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  • Hello YouTube, Bucklick here and today we are trying out DPS Weaver to see how easy it is to pick up and learn and if you would enjoy it.

  • As always when I'm trying out a class I am not accustomed to, I pull up information, uh, I pulled up Guild Jen's video because I like how, uh, sorry not her video, I pulled up her guide on how to play this because I like how she shows rotations like Air 3, Swap Fire, Air 2, stuff like that.

  • Whereas Snow Crows I have to look up every single one of these.

  • I think they're working on another way of showing the numbers but I don't want to so I use Jen to learn the rotation.

  • What am I learning for this one?

  • Now first of all I literally flipped a coin to decide if I was going to learn Power or Condi, it landed on Power.

  • So I'm learning Power, this is the build, this is what I used, over here we're doing Full Berserkers, Runes of the Scholar, Sigils of Force and Impact, and I'm using Sword and Dagger.

  • After I learned it was Sword and Dagger, which took over an hour, I learned there was a rotation that also included Sword and Warhorn and I was like I'm not relearning the whole thing again.

  • Additionally there is a where you hit this button and then you dance through all of the elements and if you do it fast enough then you get a buff for 10 seconds and if you fail you get nothing Charlie, you get nothing.

  • However the rotation to properly weave self, the rotation to use your elite skill, is longer than the rotation you repeat for the rest of the encounter.

  • I tried to weave self once on the dummy, I did it successfully, I screamed I'm weaving and my damage went up a tiny bit and I was like this was not worth the work as a new player that was new to this, so I changed it to Glyph of Elementals to really you know phone it in.

  • So let's pretend I'm looking at a fight here and I am about to fight this cat golem.

  • We are going to start like this, I'm going to do a demonstration real quick, hit this, do that, do that, do air three, swap to fire, do two, four, three, and then hit the other instant buttons, go fire harder, three, four, five, two, go air, we just spam auto attack a few times, I can use the instant keys, go air again, hit air three, then just keep doing one, one, one, one, go fire again, two, four, three, and go fire again, three, four, five, two, and go air, and we can use the instant things, we're just autoing for a moment, go air again, and three, and go fire, two, three, four, and do the rain of fire thing, and go air, and just auto a bit, use the instance, go air again, use the three, and I think that's enough of a demonstration.

  • We're at 26k right now, when the target gets below 50% health there is a trait that increases our damage, so it will go up a bit, the peak of what I was able to pull off was I think 32k on bone skinner, or 30k on a golem, bone skinner you hit a little harder because you have the laser beam special action key, so how does it feel?

  • I don't even need to say it.

  • Alright, so I'm not even using water and earth, however it feels like I'm juggling four weapons, because I've got fire fire, fire air, air air, and air fire, so I had to basically learn four weapons over here and what to do on them, I had to learn a pretty complicated rotation I feel like, I have all these buttons over here, and they're all damage, okay, now I'm not using weave self because I'm bad, I'm using glyph of elementals, but even weave self is damage, it's damage, damage, damage, damage, damage, okay, so I've got all these buttons that do damage, and I am doing after about an hour to two hours of practicing this, I am doing less damage than I did when I tried out quickness providing deadeye for five minutes, okay, and on that class I was holding down the two key, for the amount of work I'm putting into this, I would like to see it do, well at least, it's tough, it's tough to say, I was about to say I would love to see it do 10k more dps for the amount of work I'm doing, however, I uh, I always uh, when doing these tests, I've been looking up the benchmarks of what can the people at the top of the game pull off, so the the biggest snow crow nerds, they are getting 42,000 benchmarking weaver, so if they just gave weaver a flat 10k dps bonus, these guys would be busted, and then it would get nerfed later on because of them, however, I gotta say, I felt like for the fact that I provide like almost no cc and no utility, and I'll talk about that in a minute, I felt like the amount of damage I was providing was quite low, like why would I bring a 30k dps weaver with no utility, when I could bring a 30k dps firebrand that has a mountain of utility, stability on demand, reflex on demand, and just so much other stuff besides just damage, alright, the class itself, at my peak I was pulling like 30k, I was in full berserker's gear, I did power, I did a coin flip, was it easy to learn?

  • Ha, cc, very little, for example, air 5 is a cc, so let's say I'm not in air, okay, I have to go to air, I have to wait 3 more seconds, and then I go air again, and then I can do air 5, which is a cc that knocks me away, there's not enough time in a real fight to do that, it's more like if you're in a fight, and a break bar shows up, and you happen to already have air 5 up, then you could use it then, but if it's not, you just pray everyone else is good at ccing, because it would absolutely butcher your rotation to try to do that, so this class, this cc, air 2, air 2 is a 100 cc, you guys, alright, 3 seconds of chill does like as much as that, this is hardly even mentioning, yes, air 2 does one of the weakest ccs in the game, congratulations, now you could bring, what is it, I think arcane wave is 200 cc, you could bring the frost bow, I think is like 400 cc or something like that, like you could swap out a utility for more cc, yeah, we actually looked it up, people are joking about downstate, we actually looked it up, the downstate cc 5 is actually tied for one of your strongest ccs, for the kit that you are normally running, ha, so there's that, like everything else is just damage, we, unless I swap some things out, we have like no utility, there is some utility if you bring it for certain fights, but just the built in build that you're bringing with this build is pure damage, and like no boons, I don't think it has any blocks, no stability, no like crazy, and 14k health, that is also with a level 10 jade core, I've got a level 10 jade block core, we've got 14k hit points, so extremely fragile class, that has, it feels like it has very little cc, no utility, and very, very high effort to get mediocre damage.

  • Now, this is my experience, I want to say again, this is not a guide, this is the results of me trying to learn it for like two hours, and how I feel about it after that time.

  • If you disagree, if you're a weaver main, and you're like, I got 70,000 damage, and you're just like shaking your jowls, that's fine, I'm not coming after you, I'm just saying how this feels as a new player coming into weaver after like two hours, okay?

  • That's all it is.

  • And I didn't even learn water or earth, I was just using the fire fire fire air air fire and air air, that's pretty much all it was.

  • So I, as a gamer right now, I don't see the point of this.

  • I don't see the point of it, right?

  • It's like, I'm doing five times the APM of half of, more than half of the other classes, for less damage, in melee range, with no utility, crap cc.

  • Like, I can't even be like, oh yeah, it might be fun for some people, yeah, I guess a masochist?

  • A masochistic pianist?

  • A pianist masochist?

  • I don't know, like, I'm not even, I don't even understand the point of this.

  • Like, if it were me, like, if you've got one class that provides really good utility, and another class does not have utility, and it's just damage, they should do way more damage to compensate for that.

  • That's the balance I'm used to from an, you know, X EverQuest, X WoW player, you know?

  • But this one is like, I'm barely keeping up with some of the other classes that had a mountain of utility, and this feels like it has none, and I have damage on every single button possible.

  • But yeah, I guess that's it.

  • So, I mean, short of it, did I find this fun?

  • No, not really.

  • It was kind of amusing, just because chat was laughing at me while I was just going through the pain that is this class.

  • Maybe it would have been a little better on Sword of Warhorn, which was another build, but after, it took me an hour to learn the Sword Dagger build, and then I saw that Sword Warhorn was a completely different rotation, and I was like, I'm not gonna do this for another hour to learn Sword Warhorn.

  • So, that, that's how I feel about Weaver.

  • I don't understand why it is.

  • Sorry, Weavers.

  • Bye!

Hello YouTube, Bucklick here and today we are trying out DPS Weaver to see how easy it is to pick up and learn and if you would enjoy it.

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