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  • Continuous growth is one of the core principles of modern business, and companies are always looking for new ways to expand their market share and profits.


  • Releasing new products is one of the most important ways that companies can fuel their growth, and Tesla is keenly aware of that fact.


  • They are, in their own words, in between growth waves right now, and that's reflected in their slowing sales these last few months.


  • The Cybertruck is still a very niche and expensive vehicle, and with the release of the new Model 3, the rest of their fleet is starting to feel a bit dated by comparison.

    Cybertruck 仍然是一款非常小眾和昂貴的車型,而且隨著新款 Model 3 的發佈,他們車隊的其他車型相比之下開始顯得有些過時。

  • The company has been going through a lot of internal restructuring and goal shifting, but they ultimately know how important it is to release new products in order to stay relevant.


  • Today, we're going to break down the 10 new upcoming products from Tesla across a number of different markets, so let's get into it.

    今天,我們將對特斯拉即將在多個不同市場推出的 10 款新產品進行分析,讓我們開始吧。

  • While Tesla is primarily known as a consumer vehicle manufacturer, they are making some big moves to turn themselves into far more than just that.


  • Tesla has been making huge investments into their AI systems that power their full self-driving technology, and that will play a part in the first product today, the RoboTaxi.


  • Tesla has been working on this potentially revolutionary new product for a while now, but a few months ago, Elon Musk announced that they would be finally showing it off on August 8th of this year.

    特斯拉研發這款可能具有革命性意義的新產品已經有一段時間了,但幾個月前,埃隆-馬斯克宣佈,他們最終將於今年 8 月 8 日展示這款產品。

  • The RoboTaxi is planned to be a fully autonomous ride sharing vehicle that can pick up and drop off passengers without any human behind the wheel.


  • Tesla plans to make this service so affordable and comprehensive, that it will revolutionize the ride sharing business, and make it even cheaper than owning a car for most people.


  • Every time that someone takes a ride, Tesla will be either taking a share of the profits, or the full profits, depending on who owns the car, and ride share will likely grow steadily over time.


  • For Tesla, these dedicated RoboTaxis will have a lot of benefits over their traditional vehicles.


  • For one, these vehicles can be made for much cheaper, since they don't need any of the pedals, steering wheel, mirrors, or features that are designed purely for a driver.


  • Many of them will also be able to get away with a smaller, cheaper battery, since it will be able to For longer trips, they can have a fleet of specific vehicles equipped with bigger batteries, rather than needing to have every car have a huge battery that it won't use all the time.


  • Unlike most consumer vehicles that sit idle all day while you work or are at home, the RoboTaxi can constantly be running, and will reduce the total number of vehicles that people will need to own.


  • Taking cars off the road will be both better for traffic, and will help Tesla's goal of accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy.


  • This product isn't a guaranteed success, however, and Tesla is really betting its future on it doing well.


  • There will be development hurdles for the software itself, as well as regulatory hurdles in order to get this vehicle on most, let alone all city streets, and FSD still has a lot of work left to do.

    要讓這種車輛在大多數城市道路上行駛,更不用說在所有城市道路上行駛,軟件本身的開發會遇到障礙,監管也會遇到障礙,FSD 還有很多工作要做。

  • The software is advancing very rapidly, but it does still make mistakes, and that's something you can't take lightly when the vehicle likely won't have any way for a driver to take over in case of emergency.


  • Currently, the driver is still responsible for anything that happens while FSD is engaged in Tesla's vehicle, and it will be a big moment when Tesla is willing to accept liability for anything that one of their cars does while operating autonomously.

    目前,駕駛員仍需對特斯拉汽車在使用 FSD 時發生的任何情況負責,而當特斯拉願意為其汽車在自主運行時發生的任何情況承擔責任時,這將是一個重要時刻。

  • There are still a lot of lingering questions regarding the RoboTaxi, so we'll have to wait until the reveal event on August 8th to learn more.

    關於 RoboTaxi,還有很多問題有待解決,是以我們只能等到 8 月 8 日的揭幕儀式上才能瞭解更多資訊。

  • During their recent shareholder meeting, Tesla showed off a graphic that outlined their current and future products, including 3 vehicles that were under wraps.

