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  • Well, hey, welcome to this English lesson about food.

  • I'm here with Brent.

  • Hi, Brent.

  • Hello.

  • Brent's taking me around Maine today, around Lewiston, Maine, and he's going to treat me.

  • Well, I don't know, are you buying the food?

  • I'll probably buy most of it, yeah.

  • He might be treating me to food, or I'll buy some of it as well, and then as I taste it, I'll try to think of all the English words and phrases I would use to describe that food, so I'm looking forward to it.

  • Me too.

  • The only thing I'm worried about is that Bob is gonna like the food so much, you're not gonna wanna leave.

  • Yeah, I might end up staying here, but we'll see, you never know.

  • It might be yummy, maybe not.

  • Okay, so we're here at The Holy Donut.

  • Brent has just gone in to make sure it's okay for us to come in with our cameras.

  • Hopefully they say yes.

  • If not, maybe we'll have to be a little bit sneaky about it, but I'm sure they'll say yes to a Canadian visiting coming to buy their donuts.

  • I'm sure they'll be fine with it.

  • We'll see.

  • Chocolate sea salt.

  • Chocolate sea salt, yes.

  • Maple bacon.

  • Maple bacon.

  • And then what's your best blueberry?

  • Ooh, personally, in my opinion, the blueberry lemon.

  • Oh, blueberry with lemon.

  • What does that look like?

  • Where is that?

  • That is this one right here.

  • Oh yeah, that looks good.

  • Yeah, we'll do that.

  • Not the cannoli?

  • The cannoli is also absolutely delicious, but I actually really like the lemon.

  • Let's do four.

  • Okay.

  • Four, and then the blueberry cannoli?

  • Yeah, let's do that.

  • Awesome.

  • Because Brent's paying.

  • Yeah.

  • All right, so we have a sea salt, a lemon, a blueberry holey cannoli, and there was one other one.

  • What was that one?

  • Maple bacon and blueberry lemon.

  • Maple bacon, that's the one that I'm missing here.

  • All right, anything to drink today?

  • No, I'm fine.

  • Then the total will still be $17.55.

  • Okay, I can pay.

  • You want me to pay?

  • I got it.

  • There's a chocolate.

  • Then my screen's just going to ask you if you'd like to leave a tip, and then it'll ask if you want a receipt.

  • So, we're not gonna eat all of them.

  • We're gonna try parts of each of them.

  • I had a knife.

  • Yes.

  • Okay, so I think half's too much.

  • Yeah, it is.

  • So, let's try chocolate.

  • Let's try a quarter, maybe.

  • There we go.

  • I'm just gonna grab.

  • I'm gonna eat before you're eating.

  • Do it.

  • This is probably my favorite donut that they sell here.

  • That is a deep, rich chocolate flavor.

  • That is yummy.

  • Yeah, you were right.

  • I do like them.

  • Do you taste the potato in them?

  • I don't, actually.

  • It tastes like, like if I bought this at home, it would be an expensive donut.

  • It tastes very, very good.

  • And it's kind of a traditional donut.

  • It's made the old-fashioned way.

  • It's probably deep fried in oil.

  • It's very soft, I think.

  • Almost a little warm still.

  • So, I don't know how long ago this was baked, but my favorite.

  • I like salt.

  • So, do you like salt as well?

  • I do.

  • Two thumbs up, but I have to try the other ones yet.

  • I feel bad, but I'm already rating this one as my favorite without trying the other ones, so.

  • So, I can't imagine how many calories are in the middle of this donut.

  • When we cut it, though, we gotta get a little bit of the cream.

  • This is gonna be messy.

  • Luckily, they have a washroom here, as you would say in Canada, right?

  • You can wash up afterwards.

  • Once again, I'm gonna dive right in.

  • Do you know that?

  • I'm gonna dive in.

  • That means I'm gonna go and take a piece right away.

  • Good phrasing right there.

  • Uh-oh.

  • I got a little bit of it.

  • And I don't know about you, but I hate eating on camera.

  • It's good.

  • I like the chocolate better.

  • The whipped cream tastes very fresh.

  • Like, it feels like it's authentic whipped cream.

  • Sometimes in Canada and the United States, you have things that are kind of fake.

  • That tastes like real whipped cream.

  • Real blueberries, definitely.

  • Oh, that is good.

  • Yeah.

