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  • Hi, you're rich.

  • Uh...Well, depends on the starting salary.

  • Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

  • Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

  • You're funny. Have a seat.

  • Okay, shall we?

  • Alright, I just buttered her up.

  • Logic, confidence, you know what to do, right?

  • Yes, sir, I have all the answers right here.

  • The probability of achieving a successful interview with confidence is about 98 percent.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've been working together on this all week.

  • Don't worry, we got this.

  • Alright, sounds like a plan.

  • Aroused? What the hell are you doing here?

  • Oh, I thought I was called in for something.

  • No, we don't need you here right now.

  • Oh, I see why.

  • No, no, get the hell out of here.

  • We need complete focus on this mission.

  • Okay, okay, damn.

  • Okay, where were we?

  • Wait, where did this confidence go?

  • I believe he went to the bathroom.

  • Damn, I love you.

  • We don't have time for breaks right now.

  • So, tell me about yourself.

  • Oh, okay, um, well, uh, I, uh, oh, oh, no, it's starting.

  • Logic, quit, do something.

  • Um, uh, well, I have worked at my last company for over four years.

  • I am proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

  • I am 30 years old, black, recently divorced.

  • What are you doing?

  • You sound so robotic.

  • This isn't a tech job.

  • You know I can't process my thoughts properly without emotional support.

  • I know, I know, we're just understaffed right now.

  • I can help.

  • Why are you still here?

  • Okay, stay.

  • Why don't you just stop standing there and help me?

  • Fine.

  • Um, how do you find yourself problem solving?

  • Oh, boy, I am a problem solving master.

  • I love problem solving.

  • Ever since I was born, I problem solve.

  • Whenever I see a problem, I solve it.

  • I'm like you, you got a problem, I'll solve it.

  • That's what I'm talking about.

  • I think you're giving her the magnifying glass.

  • Oh, Raph, if you do not leave, we're going to do a magnifying glass on you twice a week.

  • I've got to find this damn confidence.

  • Anxiety, I need you to cover for me.

  • Well, wait, wait, no, no, no, no, why me?

  • Because you're the only one on the clock for some reason.

  • I need to take a soul off today.

  • I'll be back, and whatever you do, don't let arouse distract you.

  • What do you think your strengths and weaknesses are when it comes to the workplace?

  • Okay, okay, well, I, um, okay, let's just keep this rudimentary.

  • Just follow this prompt word for word, and I think we can at least achieve a satisfactory result.

  • Um, so how do you want me to interpret this?

  • What do you mean?

  • Do you want this in order, up and down, left and right, just do it however you usually do it.

  • So, so you just want me to do it how I usually do it?

  • Yes, just do you, it's that simple.

  • Okay, but because last time you yelled at me, and we got into this huge argument.

  • You just stop over thinking.

  • I just want to make sure I'm doing this right.

  • Can you just hurry up?

  • He's looking like an idiot right now.

  • Okay, okay, okay, damn, stop yelling at me.

  • Um, I, I could be too good at Excel, I, I guess, or wait, wait, no, that, that's strength.

  • Um, I, hold on, what, what are you doing?

  • He's just babbling.

  • See, this is why we can never work together.

  • You are making this more complicated than it needs to be.

  • I'm just doing this as you ask.

  • Every time we work together, you're sniffing me.

  • I'm sorry, I'm trying to keep things simple for you.

  • One plus one equals two.

  • You're not even one of us, you're not an emotion.

  • Um.

  • Are you okay?

  • Do you need some water or something?

  • No, no, no, I'm good, I'm good, I'm, um.

  • No one likes you, no one likes you.

  • You should be in the operating department.

  • I'm still getting, why do we have to work together?

  • I'm back, I couldn't find him.

  • What did I miss?

  • So, I do want to let you know, we've had a lot of people apply for this position.

  • I've spoken to almost 45 applicants today alone.

  • I'm, I'm sorry, y'all.

  • Yeah, I'm sorry too.

  • Let's just take this L and move on.

  • I'm really not supposed to do this at this level of the interview process, but.

  • When can you start?

  • Sorry, I wouldn't have.

  • Get out of here!

  • Get the hell out of here, Confidence!

  • If you see a rival, tell them to get over here, we're celebrating!

  • I can start right away.

  • You've got the job.

  • What's your starting salary?

  • Why am I around?

  • I want to give a shout out to everyone who wanted a part two to my last video.

  • That video hit over a million views.

  • That's my first long form video that hit a million views.

  • So, thank you guys so much for that.

  • Like always, if you have any other ideas, please comment below.

  • And if I like it and it sparks interest, then I'm going to see what I can do.

  • And I'll give you guys a shout out if I make it.

  • Alright guys, take it easy.

  • Love y'all, bye.

  • Bye bye.

  • You're funny.

  • We need a funny guy around the office.

  • We need a little humor around the old office.

  • You're hired.

Hi, you're rich.

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