    在最近的股東大會上,特斯拉展示了一張圖表,其中概述了他們當前和未來的產品,包括 3 款處於保密狀態的汽車。

  • One of those is presumably the RoboTaxi, but that leaves 2 upcoming products that haven't been announced yet.

    其中之一應該就是 RoboTaxi,但還剩下兩款即將推出的產品尚未公佈。

  • Two of the vehicles share the same silhouette, likely as just a placeholder graphic, but one of the covered vehicles has a distinctly unique shape.


  • Based on its boxy appearance, this has led to a lot of speculation that Tesla may be planning to build a van.


  • In his second master plan for Tesla, Elon Musk talked about Tesla developing high passenger density urban transport, and as of this third master plan, wrote that building a van wasn't out of the question.


  • Building a passenger or commercial van would allow Tesla to fill one of the few remaining market niches that they don't already have a vehicle in.


  • A commercial van would be great for businesses doing direct to customer deliveries, like what Rivian has done with their electric Amazon delivery vans that are expanding to other companies.

    對於直接向客戶送貨的企業來說,商用廂式車將是一個很好的選擇,就像 Rivian 推出的亞馬遜電動送貨車一樣,並將擴展到其他公司。

  • Vans are extremely versatile vehicles, and Tesla jumping into that market could be a great path to pursue.


  • There are a few options on the market like the VW ID Buzz or the Ford E-Transit, but Tesla's advanced technology and batteries could do a lot to make these vehicles more practical and that third vehicle under wraps, this one is a bit more of a mystery than it might have seemed like a few months ago.

    市場上有一些選擇,比如大眾 ID Buzz 或福特 E-Transit,但特斯拉的先進技術和電池可以讓這些車輛變得更加實用,而那輛被保密的第三輛車,這輛車比幾個月前看起來更神祕一些。

  • For years, it was reported widely that Tesla was working on a truly affordable EV, often nicknamed the Model 2, but it seems like plans for that specific car have been put on indefinite hold.

    多年來,特斯拉一直在開發一款真正經濟實惠的電動汽車,綽號 "Model 2"。

  • Still, Tesla recognizes the fact that there is immense demand for a more affordable electric vehicle, and has hinted at something to sell in that category.


  • Tesla said they would be moving to launch a slate of new vehicles sooner than their targeted goal of the second half of 2025, including more affordable models.

    特斯拉表示,他們將在 2025 年下半年之前推出一系列新車,包括更經濟實惠的車型。

  • These new models will not be built using the same architecture as the Robotaxi, which the previously announced affordable vehicle was designed to do, and instead will rely more heavily on the platform of their current slate of vehicles.

    這些新車型將不會採用與 Robotaxi 相同的架構,而之前宣佈的經濟型汽車正是為這一架構而設計的,相反,它們將更多地依賴於現有汽車的平臺。

  • They are likely to incorporate some of the newer tech from the updated platform, but basing it predominantly on older tech will have a number of benefits.


  • These cars can likely be built on the same assembly lines as their current vehicles, and will save the company a lot of money in total development and retooling costs.


  • This vehicle could take a lot of different forms, but current rumors suggest that we may see this car be an effectively stripped down Model 3 hatchback.

    這款車可能會有很多不同的形式,但目前的傳言表明,我們可能會看到這款車是一款經過有效簡化的 Model 3 掀背車。

  • In order to hit more affordable price goals, we could see Tesla remove some of the more luxurious features of this car like ventilated seats, as well as implementing a cheaper LFP battery cell in exchange for less range.

    為了達到更實惠的價格目標,我們可能會看到特斯拉取消這款車的一些更豪華的配置,如通風座椅,以及採用更便宜的 LFP 電池,以換取更少的續航里程。

  • If they were to implement a similar systems architecture in steer-by-wire systems, like we've seen in the Cybertruck, then that could do a lot to reduce the weight and cost of this vehicle by removing unnecessary wiring.

    如果他們能在線控轉向系統中採用類似的系統架構,就像我們在 Cybertruck 中看到的那樣,那麼就可以通過去除不必要的佈線,大大減輕車輛的重量和成本。

  • This vehicle offers a great opportunity for Tesla to bring a new, more affordable option to market, while not having to completely start from scratch.


  • A lot of speculation seems to point towards this vehicle coming in closer to $30,000 to $32,000, rather than a base price of $25,000.