  • I'm gonna take another one.

  • Yeah, it's growing on me.

  • That's a good phrase, too.

  • It means I'm starting to like it more and more.

  • I'm not sure about this one.

  • A donut with bacon seems a little strange to me.

  • Usually donuts are very sweet.

  • And this is gonna add a salty, savory element to the donut.

  • Is it maple bacon?

  • It is.

  • Now, bacon and maple go well together.

  • I'm gonna smell it first.

  • Oh yeah, you can smell the maple.

  • You can definitely smell the bacon.

  • I'm gonna use the English phrase, that's a no for me.

  • No, really?

  • When you say something is a no for you, it means you don't like it.

  • I like it enough that I'll finish my piece, but I wouldn't buy this.

  • It's a great donut.

  • They've done a great job.

  • I just personally, no.

  • Is it too sweet?

  • Or is it the combination of flavors?

  • It's the bacon with the sugar.

  • Oh, okay.

  • Yeah.

  • That's unfortunate.

  • I like that one.

  • Okay, what's this last one?

  • I believe it's the blueberry lemon.

  • Blueberry lemon.

  • So two flavors together.

  • And I'm sure it's the same in Canada.

  • We say blueberry pairs well with lemon.

  • You'll see that in cakes and stuff.

  • Yeah.

  • I don't think I've ever had this one.

  • You can actually see the blueberry inside this one.

  • So, has a nice blue look.

  • Mm.

  • The hint of lemon is quite strong.

  • I wouldn't actually use the phrase hint of lemon.

  • It's quite lemony.

  • So, hmm.

  • More lemony than blueberry, I think.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay, I'm gonna rank them.

  • Okay.

  • Chocolate sea salt, number one for me.

  • Blueberry cannoli, number two.

  • Blueberry lemon, number three.

  • But a distant third.

  • Like it's one, two, and then there's a big gap for Bob.

  • And then blueberry lemon.

  • And then the bacon one is, I guess it's number four by default, but would not be buying it again.

  • What about you?

  • I think we line up, no, no.

  • We don't line up exactly.

  • So we don't exactly agree.

  • But chocolate sea salt, number one.

  • Number one.

  • Blueberry, probably number three.

  • Oh.

  • The maple bacon's probably my second.

  • Okay.

  • Yours would be fourth, but not distant.

  • Like I kinda like them all.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • Well, thanks for the donuts.

  • Of course.

  • We're done here at the donut shop and we're gonna hit the road.

  • And what's next?

  • What are we eating next?

  • I think we might have a lobster roll.

  • We might have a lobster roll.

  • So that might be next.

  • So we're at our next location.

  • We're gonna look at the lighthouse that you might be able to just see in the distance there.

  • We'll get a bit closer.

  • And then up there, there's a little food truck or a little food place where we're gonna get a lobster roll.

  • Should be yummy.

  • So I know this is a food video, but this is a pretty cool shot of this lighthouse.

  • I'll have to do a little bit of research about it later.

  • But here we are.

  • You can see what I think is the Atlantic Ocean.

  • It could just be a large bay.

  • I'll have to check a map.

  • But we're here on the Eastern seaboard, we would call it.

  • Making a food video where I'm not actually eating anything.

  • We'll get back to that in just a sec.

  • Okay, I'm just taking a selfie for Jen.

  • I decided if I was on a trip without her, I should at least send her some pictures.

  • So here we go.

  • Oop.

  • Almost dropped my phone because of the suntan lotion on my hands.

  • There we go.

  • Okay, so we're here at this little trailer.

  • I called it a food truck, but it's a trailer.

  • And we're gonna get a lobster roll, which is apparently a pretty common thing to get when you're in Maine.

  • I think Brent's gonna pay for them again.

  • We'll see.

  • What can I get for ya?

  • I say we go with a couple lobster rolls.

  • Yeah.

  • And since we're in Maine, we gotta do the Maine.

  • Yeah, two Maine lobster rolls.

  • Yeah, we got two sizes.

  • We have a four and a half ounce and a six.

  • How hungry are you?

  • The smaller one for me.

  • Okay.

  • Smaller one for me as well.

  • We're kind of on a tour of food, so we don't want to eat too much.

  • So it says for the Maine one, just mayo and chives.

  • Yes.

  • Does it come with any butter?

