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  • Our first guest tonight is one of the biggest stars in the whole world.

  • She's getting tremendous acclaim for her role as tennis prodigy turned coach in the new movie, Challengers.

  • It opens in select theaters Monday and nationwide a week from tomorrow.

  • Please welcome Zendaya.

  • How you doing?

  • How you doing?

  • You're dressed just like me, except I have pants on.

  • I was inspired.

  • I was inspired.

  • You were my fashion inspiration today.

  • Next time, let me know, and I also will wear pants.

  • OK, perfect.

  • I'll text you in advance.

  • You look great.

  • It's great to see you.

  • You were here in February.

  • Long time no see.

  • It hasn't been long for Dune, too.

  • You were with the whole cast.

  • And since then, how many countries have you been to since February?

  • Oh, man.

  • Like, probably like seven-ish.

  • And you like traveling around the world quickly like that?

  • You know, I am grateful that I have a job that allows me to travel, allows me to see the world.

  • I wish that I had more time in the place.

  • Because really, you know, when you're doing press tours, you really just see the inside of your hotel.

  • You know, you don't ever really get to go out and see the sites and get to be around people.

  • So that's the only downfall.

  • Are you a good packer?

  • Are you a good sleeper?

  • Can you go to sleep on the plane?

  • Are you a good traveler in general?

  • So I used to be able to sleep anywhere.

  • Like, I used to be able to just, like, curl up in a ball and sleep on the flight the whole way, like, before it even takes off.

  • I'll be knocked out.

  • But these days, I don't know if it's because I'm getting older.

  • I.

  • You are pretty old.

  • Yeah, you're getting really old.

  • You know, my first time here, I was 16.

  • Yeah, that's right.

  • I know, that's right.

  • You were on Dancing with the Stars.

  • And as I remind you, each time I see you,

  • I bet quite a bit of money on you and won quite a bit of money on you.

  • Oh!

  • I didn't win, but I got pretty far.

  • Can I tell you, I think I won $12,000.

  • What?

  • Well, you're welcome.

  • Thank you again, yes.

  • But yeah, I don't know.

  • Ever since I've been, you know, I'm getting older, and it's just not as comfortable to sleep that long anymore.

  • I see.

  • Now, I have no trouble.

  • And as I get older, it makes no difference.

  • I could fall asleep.

  • I could literally lay down on this desk right now and fall asleep in front of you.

  • Really?

  • Yeah.

  • And no neck pain, back pain, none of that?

  • There might be some of that.

  • OK, but sleeping right through it?

  • I will sleep right through it.

  • There will be nothing but a puddle of drool on the table.

  • By the way, I know you're getting like incredible reviews for this movie, Challengers, which is, I have to say, you, yeah, this,

  • I got to ask you a couple of questions.

  • First of all, I know you had a premiere on Tuesday, right, here in LA?

  • Yes, yes.

  • And I know you have a very big family.

  • And they are often at your things.

  • Yes.

  • Were they at this thing?

  • Yes, they were.

  • They were, OK.

  • So you've got some very sexy scenes in the movie.

  • Yes, yes, we do.

  • And while I was watching it, I was wondering if your family was going to see those.

  • Yes, they have.

  • They did.

  • And do you warn them beforehand?

  • How does it work?

  • Well, they know it's a rated R movie, OK?

  • So I was like, you know, walking into this, if you can't handle heat, get out the kitchen.

  • But I forewarned them.

  • But it was honestly my favorite part of the night, because I've seen the movie many times.

  • And I'm, you know.

  • You're a producer on the film, right?

  • Yeah.

  • That too.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • But so I know when the scenes are coming, right?

  • So I, basically, when those scenes were happening,

  • I just was watching my family, because they were behind me.

  • So I just watched them the whole time.

  • It was hilarious.

  • Oh, you did?

  • Oh, that's good.

  • They're starting, and they're like.

  • And then I slowly get more uncomfortable.

  • And then they're like.

  • And then my little nieces were back there.

  • I mean, they're grown-ups, but they're 18.

  • They literally were like.

  • It was my favorite part of the night.

  • Who was most uncomfortable in your family?

  • Most uncomfortable would, yeah, I think it would be my nieces.

  • Your nieces, yeah?

  • Yeah, they were just like.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Oh, yeah, right.

  • Looking at.

  • Because they're at that age that any of the, even if they're watching strangers, they might be uncomfortable.

  • And then they're watching their aunt.

  • Yeah.

  • Venus Williams was at your premiere, right?

  • Now that, for having Venus Williams watching you play tennis, is probably scarier than grandma watching you have sex, right?

  • There's no sex scenes in the movie, just want to say.

  • Yeah, right, right.

  • I know, I know.

  • It's steamy.

  • No, I was terrified, yeah.

  • I found out that she was coming, and I, well,

  • I found out literally while I was there, they were like, Venus is here.

  • And I was like, what?

  • First of all, I'm fangirling, so I'm already excited just to, the fact, the honor that she would take her time to come and see this was so special to me.

  • But then I thought, oh, I play tennis in this movie.

  • And I really hope that she is not distracted by my tennis abilities.

  • I really hope that it's convincing enough not to be.

  • I watch a good amount of tennis, and I was very impressed by your tennis playing.

  • You're hitting the ball very, very hard.

  • Are you really hitting the ball that hard, or is there a trick there?

  • I don't know if I want to reveal my secret.

  • I see, OK.

  • That's even better in a way.

  • The ball may or may not be there.

  • Ah.

  • So you're hitting something, and then, yeah.

  • It's funny, because a lot of times when they do CGI, they'll use tennis balls, right?

  • Right, for eye lines.

  • And now, there's the only thing that's not there is the tennis ball.

  • We have a photograph.

  • How old are you in this picture?

