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  • Is everything set?

  • Yes.

  • Abayo will meet us at the agreed location at the set time.

  • Who is he?

  • The only name we know is...

  • Shadow.

  • In here.

  • I've heard of stories about Shadow.

  • From who?

  • Those are just rumors.

  • Ah!

  • Motherfucker!

  • That's a hot fucking ride!

  • And that's why they call him Shadow.

  • Because he's always lurking behind you.

  • Stop with this talk.

  • He's agreed to our price.

  • We'll see if this Shadow means business.

  • Your muscle's so tense.

  • What do you do for a living?

  • Uh...

  • I'm a rapper.

  • Really?

  • Who?

  • Um...

  • Lil Yachty.

  • Oh my god!

  • You, Lil Yachty?

  • I love Lil Yachty!

  • Perky got me stuck like holster!

  • 2-13.

  • We should be here by now.

  • Maybe you forgot.

  • We can leave now.

  • Wait.

  • Shadow!

  • Don't move, motherfucker!

  • Didn't I tell you to stop moving, nigga?

  • Didn't I tell you to stop moving?

  • Oh, uh, don't worry, don't worry.

  • This right here, this is a rapper thing.

  • We all got these.

  • Now, I know you don't have this in China.

  • Or that.

  • I think I've seen him before.

  • Push.

  • Everyone who's met him is now dead.

  • Aren't we meeting him?

  • Did you bring my money?

  • It's inside.

  • I'll see it.

  • One of you come, whoever in charge.

  • You never guess who I met at job!

  • Yes, yes, come, come, come!

  • Come on.

  • Looks good.

  • Now come with us and I'll take you to the product.

  • Put your motherfucking hands up!

  • This is what a robbery looks like in America.

  • A robbery?

  • Oh, why, because I'm a black man sticking you up?

  • Yes, like boys in the hood.

  • Oh, shit, I thought you were going to just say that!

  • Bitch, you talking to the motherfucking police!

  • This is what your uniform looks like?

  • Put the gun down!

  • Who the fuck is you?

  • I'm Taiwanese security police.

  • She's my suspect.

  • No, I know who you are!

  • You June, and you Qing...

  • Qing...

  • I'm not Zhihao.

  • I'm Rob.

  • Zhihao is outside.

  • If you can...

  • Well, bring him in here!

  • Since we having a party!

  • I do know him!

  • That side.

  • We used to ride horses together back in Taiwan.

  • You ride horses?

  • That doesn't matter.

  • That side, not shadow.

  • Motherfucker.

  • She in my city, so she coming with me!

  • She been crying my country, so she coming with me.

  • Come on, come in!

  • Open the door!

  • Open the door!

  • Oh, hello.

  • No.

  • Oh, hell no!

  • You freak ass nigga!

  • I need my money back!

  • Shit!

  • Get the fuck out of here!

  • No, no, no!

  • Oh, shit!

  • Who let her get away?

  • No, I didn't.

  • You did.

  • I had her cornered.

  • You could never cause she's a fucking Jackie Chan.

  • Jackie Chan.

  • She'll kill you with her pinky.

  • She ain't come up in the A.

  • I got home for that bandage.

  • Now put the gun down!

  • You first.

  • Nigga!

  • One...

  • Two...

  • Three!

  • First one to catch gets to bring it in.

  • Capisce?

  • Capisce.

  • God damn!

  • Bitch!

  • Oh, okay, okay, okay!

  • Okay, ladies, how you doing?

  • Oh, I need your grand!

  • Oh, my gosh!

  • Holy crap!

  • Oh, my...

  • What?

  • You scared of girls?

  • Oh, my God!

  • Oh, my God!

  • Hold on.

  • Hold on, hold on.

  • I'll be right back, all right?

  • I'll be right back.

  • We should work together.

  • Two is better than one.

  • I'm not the one who need a wingman.

  • Besides, I want to work with you anyways.

  • You ain't have no wrist.

  • I have so much wrist.

  • Oh, my God!

  • Oh, my God!

  • Oh, my God!

  • Ain't no way you get, bitches!

  • I fuck her all the time!

  • Then fuck her somewhere else!

  • Before I taint you!

  • Man, it's a very well-official police business!

  • I have a raise.

  • Your choice!

  • I have a raise!

  • Fuck!

  • Castle tomb shop on 34.

  • Get there now, Sophie.

  • Hey!

  • I need the most serious outfit y'all got!

  • Oh, no!

  • Is he naked?

  • Man, bro, if you gonna rob us, at least put some clothes on, bitch!

  • Ain't no money in the rob, no way!

  • I need the most serious outfit y'all got!

  • Oh, no!

  • Is he naked?

  • Man, bro, if you gonna rob us, at least put some clothes on, bitch!

  • Ain't no money in the rob, nobody!

  • I'm a fucking cop!

  • Now give me some privacy!

  • Who is that?

  • On the way.

  • 30 seconds.

  • Meet our friend.

  • Some churro, right?

  • Some churro, right?

  • Oh!

  • I'm feeling this shit!

  • Oh!

  • Freeze, bitch!

  • Stop!

  • Wait!

  • God damn!

  • It's an unlucky day, June!

  • Who, June?

  • You, June!

  • Just that because I am Asian doesn't mean my name June.