  • We can put butter on anything.

  • Please do.

  • All right, I'll get that receipt printed for you.

  • Okay.

  • Thank you.

  • And I'll get you those drinks.

  • I'll be right back.

  • Thanks.

  • Here's the waters.

  • Let's get our moxies.

  • You guys had moxie before?

  • I've had it before.

  • No.

  • So we're gonna- We're gonna see if I like it.

  • Let us know where you fall on the great debate here.

  • Do you like it?

  • I love it.

  • You do, really?

  • You'll be number 49.

  • We'll just call it a morning.

  • Okay, thank you.

  • Enjoy guys.

  • I've had this for about 20 years and it's not as bad as I thought.

  • No, this is really good.

  • So I'm trying moxie by the way.

  • So I, sorry, I stopped recording.

  • So you didn't see me open the can and hear the nice sound.

  • I'll make the sound for you.

  • It's good.

  • It's very sweet.

  • It's like a traditional soda.

  • I was expecting something that was a little different, but it says on here distinctively different, but it really tastes like just a regular sweet, almost like a root beer.

  • I was gonna say, it has a hint of like root beer.

  • So I don't know, is that sassafras or something like that, right?

  • It's good.

  • I would drink it again.

  • There you go.

  • Enjoy.

  • Thank you.

  • Mm-hmm.

  • Okay, so this is a lobster roll.

  • It looks kind of like a fancy, fancy bun with lots of lobster in it.

  • And then some potato chips.

  • Potato chips are good.

  • They're a bit salty.

  • I noticed there's a fork.

  • Mm-hmm.

  • There's also lemon.

  • I'm gonna assume like traditional seafood, I should put some lemon on this.

  • And then is the fork for like newbies?

  • I think it can get pretty messy, so.

  • I think I just, I gotta just take a bite.

  • So here we go.

  • My first bite.

  • Mm.

  • Mm.

  • That is very fresh seafood.

  • Like where I live, far from the ocean, we don't get fresh.

  • This is, this is very good.

  • You can tell.

  • I didn't know you could tell that easily.

  • And I'm not the biggest lobster fan, but I mean, they didn't skimp on the lobster meat.

  • That means they didn't hold back.

  • They didn't, they gave us a lot of lobster in this.

  • So I'm gonna try it just with a fork here.

  • It's also very buttery.

  • There's like butter on my hands from eating it.

  • And it's very messy.

  • Sorry for talking with my mouth full, but it's very hard to eat without it falling apart.

  • Mm.

  • Good?

  • Yep.

  • It's the best thing I've eaten today so far.

  • Better than the donuts?

  • Better than the chocolate sea salt donut.

  • So there's a couple of words I would use to describe this.

  • I, I demolished it.

  • That means like this is Brent's.

  • This is mine.

  • It's gone.

  • Or I destroyed it.

  • That's kind of a newer word we use sometimes.

  • Like I just destroyed it.

  • But that was yummy.

  • I don't think I'm gonna eat the chips.

  • I'm not a big fan of chips, but that was really, really good.

  • Delicious, scrumptious.

  • I can't think of any other words.

  • So I said I wasn't gonna eat my potato chips, but I didn't wanna let them go to waste.

  • When you let something go to waste, it means you don't eat it and you throw it away.

  • And I just couldn't let them go to waste.

  • They are yummy.

  • I was just feeling kind of full.

  • When you eat a lot of food, especially the lobster roll, you can feel full.

  • But yeah, I can't let these go to waste, so I'm gonna eat them.

  • Okay, so we're on our way to get a whoopie pie?

  • Yeah.

  • Whoopie pie.

  • Place called Wicked Whoopie.

  • And I think whoopie pies are very famous in Maine.

  • Have you ever had a whoopie pie?

  • I think you brought me one last year.

  • Okay.

  • It was really good, but I'm looking forward to, is this gonna be fresh made, or it's gonna be similar to what I had last year?

  • No, it'll be a lot fresher than last year.

  • Okay, well, hopefully it's good.

  • Is that it?

  • That's it, Wicked Whoopie.

  • Okay, here we go.

  • In Maine, when we say something is really good, we might say it's wicked good.

  • Oh, so that's why it says Wicked Whoopies.

  • Wicked good.

  • Ah, I see.

  • Very cool.

  • Okay, so there's a lot of flavors.