    許多猜測似乎表明,這款車的基本售價將接近 3 萬至 3.2 萬美元,而不是 2.5 萬美元。

  • If it's eligible for the federal EV tax credit, then that would bring the price down pretty substantially for many customers.


  • Offering cheaper options will be a key factor to ensuring the future growth of electric vehicles, so I can't wait to see what Tesla is working on for this third vehicle.


  • Earlier this year, Tesla released the refreshed version of their Model 3 sedan in the United States, and it offered a ton of great improvements over its predecessor.

    今年早些時候,特斯拉在美國發布了更新版的 Model 3 轎車,與前代車型相比有了大量改進。

  • On the back of that, a lot of people were naturally excited to see that those improvements would make their way over to Tesla's best selling vehicle, the Model Y.

    在此背景下,許多人自然很高興看到這些改進將應用到特斯拉最暢銷的車型 Model Y 上。

  • Tesla has been working on this vehicle for a while now, under the codename Juniper, and it is likely to include many of the great upgrades we saw from the Model 3.

    特斯拉開發這款代號為 "瞻博網絡"(Juniper)的汽車已經有一段時間了,它很可能包括我們在 Model 3 上看到的許多重大升級。

  • A lot of early rumors suggested that we might see this vehicle launch sometime this year, but Elon has confirmed on several occasions not to expect it in 2024.

    許多早期傳言稱,我們可能會在今年某個時候看到這種飛行器的發射,但埃隆已經多次確認,不要指望在 2024 年看到它。

  • While the Juniper Model Y may have some additional bells and whistles, it should at least have everything that came to the Model 3.

    雖然瞻博網絡 Model Y 可能會有一些額外的功能,但它至少應該具備 Model 3 的所有功能。

  • That includes a redesigned exterior that offers sharper angles, new head and tail lights, new mirrors, redesigned wheel covers, and a new selection of colors.


  • The car is made with higher quality materials, and has an advanced suspension that dramatically reduces road noise, and smooths out the ride considerably.


  • On the inside, the car will feature a redesigned center console, wraparound LED light strip, two wireless phone chargers, redesigned armrests, storage, and seats, likely with added ventilation.

    在車內,該車將配備重新設計的中控臺、環繞式 LED 燈帶、兩個無線手機充電器、重新設計的扶手、儲物空間和座椅,並可能增加通風功能。

  • Perhaps controversially for some, this updated Model Y will also likely see the removal of stocks behind the steering wheel for shifting and turn signals.

    也許對某些人來說有爭議的是,更新後的 Model Y 還可能取消方向盤後面用於換擋和轉向燈的部件。

  • On the Model 3, signaling is done via buttons on the steering wheel, and shifting is done on screen.

    在 Model 3 上,信號是通過方向盤上的按鈕發出的,換擋是在螢幕上完成的。

  • While some don't care about this change, there are many who feel frustrated by this design choice on this car.


  • Ultimately, Tesla believes that people will eventually opt to use FSD more than drive manually, and that stocks aren't really necessary, but until then, many may not like this particular choice, at least not until they get used to it.

    最終,特斯拉相信,人們最終會選擇使用 FSD 多於手動駕駛,而股票並不是真正必要的,但在此之前,許多人可能並不喜歡這種特殊的選擇,至少在他們習慣之前不會。

  • Similarly, many are expecting a new refresh to come soon, both to the Model S and Model X.

    同樣,許多人期待 Model S 和 Model X 也能很快更新換代。

  • Both of these vehicles saw a refresh in 2021, but haven't seen many changes since, and the latest versions of their cheaper cars are quickly gap to Tesla's luxury options.

    這兩款車都在 2021 年進行了改款,但之後並沒有太大變化,其最新版本的廉價汽車很快就與特斯拉的豪華車拉開了差距。

  • These changes will likely not be as sweeping as those on the Model 3, but will help to keep these cars feeling modern and competitive.

    這些變化可能不會像 Model 3 上的變化那樣徹底,但將有助於保持這些汽車的現代感和競爭力。

  • Aesthetically, these vehicles are likely to see the inclusion of the same ambient light strip that we've seen on both the Model 3 and Cybertruck.