  • That's a racist.

  • We have black Junes, but they don't look like they about to get arrested by Batman!

  • Constituent Party,

  • Michael Jackson.

  • And who are you going as?

  • Hillary Gillington.

  • Now let's go find your friend, Chi.

  • I found him.

  • Give me the case.

  • You want the briefcase?

  • Fuck!

  • Asshole!

  • Stop, Billie Jean!

  • That wasn't funny!

  • Well, my ass,

  • I'll find some fun.

  • Come, bitch!

  • Come, bitch!

  • Come, bitch!

  • Come, bitch!

  • Come, bitch!

  • Come, bitch!

  • Come, bitch!

  • Come, bitch!

  • Come, bitch!

  • Bitch!

  • Oh, shit!

  • I like that shit!

  • Bitch!

  • Come on!

  • Come on!

  • Oh, yeah!

  • Oh, shit!

  • This shit works better than the movies!

  • Come on!

  • Oh, shit!

  • This is good!

  • I told you.

  • Why don't you come back?

  • Two for the one.

  • Chi!

  • Where are you?

  • Chi!

  • I thought your name was Rob, you cop-ass nigga!

  • I'm not a cop-ass!

  • Don't you ever say nigga to a black man.

  • This is Atlanta, boy.

  • When you say niggas, you're gonna have niggas ready to cop your ass in broad daylight.

  • But there's only one exception.

  • If there's no other niggas around, and you need my attention, and I mean really need it, that's your last resort.

  • Die!

  • Okay, I understand.

  • Where is he?

  • My name's not Rob.

  • I thought your name was Robert!

  • But we're gonna talk about that later.

  • Two better than one?

  • Let's find out.

  • Now tell me some hot shit to say in Chinese.

  • Hey!

  • Hey!

  • Die!

  • Holy shit!

  • No!

  • Don't shoot anyone!

  • Shoot me!

  • No, shoot me!

  • Shoot me!

  • No, shoot me!

  • No, shoot me!

  • Shoot me!

  • Shoot me!

  • Shut up!

  • How about I shoot both of you?

  • Oh my god, there he is!

  • Ah!

  • What'd I tell you?

  • How could I be a Tsai?

  • So your real name is Tsai?

  • Tsai Zhihua.

  • Tsai Ching.

  • Tsai Zhihua.

  • Tsai Ching.

  • Tsai Zhihua.

  • Tsai Ching.

  • Tsai Zhihua.

  • Tsai Ching.

  • What the hell?

  • This is why I changed my name.

  • It's because it's too big.

  • Too big?

  • Well, we got better names than Rob.

  • You could've been Denzel!

  • I am Denzel.

  • You for sure quick with it.

  • But Denzel, he kill niggas with his earlobes.

  • Rob is short for Robert McCall.

  • Legalizer!

  • You gonna keep staring at her, or you gonna split some game?

  • I have to be honest.

  • I have no risk.

  • That's alright.

  • I probably invented that shit.

  • First, when you make eye contact, you got three seconds to approach her, or she gonna think you every other dude checking out her chi ching chong.

  • Then, once you in there, it's all about confidence.

  • Always have something to say, and say it with a smile.

  • But not like the Joker.

  • Capisce.

  • Capisce.

  • Now, if you excuse me, all this ass kicking got my stomach upset.

  • Good luck.

  • Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.

  • Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.

  • Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.

  • Nah.

  • Nah.

  • Oh, shit.

  • One.

  • Two.

  • Close to midnight.

  • And something evil is lurking in the dark.

  • Oh, ow!

  • Under the moonlight, you see a sight that's almost stopped your heart.

  • Is this seat taken?

  • My boyfriend is sitting there.

  • That wasn't a question.

  • Cause this is thriller!

  • Thriller night!

  • And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike.

  • Cause this is thriller!

  • Me and Lil Yachty arrest a woman after we kick her ass.

  • That's insane.

  • I can't believe you know Lil Yachty.

  • Can I tell you something?

  • The guy in this chair, he's not my boyfriend.

  • He's a client.

  • Oh, I see.

  • How much will this conversation cost?

  • Nothing.

  • Actually, I like talking to you.

  • Besides, he's paying me enough.

  • That briefcase is completely full of money.

  • Oh, shit.

  • Killer!

  • Thriller!

  • Oh, shit.

  • You like Mike?

  • I'm the biggest Michael Jackson fan all in China.

  • I met some guys from China today.

  • I met a black Michael Jackson today.

  • What you mean black Michael Jackson?

  • He's white, yes?

  • I can see the confusion.

  • But, actually, he was a...

  • Nobody trying to rob y'all.

  • I'm gonna fuck it up.

  • What are you?

  • Okay, I understand.

  • It was so good.

  • It was so good.

  • Okay, I understand.

  • But, you...

  • Fuck.

  • No, don't do that.

  • I'll laugh.

  • Okay, I understand.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Okay, stop.

  • Stop!

  • Fuck!

  • Oh, hello.

  • No.

  • The fuck?

  • Bitch!

  • What kind of bitch?

  • He's white, yes?

  • He was actually...

  • Fuck!

  • Firstly, when you were...

  • Oh, shit.

  • Fuck!

  • It's him.

  • It's him.

  • It's him.

  • It's him.

  • It's him.

Is everything set?

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