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  • [Advice for non-native speakers]

  • Speaking in a language that's not your native language can be incredibly challenging and anxiety provoking.

  • But there's some things you can do to help yourself feel more comfortable and confident.

  • The first has to do with mindset and approach.

  • Many of us as non-native speakers want to sound like native speakers.

  • And that puts a tremendous amount of pressure on ourselves.

  • Rather, we should simply focus on the clarity of our message.

  • Realistically, we never will sound exactly like a native speaker.

  • But we can make sure our messages are clear and understandable.

  • And we can do that by being very focused and repeating ourselves.

  • So, say something, and then give an example, maybe tell a story or use an analogy.

  • So focus on clarity rather than perfection.

  • Additionally, we can help our audiences by making sure our messages are well-structured.

  • A beginning, a middle, and an end.

  • Rather than just listing lots of information.

  • By taking the time to focus on the way we approach our speaking, as well as structuring our messages, it can really help.

  • And then finally, we need to listen, and listen well.

  • And we have to reflect on what worked and what didn't.

  • In those ways, we can learn and improve.

  • By doing all of these things, we can be better at speaking a language that is not our native one.

[Advice for non-native speakers]

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