    從美學角度來看,這些車輛很可能會採用與我們在 Model 3 和 Cybertruck 上看到的相同的環境燈帶。

  • It's a nice look, and is seemingly becoming a unifying feature of Tesla's overall design language.


  • The biggest reported change is the likely inclusion of at least one added camera into the front bumper, to improve forward-facing visibility.


  • We don't have a ton of word on when this vehicle may come, but it's reasonable that we could expect it sometime in the next year.


  • It will likely have additional features on top of those, but for now, this is all we know about these upcoming vehicles.


  • Another long-anticipated vehicle is one that Tesla has been working on for a very long time now, and is actually an update to the first vehicle they ever made, the Roadster.

    另一款期待已久的汽車是特斯拉已經研發了很長時間的一款汽車,它實際上是特斯拉生產的第一款汽車 Roadster 的升級版。

  • We first heard about this redesigned Roadster sports car all the way back in 2017, and since then, we've heard a lot of promises about the impending release of this car.

    我們第一次聽說這款重新設計的 Roadster 跑車要追溯到 2017 年,從那時起,我們就聽到了很多關於這款車即將發佈的承諾。

  • Now, almost 8 years later, it's still not on the road, and the claims surrounding it are getting bolder all the time.

    如今,將近 8 年過去了,它仍未上路,而圍繞它的說法卻越來越大膽。

  • During its initial unveil event, Tesla promised that this car would hit a 0-60 in just 1.9 seconds, and travel 620 miles on a single charge.

    在首次亮相活動中,特斯拉承諾這款汽車 0-60 公里加速僅需 1.9 秒,一次充電可行駛 620 英里。

  • In 2021, 4 years after it was first unveiled, Tesla then claimed that a SpaceX branded upgrade, featuring special cold air thrusters, could propel it up to 60 in just 1.1 seconds.

    2021 年,在它首次亮相 4 年後,特斯拉又宣稱,SpaceX 品牌的升級版採用了特殊的冷空氣推進器,可以在 1.1 秒內將它推進到 60 公里。

  • A few months ago, Elon Musk claimed that they were able to fly to a limited extent.

    幾個月前,埃隆-馬斯克(Elon Musk)聲稱,它們能夠在有限的範圍內飛行。

  • Elon Musk is known for being extremely ambitious regarding their future vehicles, and the Roadster, now many years behind schedule, and likely to stretch even further, is probably the greatest example of that principle.

    埃隆-馬斯克(Elon Musk)以對未來汽車雄心勃勃而著稱,Roadster 可能是這一原則的最好例證。

  • If there is a feature that would be cool on a car, no matter how unrealistic, it feels like Elon Musk has probably said they're working on it at some point.


  • Many people are starting to feel like we might not ever see this vehicle.


  • Then again, people said similar things about the Cybertruck, which had a long between its initial unveil, and when they finally started deliveries.

    不過,人們對 Cybertruck 也有類似的評價,因為從最初亮相到最終開始交付,中間經歷了漫長的時間。

  • The Cybertruck didn't hit on all the specs that were originally promised, especially regarding price and maximum range, so it's fair to assume that the same might happen with the Roadster.

    Cybertruck 並沒有達到最初承諾的所有規格,尤其是在價格和最大續航里程方面,是以可以推測 Roadster 也可能會出現同樣的情況。

  • If this car is ever properly released, then it will undoubtedly be a cutting edge vehicle, but it's safer to err on the side of skepticism regarding some of its more outlandish features.


  • Then again, you never know, maybe someday Tesla will be selling a flying, rocket powered car.


  • Only time will tell.


  • That felt more like a joke at the time than a concrete plan, but sure enough, a year later, they brought out their first prototype on stage.


  • It could slowly walk, wave to the audience, and do some other simple tasks, but in subsequent years, we saw an unparalleled explosion in the things this robot could do.


  • Over a short period of time, we've seen it become increasingly dexterous, mobile, and able to handle increasingly complex tasks.


  • With the second generation Optimus upgrade, it gained a more refined exterior, more precise motor control, and increased autonomous capabilities.


  • We've seen tons of different companies over the years develop humanoid robots, so what is it that would make Optimus so special?


  • In short, it is because of the AI systems that run the Tesla bot, and are used to train it.


  • Optimus is equipped with the same cameras and computing hardware that powers FSD in Tesla's current vehicles, which allows Optimus to sense and react to its environment extraordinarily well.

