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  • Okay, so Nishma, would you mind taking that chair and moving it off camera?

  • And Zeena, actually, the plant as well, if we could.

  • Lighting looks good and I'm just organizing my environment.

  • Let's do a sound check as well.

  • Good to go.

  • [Tips for public speaking]

  • Today, I want to talk a little bit about public speaking.

  • I have a lot of students who have to speak in public in English, whether it's at a conference, giving a presentation at work or just general day to day business meetings.

  • Public speaking can be nerve wracking in your first language.

  • When you start doing it in your second or third, I can't even begin to imagine how nervous you're going to be.

  • I have been practicing this skill, so would love to share my tips with you.

  • And I've organized them into the 3Ps: preparation, practice and performance.

  • The saying preparation is key.

  • I know can be a little bit cliche, but it's the truth.

  • Prepare your materials.

  • What you want to talk about.

  • What is the key information that you want to share with your audience?

  • Make sure that you have all of your data, all of your information.

  • Prepare them and look over them.

  • Next, prepare your environment.

  • If you are at home on a Zoom meeting, make sure that your office is quiet.

  • You're in a nice chair.

  • If you're in a meeting at work, prepare your meeting room.

  • Make sure all of your tech works.

  • There's nothing worse than going to do a presentation, realizing the projector doesn't work or there's no speaker or there's no HDMI cable.

  • Finally, and I know it sounds weird that I'm giving you hygiene advice, but prepare yourself.

  • Take a shower.

  • It sounds really silly, but being clean, being fresh gives you confidence.

  • Make sure that you're wearing something that's comfortable, but also makes you feel confident.

  • Our next P is practice.

  • So as the saying goes, practice makes perfect.

  • I would also suggest practicing out loud.

  • We are all perfectly capable of speaking to an incredibly high standard in our heads.

  • I'm fluent in many languages in my head.

  • Practice out loud.

  • Take the time to do this.

  • It gets your mouth used to moving around, saying all these words.

  • And if you can, I would even suggest using the voice recorder on your phone so that you can then listen back to the recording.

  • It's not only about what you say, but how you say it.

  • On that note, what you say is also important.

  • So make sure that you're feeling confident with any vocabulary, common collocations that you might need, as well as linking and signposting phrases.

  • You might have noticed that I've been trying to use them today to give you a little bit of an idea of what they are and how they can be used.

  • Our third and final P is performance.

  • Public speaking is like acting.

  • You're giving a performance.

  • Even if you're not feeling confident, fake it till you make it.

  • So stand up straight, smile, look at your audience.

  • And I also like to scan the room in threes.

  • In case you haven't noticed, I like doing things in threes.

  • So pick a center point in your room.

  • Talk to your audience.

  • Turn to your right.

  • Talk to an audience member over here.

  • You can go back to the center and then finally to your left.

  • That way, you're making sure that all of your audience feels included.

  • So to sum up, we have 3Ps: practice, preparation and performance.

  • Every time.

  • Not in that order.

  • They are preparation, practice and performance.

  • Do let me know if you started using those and how you get on.

  • I'd love to hear in the comments below.

  • Or if you have anything that you do before giving a public speech or presentation, myself and I'm sure the rest of our viewers would love to hear about it.

  • Bye, everyone.

Okay, so Nishma, would you mind taking that chair and moving it off camera?

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