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  • The reason why you struggle with understanding long and complex sentences isn't always about vocabulary It's often because your brain isn't as accustomed to English sentences structures for example like clauses or inverted sentences Which are quite different from Chinese sentences structures Now look at these two sentences if we compare them It's obvious that English emphasizes verbs and different concepts are connected by preposition of conjunction and English prefers long and consecutive sentences However Chinese in contrast prefers short and discrete structures So in your daily listening practice to better comprehend you'd better not focus too much on Single word, but try to grasp the whole structure today I'm gonna share with you a great way to help you achieve this goal It may be a little bit challenging, but trust me It's worth it.

  • The practice is called retelling.

  • This method not only helps you tackle complex sentences Enhancing your spoken English.

  • It can also train your memory.

  • So without further ado, let's dive in First pick a video or an audio material that matches your level It will be best if it is slightly above your current comprehension level then listen to one or two sentences at a time instead of just individual words and Try your best to retell those parts from the beginning to the end You can listen to them as many times as you want.

  • But remember always repeat the whole sentence Now, let's try it Someone tried their best to explain every concept in this insanely complex world to the child That was you as you asked a bazillion questions like how does the moon work?

  • And why can we eat salad but not grass?

  • Someone tried their best to answer your questions such as how does moon work at the first time?

  • It's maybe very hard for you to retell the whole sentence if you only manage to catch some fragmented information Don't worry.

  • That's fine Let's try it again but this time try to extend your focus longer and pay attention to connective words such as that as All while don't get caught up in words that you don't understand Someone tried their best to explain every concept in this insanely complex world to the child That was you as you asked a bazillion questions like how does the moon work?

  • And why can we eat salad but not grass?

  • Someone tried their best to explain every concept in this world to child that was you as you ask Many questions like how does the moon work?

  • And why we can't eat grass?

  • Be patient.

  • If you need more time, take it It may take a while to get used to this kind of practice at first All right, when you can almost retell the whole sentence, you can check the script.

  • Look at the tricky part You will find those words that you are not familiar with didn't add too much pressure on your understanding, right?

  • What is more important are those linking words that help you with the logic?

  • Also by retelling speakers words, you will pick up new phrases, new structures that you can use next time in your speaking Those phrases will stick with you better because this way of learning is active You use your focus and listening comprehension to figure it out by yourself instead of being told by a teacher For example, in the sentences we listened just now, we can learn phrases like bazillion questions insanely complex or the structure as somebody do something So follow the steps and be patient.

  • Take your time You will see amazing improvement through regular retelling exercises I'm Lindsay.

  • If you find this video helpful, give it a like and subscribe to my channel Don't forget to share your progress in the comments.

  • See you next time You

The reason why you struggle with understanding long and complex sentences isn't always about vocabulary It's often because your brain isn't as accustomed to English sentences structures for example like clauses or inverted sentences Which are quite different from Chinese sentences structures Now look at these two sentences if we compare them It's obvious that English emphasizes verbs and different concepts are connected by preposition of conjunction and English prefers long and consecutive sentences However Chinese in contrast prefers short and discrete structures So in your daily listening practice to better comprehend you'd better not focus too much on Single word, but try to grasp the whole structure today I'm gonna share with you a great way to help you achieve this goal It may be a little bit challenging, but trust me It's worth it.

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