    擎天柱配備了與特斯拉現有汽車的 FSD 相同的攝像頭和計算硬件,這使得擎天柱能夠非常出色地感知環境並做出反應。

  • Those AI systems allow for Optimus to be trained extensively by humans to start, and then it will get better at those tasks through on the job practice and further training.

    這些人工智能系統可以讓 "擎天柱 "在開始時接受人類的大量訓練,然後通過工作實踐和進一步的培訓,讓它更好地完成這些任務。

  • With the coming hardware revision, Elon has promised that soon Optimus will be able to perform almost any task after a short demonstration, or even after watching a video.


  • These robots have the potential to completely upend in the entire way we think of work.


  • Tesla already has two of these robots working in their factories, doing simple jobs, and their autonomy and capability are going to expand rapidly.


  • Soon, they may be able to handle any job that a human could, and Tesla is expecting to eventually for only $20,000.

    不久之後,它們也許就能勝任人類所能勝任的任何工作,而特斯拉預計最終只需 2 萬美元。

  • This could have an earth shattering impact on the human relationship with labor, and Tesla is at the forefront of this technology, especially when it comes to scaling and manufacturing.


  • In the meantime, Tesla is expecting to have 1,000 units of Optimus working in their factories by sometime next year.

    與此同時,特斯拉預計到明年某個時候,將有 1,000 臺 Optimus 在其工廠工作。

  • Only time will tell how fast Optimus actually grows, and whether Tesla can live up to any or all of these lofty robotics promises, but it is truly exciting to say the least.

    只有時間才能證明 "擎天柱 "的實際成長速度,也只有時間才能證明特斯拉是否能兌現這些機器人技術的崇高承諾,但至少可以說這確實令人興奮。

  • As always though, those are all the things that Tesla has told us about so far, so the future will tell whether or not they deliver those.


  • One Tesla product that doesn't get much attention, despite the immense utility that it offers, is their Powerwall home battery system.

    儘管特斯拉的 Powerwall 家用電池系統具有巨大的實用性,但它卻是一款不太受關注的產品。

  • Tesla started rolling out the 3rd edition of their Powerwall product a few months ago, but it has only recently become widely available.

    特斯拉幾個月前開始推出第三版 Powerwall 產品,但直到最近才開始廣泛銷售。

  • The Powerwall is a home energy storage solution that allows you complete control over how your electricity is used.

    Powerwall 是一種家庭儲能解決方案,可以讓您完全控制電力的使用方式。

  • By connecting it to the grid and or your home solar system, the Powerwall can charge itself and power your home in the cheapest and most environmentally friendly way possible.

    通過與電網或家庭太陽能系統連接,Powerwall 可以自行充電,並以最便宜、最環保的方式為家庭供電。

  • It can keep a backup supply of power to keep you going during a blackout, and sell your generated power back to the grid during peak hours to make you a steady profit.


  • The Powerwall 3 offers greater power output that will enable it to keep high energy appliances like dryers going during a blackout.

    Powerwall 3 的功率輸出更大,能夠在停電期間讓烘乾機等高能耗電器繼續運轉。

  • Unlike previous versions, the Powerwall 3 will offer cheaper DC expansions that will enable you more modularly to expand your home battery to fit your needs.

    與以前的版本不同,Powerwall 3 將提供更便宜的直流電擴展器,使您能以更模塊化的方式擴展家用電池,以滿足您的需求。

  • The Powerwall integrates seamlessly with existing solar systems, and the control over your electricity.

    Powerwall 可與現有的太陽能系統無縫集成,並可控制您的用電。

  • Another Tesla energy product that has been working steadily behind the scenes, that few may be aware of, is their innovative AutoBidder software.

    特斯拉的另一款能源產品是其創新的 AutoBidder 軟件,該產品一直在幕後穩步運行,可能很少有人知道它的存在。

  • AutoBidder manages the electricity generated by independent energy producers and battery owners, analyzing real-time data to set prices, and sell that energy on the free market.

    AutoBidder 管理獨立能源生產商和電池所有者生產的電力,分析實時數據以設定價格,並在自由市場上銷售這些能源。

  • Since rolling out this product in 2020, Tesla has made this software available to owners of all of their energy storage products, from Powerwalls, all the way up to Megapacks.