  • I see a lot of chocolate flavors over there.

  • That's probably where I'm gonna go.

  • Okay, so I just noticed they have mint.

  • So it looks like chocolate.

  • And then the inside probably has like a mint flavor.

  • I might go for that, because I do like mint chocolate chip ice cream.

  • So we'll see.

  • And then when I saw this, I said, hold the phone.

  • In English, when you say hold the phone, it means stop whatever you're thinking about, because I might be changing my mind.

  • So, hmm, mint?

  • And Brent, these are on me.

  • In English, when you say something's on you, it means you're paying for it.

  • So Brent bought other stuff today, so this one's on me.

  • Would you like a bag for these?

  • No, we're gonna eat them right away.

  • All righty.

  • Can we eat them at one of those tables over there?

  • Of course you can.

  • Yeah.

  • Meat 23.

  • Okay.

  • I might need to punch my code in.

  • Nope, you are all set.

  • Thank you.

  • Awesome.

  • Do you sell much of that?

  • Yeah, we do.

  • In the summer?

  • Yeah, I'm not a gingerbread fan, but you would be surprised at people that come in specifically for the fall.

  • Okay.

  • Yeah.

  • Can I get a receipt?

  • You bet.

  • Do you have a lot of Canadians that come in here?

  • Yes.

  • Okay, good.

  • I'm not the only one.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Enjoy.

  • Okay, let's find a table.

  • Right in the corner here.

  • Here we go.

  • It's time for the grand opening.

  • Sorry, grand opening's usually when a store opens, not when you open stuff.

  • Here's the opening.

  • So you definitely went with the classic.

  • Oh, it's very minty.

  • Yeah, it's like, I did go mint, but it's the classic look.

  • Yes, it is.

  • You could be mistaken.

  • I thought it was vanilla in the middle.

  • So you might not have to brush your teeth tonight.

  • Okay.

  • Because of the mint.

  • Because you think it's kind of like toothpaste?

  • Mm-hmm.

  • Oh, it's minty, definitely.

  • It's cakier, so I thought the outside would be a little bit more like a brownie, like a little more dense.

  • It's actually a lot cakier, light and fluffy.

  • The center is, there's a lot of icing sugar in there.

  • Mm-hmm.

  • It tastes a little bit like the icing on a cake, like a cake that you would eat for your birthday, so.

  • So how many of these do you think you could eat in a sitting?

  • Three, four?

  • Half.

  • Yeah, once we stop the camera.

  • I don't think I can eat more than half, and I will eat the rest tonight.

  • It is yummy, very, very good.

  • How's yours?

  • It's great.

  • I love chocolate, so the more chocolate, the better.

  • Chocolate's good.

  • Chocolate cake, chocolate filling, my stuff.

  • You can't go wrong, that's a good phrase for you.

  • You can't go wrong means you made a good decision, or that's a good decision to make.

  • So, I would get it again.

  • And we should ask, like, what would you get?

  • Yeah, what would you get?

  • Go with the mint.

  • Peanut butter?

  • Double chocolate.

  • Peanut butter's a good one.

  • I know, I'll have to try that next time, in two years when I'm back, because next year hopefully Brent's in Canada, we'll see.

  • Anyways, good choice, thanks.

  • I said thanks, but I paid for it.

  • Where'd it go?

  • So, I ate the whole thing.

  • I wasn't planning to eat the whole thing, but it really hit the spot.

  • In English, when you say something hits the spot, it means you ate something or drank something that was, like, exactly what you needed in that moment.

  • So, this hit the spot.

  • It was the mint, I really like the mint.

  • So, we should check back in in 20 minutes and see how you're feeling, because...

  • I'll probably be sleeping on the couch at Brent's house, because I think I'm gonna have a bit of a sugar overload, but yeah, that definitely hit the spot.

  • Well, hey, thanks for watching this little English lesson where I ate some food and hopefully I described it in enough ways that you were able to learn some English words and phrases.

  • I know it wasn't a traditional English lesson, but it certainly was fun to have you along as Brent and I toured a little bit of Maine and tried some of the food and one drink.

  • So, anyways, thanks for watching.

  • Remember, if this is your first time here, don't forget to click that subscribe button, give me a thumbs up, and if you have some more time, why don't you stick around and watch another English lesson?

Well, hey, welcome to this English lesson about food.

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