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  • Vandalism?

  • A bit obvious, don't you think?

  • The handcrafted, effortful creation of each individual porcelain seed queries the modern phenomena of mass production and replication.

  • Am I right?

  • You're right.

  • If only people would get to know the real us.

  • Ahem.

  • Take that, Zion!

  • I don't think Mom meant the real, real us, obviously.

  • More like the Elmogram super-filtered avatar that requires 45 takes to get it as flattering as possible.

  • So, our fake selves, then?

  • Yes, if people could only get to know the fake, real us.

  • Let's show our neighbors how nice we are when we're not being ourselves.

  • Thank you for your help, but please be careful.

  • If I get a good price for this cabinet, it's hello, two-week luxury cruise!

  • Don't worry, Marvin.

  • I'm sure your cabinet will have a great vacation.

  • Okay, Dad.

  • Are you ready on your end?

  • Got it!

  • Here it comes!

  • That was a long detour, but at least that man got to see his grandmother one last time in Nebraska.

  • Wait, didn't he say Nevada?

  • Hmm?

  • Who said the object of art is to give life a shape?

  • That's right, Shakespeare!

  • Here, take it.

  • Okay.

  • It came with a two-year warranty.

  • Okay.

  • How about a hug before you go?

  • Not okay.

  • Local man saves pet cobra from snake charmer's flute.

  • Local boy stops school bullying by making himself sole target.

  • In secret, sock suspenders.

  • Local girl brings metric system to Elmore.

  • Puts end to people measuring things with their feet.

  • Waterson family, not as bad as we thought, says person.

  • I agree with that person, says another person.

  • Elmore Times editor fired for obsessive coverage of local family.

  • It worked, Mother.

  • Our effort succeeded.

  • Everyone in the town loves us.

  • What is happening to us?

  • We went too far!

  • We're becoming mortal citizens!

  • Howdy doody you do!

  • Absolutamundo, sir!

  • We'll be with you in two shakes of a widdle dee!

  • Zoopity boopity bye!

  • What was that?

  • I have no idea.

  • It's like I just washed my mouth out with a choir boy, and now it's coming out in dweeb speak.

  • Not that!

  • Who was on the phone?

  • Oh, the mayor.

  • He wants us to skippity hop over to his office.

  • I misjudged you, Watersons.

  • So you don't want us to leave anymore?

  • No!

  • I want you in my gated community.

  • Is that some kind of euphemism for prison?

  • Yes, but all the criminals are on the outside.

  • Everyone wanted you gone because you were, well, being you.

  • Whereas I wanted you out because you were bringing the price of the neighborhood down.

  • That was a problem, you see, when I decided to sell the land to developers.

  • But look at you now!

  • You've become our new poster family.

  • What about the other neighbors?

  • The bank owns their houses.

  • We just have to make it difficult for them to pay.

  • But what'll happen to them?

  • Should that worry you?

  • They didn't really care what was going to happen to you.

  • What if we say no?

  • You can't say no to progress.

  • What are we going to do?

  • I guess either way we lose.

  • No!

  • The people of Elmore might be haters, but they're our haters.

  • They're like an old pair of underwear.

  • Sure, there's not much support there.

  • And sure, they sometimes leave us hanging in the wind.

  • But there's something we're familiar with.

  • And I, for one, will not have some big corporation forcing me to change my underwear!

  • Yeah!

  • But also...


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