I are close.

  • We're best friends.

  • It had to happen.

  • Let me guess.

  • All three of y'all rode up to the NICU?

  • NICU.

  • Why am I getting taken out of the equation?

  • I've been here since day one.

  • It don't matter what anybody says.

  • I've been here since day one trying to take care of what's mine.

  • You think Connor looks like you?

  • Absolutely.

  • That's my nose, man.

  • You went and tried to see Connor at the hospital, didn't you?

  • Absolutely.

  • What happened?

  • He was in the hospital.

  • We met everybody except for the good friend Daniel.

  • Here he is, Daniel.

  • Come on out.

  • Friend.

  • Friend.

  • One bad night.

  • You feel bad about that, don't you?

  • I do.

  • It was one night.

  • Like I said, either way, regardless, I'm going to be here.

  • I've always been here.

  • Who do you think is the father?

  • Honestly, I think I resemble Zach a lot, but I also see Vince also.

  • I'm hoping Zach is the father so they can carry on.

  • We can put all this behind us and move on.

  • Nope.

  • Except for my girlfriend.

  • I apologize.

  • I'm a man.

  • We both apologized over and over and over.

  • We're trying to move forward from this, Zach.

  • It's not as easy as you think.

  • It's challenging.

  • It's challenging.

  • Thank you.

  • Here's the thing, Daniel.

  • As I understand, as I remember what Marlena said, you didn't find out you could be the father until after the boy was born.

  • Correct.

  • Ever since then, I've been there myself.

  • I've been at the NICU.

  • Were you shocked when she told you?

  • I was.

  • What do you think about him?

  • He's a great guy.

  • He's the best guy I've ever seen her with.

  • What do you think of him?

  • Sorry.

  • How you gonna call me sorry?

  • None of y'all got nothing going on.

  • Can't keep none of your kids.

  • I got a best net.

  • You cheat on y'all friends.

  • You're messing with the same girl.

  • I don't care about none of that.

  • I don't care about none of that, man.

  • You don't know nothing.

  • You don't know nothing.

  • You don't know nothing.

  • You don't know nothing.

  • You don't know nothing.

  • Neither one of us worked there, dude.

  • I work for Lake Willards.

  • I built buildings like this.

  • I operate traps in the back yards.

  • I'm a real job.

  • I'm a real man.

  • Me too.

  • I'm gonna completely take this to the NICU.

  • We're gonna fight the NICU.

  • Y'all have been thinking about this for some time.

  • Ever since that baby was born.

  • Oh yeah.

  • While she was pregnant.

  • We're gonna find out right now.

  • When it comes to six-week-old Connor,

  • Daniel, you are not the father.

  • When it comes to six-week-old Connor, Zach, you are not the father.

  • When it comes to six-week-old Connor, Vince, you are the father.

  • I should be here since day one.

  • I have tried to be here since day one.

  • I do this since day one.

  • It doesn't matter.

  • You are not gonna take my...

  • When I get back, when we get back to Bama,

  • I'm gonna be the best man I can to my son.

  • And ain't neither one of y'all gonna stop me.

  • You ain't gonna stop me.

  • And ain't neither one of y'all gonna stop me.

  • What makes you wanna do it now?

  • Are you all gonna stay together?

  • Yeah, we're gonna stay together.

  • You're all gonna raise these kids?

  • Of course we're gonna raise these kids.

  • You're gonna let that man into the life of his son?

  • No, I'm not.

  • I'm not gonna let anybody interfere with my family.

  • Nobody's gonna interfere with my family.

  • And you're gonna stop me from being in my son's life.

  • We'll be back right after this.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you, man.

  • Thank you, Vince.

  • You know, you know, you know...

  • You know I've been there too, bro.

  • You know I've been there too.

  • Hold on, hold on.

  • You wanted to be here.

  • You wanted to be here.

  • You're gonna give my son his name?

  • You're gonna take both of them to the EQ and not bring me?

  • We're not gonna fight, we're not gonna argue.

  • Okay?

  • As executive producer Paul Fallhaber stressed how everyone needs to do the right thing for baby Connor.

  • This is a bad situation, but it doesn't have to be a disaster.

  • We need to see two men show each other respect and how to raise this boy the right way.

  • You gotta look past the frustration.

  • Until we get through all of this,

  • I mean, honestly,

  • I mean, he does need to be in his son's life.

  • He does need, his son does need to know that he is his father.

  • Living with me, learning my ways.

  • But you have to...

  • How are you gonna give him Zach's last name?

  • Where the f*** did you get that from?

  • That's a lie.

  • That is petty.

  • I'm very low for that.

  • And I am so glad you lost him.

  • I am so glad you lost him.

  • Let me out of here.

  • You can go.

  • Here's the thing.

  • She made a mistake.

  • But you guys can fix that mistake by being civil to each other.

  • I can promise I can do my best.

  • That's all I can do.

  • Be civil towards us.

  • I will be the greatest father to my son.

  • I ain't trying to mess with y'all's relationship.

  • It has nothing to do with that.

  • You knew.

  • You should have never assigned them papers.

  • We should have went and did the blow work or did this or whatever.

  • The little boy should not have your name at all.

  • That could be changed.

  • Yeah, but still, man.

  • It's tough.

  • This whole thing is tough.

  • Well, listen, Vince.

  • When Marlana's staying with you and coming and sleeping with me at the same time and then a few weeks later comes up pregnant, she's the one who made some bad decisions.

  • And now we're all suffering for it.

  • You guys are suffering for it.

  • And if you need to communicate, you guys do it together.

  • That's all I can do.

Zach is praying that a paternity test is going to prove that he is the father of this six-week little boy named Connor.

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