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  • Hello for this video you're going to need a pen and paper I'm going to tell you a story about a strange monster the first time using formal language the second time using informal language English lessons After I've told you the story once look at the transcript in the description below and note down Five formal words and try and change them into informal words.

  • Are you ready?

  • Let's go over the years I'd acquired thousands and thousands of board games, but I didn't have one thing Friends that wanted to play them fortunately someone told me about a strange doctor who could create one for me I submitted my details and several weeks later.

  • There was a knock at my door I opened it and saw a towering monster.

  • Let's play settlers of Catan It said great.

  • I responded we started to play.

  • It was great Once we had finished the monster spoke again.

  • Let's play another board game However, I just needed to rest.

  • Let's play another board game His voice boomed the food in my kitchen had completely depleted and I wanted to go out and purchase something from the shops I felt like I was going to lose consciousness.

  • I Decided that I couldn't tolerate this any longer and evicted him.

  • Goodbye Now look at the transcript in the description below and note down five Formal words and try and change them into informal words.

  • Are you ready?

  • Let's press the pause button Have you pressed it?

  • Welcome back.

  • Now.

  • I'm gonna tell the same story using informal language I've got hold of thousands and thousands of board games, but I didn't have one thing that I needed to play them.

  • That's friends, so I passed on my details to this weird doctor and Suddenly I heard a knock at my door and there before me was this weird-looking massive ginormous Monster and he said let's play board games He got out settlers of Catan and he said let's play now And I said, well that that's great So we started playing and we finished and he said let's play another game.

  • I said, well, okay That's that's brilliant.

  • So we played again and again and again We played so much that the food in my kitchen had completely run out then suddenly I just felt like I was gonna I was gonna faint.

  • I couldn't put up with them anymore So I chucked him out.

  • Bye Did you notice any differences between those stories?

  • Here are three different words that I changed One word was get hold of so in the first story I said to acquire which is a very formal way of saying to get But in the second story I said to get hold of which is an informal way of saying acquire the second word is Submitted.

  • So in the first story, I said I submitted my details, which sounds very full But in the second story, I said I passed on my details, which is Informal the third word is depleted.

  • So in the first story I said the food in my kitchen had completely depleted which sounds very formal But in the second story, I said the food in my kitchen had completely run out which is informal Those are three examples, but maybe you found some more please let me know in the comment section if you found any other differences between the two stories and Farewell to you.

  • Bye.

  • Bye

Hello for this video you're going to need a pen and paper I'm going to tell you a story about a strange monster the first time using formal language the second time using informal language English lessons After I've told you the story once look at the transcript in the description below and note down Five formal words and try and change them into informal words.

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