  • Oh, yeah, I'm like two.

  • And is this a real tennis ball, or you worked that one in yourself?

  • We put that in post.

  • Was that fun, playing, being a tennis player?

  • You know, it was.

  • It was quite a challenge.

  • I mean, I have such a respect for the game.

  • And you know, I think all of, I don't know, naturally, you look at something, and you're like, yeah, I could do that.

  • You know, like, I could do that.

  • And then you get up there, and it's not that.

  • Right.

  • Right.

  • When that, I remember once being like, you know what?

  • Let me try to return a serve.

  • Let me see if I can do this.

  • From a pro?

  • Well, yes.

  • From one of our amazing tennis doubles.

  • And that thing went by so fast.

  • It's scary.

  • I didn't even see.

  • And at the time, I've since got LASIK, but at the time, I didn't have my glasses.

  • So I really couldn't see.

  • I was like, duh, I don't know where that ball just went.

  • The imaginary ones are a lot easier to hit.

  • A lot easier.

  • Because you can decide with your imagination.

  • Well, we're going to take a break.

  • We're going to see a clip from the movie.

  • It's called, Challengers.

  • Zendaya is with us.

  • We'll be right back.

  • Imagine if you could turn Patrick Zwaik, you know, a guy who wins a slam.

  • You still have a season.

  • I still have one good season, and I need you to bring it out of me.

  • So what do you think?

  • How dare you?

  • You want my best piece of advice from you?

  • You want me to coach you?

  • OK, quit.

  • That is Zendaya and Josh O'Connor in Challengers, which, how many times did you have to slap Josh?

  • Surprisingly, not that many.

  • Not that many?

  • Not that many.

  • Were you really slapping him, or was that fake, too?

  • You know, I have a good way of, like, pulling it.

  • So it doesn't, I'm making contact, but not, no sting.

  • You have, as you know, very enthusiastic fans.

  • In fact, I met a couple of them coming into work this morning, and they were like, please say hi to Zendaya.

  • So, hi.

  • I just wanted to share that.

  • Do you, um, you're aware of these memes,

  • I presume, that people will, yeah, like when you make a face like that, people will put words on it.

  • And it seems like you get that more than most anyone.

  • I didn't, I realize now that I have a very expressive face.

  • Yes.

  • I realize now from being, you know,

  • I guess in interviews and doing things, like, a lot of people send me screenshots of, like, my face.

  • For instance.

  • I don't know if it's from, like, my Disney days.

  • This is one that goes around when you're eating, and you catch someone staring at you.

  • Which, by the way, seems to literally be what's happening.

  • Yeah.

  • That doesn't even count as a meme.

  • That's a caption.

  • I was posing for that.

  • Here, this is when you're.

  • Here.

  • That was here.

  • Yeah, it was here on this show.

  • OK, when your crush says something that isn't funny, but you still laugh.

  • Like, why?

  • And this one is more about your wardrobe than you, but this is when you want to sneak a ham or rotisserie chicken into the movie theater.

  • It's chic.

  • It's practical.

  • Yeah, Pharrell had a hat like this, right?

  • He had a giant hat of this nature.

  • Do you keep the hat, or is this a?

  • I think Law has the hat somewhere.

  • Oh, nice.

  • Again, I mentioned that people are very interested in everything involving you.

  • So I want to ask you some random questions.

  • OK.

  • Have you ever received a speeding ticket or a moving violation?

  • I have not.

  • Oh, good.

  • I've gotten close.

  • What happened?

  • Tom and I were rushing to a spin class with my mother.

  • I was not going to do the spin class.

  • He was going to do the spin class, because I don't do that.

  • But we were going a little fast.

  • We were running late.

  • And they recognized that he was Spider-Man.

  • And we were fine.

  • We got a warning.

  • And everything was OK.

  • Well, he's a crime fighter.

  • Of course, there's a community there.

  • All right, well, on that subject, spiders.

  • Do you kill them or release them?

  • I release them.

  • Yourself?

  • I cannot.

  • Yeah, I don't have the heart to do it.

  • Would you go to space if you had the opportunity?

  • I don't know if I would.

  • I feel like that the idea of it, because like,

  • Interstellar is one of my favorite movies.

  • It would be an amazing experience, I'm sure.

  • But my anxiety?

  • Being in like a little metal container in space?

  • I don't know if I can do it.

  • This is the most important question.

  • I'm going to ask you, and perhaps the most important question that you'll ever be asked in your life.

  • Because I really feel like you could help us make some headway with this.

  • Are you for or against daylight saving time?

  • In other words, moving the clocks.

  • Would you like moving the clocks?

  • Or do you like the clocks to remain exactly where they are?

  • I personally find it a little confusing.

  • So you are against?

  • But I don't know.

  • Is this like a bit, what are we, what's the general consensus?

  • This is just something I'm very, well, I'll tell you what.

  • You hate it?

  • Oh, yeah, I hate it, yeah.

  • What about you guys?

  • We, well, the audience has voted, so.

  • Is anyone for daylight saving time?

  • Kill her, damn it.

  • Round them up and throw them out.

  • The audience is voting.

  • Two psychopaths in the audience.

  • So I can, when I have, like for instance, when the vice president comes and visits us here on the show,

  • I can tell her Zendaya's against daylight saving time and you want to get on board?

  • If that's what the people want.

  • Maybe we'll just rename it Zendaylight Saving Time.

  • And it will stay perfectly still.

  • Yeah, OK.

  • Well, it's great to see you.

  • Congratulations on the movie.

  • Challengers opens in select theaters on Monday and nationwide a week from tomorrow.

  • Zendaya, everybody.

  • We'll be back with Freddie and Miri.

Our first guest tonight is one of the biggest stars in the whole world.

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