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  • Hello.

  • Hello.

  • Please take a seat.

  • This is the speaking test for the International English Language Testing System, held on the 25th of March at the Kent Institute.

  • The candidate is Lina Richter, candidate number 012459, and the examiner is Jane Smith, number 555687.

  • Good afternoon.

  • My name's Jane Smith.Good afternoon.

  • Can you tell me your full name, please?Yes, it's Lina Richter.Thank you.

  • And what shall I call you?Please call me Lina.

  • Where are you from?I'm from Germany.Can I see your identification, please, Lina?Here's my passport.

  • Thank you.In this first part of the test, I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself.

  • Now, do you work or are you a student?I'm a student.What are you studying?I'm doing a master's degree in museum studies.Why did you choose that course?I'd like to work in a museum or art gallery one day, and I hope that this course will help me find a job in that sector.Do you think you will remain friends with the people from your course in the future?Yes, I probably will.

  • It's a very small course, and we spend a lot of time together doing group assignments and studying.OK.

  • Now, let's talk about your favourite place.

  • What is the place that you most like to visit?Oh, let me see now.

  • Well, I really like going to the local library.Why do you like it there?I suppose because it's quiet and it has a nice selection of newspapers and magazines.

  • And the range of books is really good too.

  • And there's a cafe next door.How often do you go there?Probably about once a week.Is it easy to travel there?Yes, it is.

  • I can catch a bus from my place to the shopping centre where it's located.Is it a popular place for other people to visit?Yes, it is.

  • A lot of children go there, and it's very popular with students and elderly people.Now, let's talk about your daily routine.

  • Tell me about a typical weekday for you.My daily routine.

  • Well, I'm a student, so my classes start at eight.

  • And that means so during the week, I usually get up about 6.30.

  • Have a quick shower, get dressed, catch a bus to university.

  • I'm always running late, so I don't have time for proper breakfast.

  • I just grab a coffee.

  • I have classes all day and get home at about 5 p.m.

  • And after dinner, I usually try to do some study.Do you work or study better in the morning or the afternoon?The afternoon, definitely.

  • I'm not really a morning person.

  • It takes a while for me to wake up properly.What would you like to change about your daily routine?Change?

  • I suppose I should try to make more time for a proper breakfast in the morning because by mid-morning, I get really hungry.

  • Is there a balance between your work time and your leisure time in your daily routine?

  • Do you mean, like, is it equal?

  • Yeah, I suppose so.

  • I've been studying a lot recently because of the IELTS exam.

  • But I have a week's holiday coming up, and I'm really looking forward to that.

  • I'd like to do some more exercise because I think it's important to take some time out from study every day.Thank you.

  • That brings us to the end of part one.

  • Now, I'm going to give you a topic, and I'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes.

  • Before you talk, you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say.

  • You can make some notes if you wish.

  • Do you understand?

  • Here is some paper and a pencil for making notes.

  • And here is your topic.

  • I'd like you to talk about a meal you have had that you really enjoyed.

  • All right.

  • Remember, you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I stop you.

  • I'll tell you when the time is up.

  • Can you start speaking now, please?Sure.

  • I'm going to talk about a lovely meal that I had while I was on holiday in Greece.

  • I'm vegetarian, so it is sometimes hard for me to find something to eat when I travel.

  • This meal was very simple, but it was delicious.

  • It was a Greek salad made of lettuces, cucumber, tomatoes, olives, and cheese.

  • And it just had a very simple sauce, I mean dressing, poured over it, made from olive oil and lemon juice.

  • My next point is, who prepared the meal?

  • Well, I don't really know, but I can tell you about the restaurant.

  • I remember it was very small and we sat outside in a lovely courtyard.

  • There were plants and flowers all around and a nice cool breeze blowing.

  • Anyway, I decided that the safest option for me to order was a salad.

  • I wasn't really expecting very much, but when I took my first mouthful, I was in heaven.

  • Like everything just tasted so fresh and full of flavor.

  • The tomatoes were so sweet and juicy, the cucumbers crisp and the cheese creamy.

  • When the waiter came to take our plates, he said that the secret was in the ingredients.

  • All the vegetables had been grown in the family's garden.

  • So that's why I will always remember that meal.

  • Thank you.

  • Have you told other people about this meal?Yes, yes, I have.

  • Thank you.

  • Can I have the task card and the paper and pencil back, please?

  • Thank you.

  • So, we've been talking about a meal that you enjoyed, and I'd like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this.

  • First of all, let's consider children and food.

  • What's the best age for a child to learn to cook?Oh, I don't know.

  • Let me see.

  • Maybe about eight or nine.

  • Why?

  • Because I think it might be dangerous if the child is very young.

  • You know, using a knife or cooking things on a stove, you know, that sort of thing.

  • Whose responsibility is it, in your view, to teach children to eat healthily?Oh, the parents, definitely.

  • It all starts with them.

  • Parents must teach their children to eat well.

  • They shouldn't give them junk food all the time, otherwise children can get addicted to it.

  • Do you think children will eat more healthily in the future?Well, sadly, I don't think they will.

  • Fast food is so common nowadays, and people are so busy, so it's an easy option for families.

  • I think there will be more health problems in our society in the future, caused by poor diets.

  • Moving on now to talk about eating habits.

  • Does food play an important role in your culture?Yes, I think it does.

  • When we have family get-togethers, there's always a lot of food.

  • And we have a big meal when we celebrate religious holidays.

  • I guess that's the same in most countries.

  • Food usually is connected to big cultural or religious festivals.

  • Would you say people in your country have a healthy diet these days?

  • Or did people eat more healthily in the past?That's a difficult question.

  • I think both diets could be healthy.

  • You see, traditionally in Germany, people ate quite plain food, like potatoes, meat, and bread.

  • But they ate vegetables too, so in my view, I think the diet was quite healthy.

  • And now our society is so multicultural, especially in the cities, that we have many other cuisines to choose from, such as Indian or Turkish.

  • So we can have a varied, healthy diet.

  • So, yes, I think both the traditional and the modern German diet could be healthy.

  • Just the people need to make the right choice.

  • Do you think it's important for a family to sit together to eat a meal in the evening?Yes, ideally, if it's possible.

  • My family lives in another town, so I can't have a meal with them very often.

  • Thank you.

  • That is the end of the speaking test.

  • Thank you.


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