    自 2020 年推出該產品以來,特斯拉已向所有儲能產品(從 Powerwalls 到 Megapacks)的用戶提供了該軟件。

  • In 2021, Tesla was managing around 1.2 gigawatt hours of energy, and as of last year, that has grown up to 7 gigawatt hours.

    2021 年,特斯拉管理著約 1.2 千兆瓦時的能源,而截至去年,這一數字已增至 7 千兆瓦時。

  • With all of those batteries in their portfolio, Tesla claims to have generated over $330 million in profits, spread across all of its energy storage product owners.

    特斯拉聲稱,憑藉其產品組合中的所有這些電池,特斯拉已為其所有儲能產品所有者創造了超過 3.3 億美元的利潤。

  • Even utility companies have said that Tesla's AutoBidder is a game changer, and has loosened their grip over the electric industry.

    就連公用事業公司也表示,特斯拉的 AutoBidder 改變了遊戲規則,放鬆了對電力行業的控制。

  • Tesla's stationary energy storage solutions are a big and growing business for the company, and really shows how much Tesla has branched out from just making electric cars, and have been pushing towards a renewable energy economy as a whole.


  • Last but certainly not least, is the future of a current Tesla product, FSD, or full self-driving.

    最後,但肯定不是最不重要的,是特斯拉現有產品 FSD 或完全自動駕駛的未來。

  • Every Tesla vehicle is equipped with the cameras and hardware to run their innovative FSD software, and they are all sending data back to the company to continue training it to be better.

    每輛特斯拉汽車都配備了攝像頭和硬件,用於運行創新的 FSD 軟件,而且它們都會將數據發回公司,以便繼續對其進行改進。

  • While the promise of FSD has undoubtedly driven a lot of Tesla sales, the automaker has long been interested in licensing it out to other automakers for use.

    毫無疑問,FSD 的承諾推動了特斯拉的大量銷售,但該汽車製造商長期以來一直有意將其授權給其他汽車製造商使用。

  • It was reported a few months ago that Tesla was deep in negotiations with another major automaker to implement the FSD software into their upcoming vehicles.

    幾個月前有報道稱,特斯拉正在與另一家大型汽車製造商進行深入談判,以在其即將推出的汽車中採用 FSD 軟件。

  • During a recent shareholder meeting, Elon even said that he thought a deal could be reached sometime as soon as this year.


  • Even if that is the case, it would likely be several years before another company could release a product that utilizes this software, considering all the cameras and computers that need to be built into the design to facilitate full self-driving.


  • Another good point here is that Tesla still has yet to deliver full self-driving on the Cybertruck, and that's their own vehicle, so if you imagine that coming from another company with their own design, it may take some time.

    還有一點值得注意的是,特斯拉仍未在 Cybertruck 上實現完全自動駕駛,而這是他們自己的汽車,所以如果你想象這是由另一家公司自己設計的汽車,可能需要一些時間。

  • That said, if all of this is successful, Tesla would be revolutionizing the transportation industry with their FSD package and robotaxis.

    也就是說,如果所有這些都能成功,特斯拉將憑藉其 FSD 套件和機器人軸為運輸行業帶來革命性的變化。

  • Them opening up this software to other automakers could unlock a huge new income stream.


  • Why would an automaker spend billions to develop their own autonomy programs, that will likely be worse for a long time, when they can just lease it from Tesla instead?


  • Across multiple industries, Tesla is making revolutionary new products that could fundamentally shake up the status quo for everyone.


  • From transportation, to power generation, to humanoid robotics, Tesla is undoubtedly one of the most exciting companies out there right now.


  • But of course, all of this is contingent on these products actually coming to market.


  • Tesla clearly has a very full docket, and we can look forward to a number of exciting new products from them in the coming years.


  • That's all for today, so in the meantime, if you're interested to learn even more about Tesla's Robotaxi program, and what it would mean for Tesla if it's successful or not, you can check out that video linked up here or in the description.

    今天就到這裡,與此同時,如果你有興趣進一步瞭解特斯拉的 Robotaxi 計劃,以及該計劃成功與否對特斯拉意味著什麼,你可以查看鏈接在這裡或描述中的視頻。

  • Thanks for watching, and I'll see you on the next one.


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