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  • Well, without further ado, I give you Crowbar Jones.

  • Boop.

  • Boop.

  • Boop.

  • Crowbar Jones!

  • Who's the bear that won't let you drown?

  • Crowbar Jones!

  • Ghost problem?

  • How about no problem?

  • There's Crowbar Jones!

  • Welcome to jail, Dr. Destructo.

  • Hope you brought a book, because you're gonna be here for a hundred years.

  • Dr. Destructo will see you again very soon.

  • Great work.

  • Ah, thank you, Captain.

  • If you keep this up, you will put everyone out of a job.

  • I may be a rookie cop, but I am hungry for justice.

  • A couple of the guys are going to Ice Cream Bar.

  • What does rookie say?

  • I wish I could go, but I got three things waiting for me back home.

  • My supermodel girlfriend, a delicious dinner, and my sweet guitar.

  • Sweetie, I'm home.

  • No girlfriend?

  • No dinner?

  • My tunes!

  • What?

  • No!

  • Huh?

  • A left sock?

  • Dr. Destructo told your girlfriend to leave, ate your dinner, and hates your guitar.

  • Sorry, not sorry.

  • No!

  • I've never been so upset in my entire life.

  • I've lost everything.

  • Ice Waiter thinks you've had enough apple juice.

  • I'll tell you when I've had enough apple juice!

  • But then something changed my life.

  • Joining the Super Spy Program.

  • Requirements?

  • Having lost everything.

  • Captain?

  • I want to join the Super Spy Program.

  • Okay, why not?

  • Huh?

  • What is this?

  • The process begins.

  • Combining new DNA.

  • Strength of tiger.

  • Eyes of eagle.

  • Brain of frog.

  • Congratulations.

  • I won't rest until the city is safe again from the clutches of Dr. Destructo.

  • Hooray.

  • Crowbar Jones and partner will do great out there.

  • Wait, partner?

  • Huh?

  • Sorry I'm late, Captain.

  • I got locked inside the bathroom again.

  • No way.

  • I work alone!

  • I don't need Rando over here slowing me down!

  • First of all, my name is Pando, and I also work alone.

  • Ice Cop likes Pando.

  • Ice Cop likes Jones.

  • Ice Cop loves togetherness.

  • Remember, with great power comes great car.

  • I'll drive!

  • What?

  • No!

  • I'm the cool one!

  • Oh boy, I can't wait to drive at a safe speed in this baby.

  • But first...

  • Want some water?

  • I always try to stay hydrated before every mission.

  • There's only one thing that can quench my thirst right now.

  • Revenge.

  • Aha!

  • Dr. Destructo's secret lair.

  • Great.

  • How are we going to get to the elevator without being detected by Destructo's army?

  • Who said anything about elevators, champ?

  • Hurry up, Pando!

  • I'm coming!

  • I'm coming!

  • Good thing I brought my grappling hook.

  • Made it.

  • Can I get a hand?

  • Fine, I guess.

  • Thanks.

  • So I was thinking, now we can find where he keeps his supercomputer and then download the computer virus.

  • Cool, right?

  • Not as cool as my fists!

  • That's a horrible idea.

  • Mine is the better way.

  • Nothing is better than my fists!

  • So you have arrived.

  • Dr. Destructo welcomes you both to your doom.

  • Pando!

  • No!

  • Stop!

  • Let go of me, you tin can!

  • Oh no!

  • What do I do?

  • You okay, Pando?

  • Wow!

  • That was amazing!

  • Thank you for saving me!

  • All in a day's work.

  • Behind you!

  • My system is now functioning without global malfunction.

  • Dr. Destructo was a robot?

  • That'll teach him to mess with me and my trusty partner.

  • Partner?

  • I like the sound of that, Officer Jones.

  • From now on, Pando, you can call me Robot Jones!

  • Crowbar Jones!

  • He's the master of every martial art known to man.

  • He is skilled in the art of stealth.

  • He punched a guy so hard once he sent him to space.

  • He is Crowbar Jones!

  • Robot snakes!

  • They're everywhere.

  • I'm gonna need you to break the metal door, Pando.

  • Don't worry.

  • I'll open the metal door with my laser app.

  • Oh no!

  • What's wrong, Pando?

  • Is the laser not working?

  • Worse.

  • My internet girlfriend just broke up with me.

  • Life is meaningless.

  • Don't worry.

  • I'll break the door.

  • Pow.

  • Come on, Pando.

  • We gotta save the world before it blows up.

  • This hurts a lot, but not as much as a broken heart.

  • We gotta stop them before they blow up the world.

  • We will stop them, but I gotta go to the bathroom.

  • Don't worry.

  • It won't take too long.

  • Ah, much better.

  • Now let's get those evildoers.

  • Crowbar Jones?

  • Oh, Pando.

  • It's been 40 years since I last saw you.

  • In a city consumed by crime...

  • Ah, help!

  • Only one bear has the power to bring order to chaos.

  • Ah-yah!

  • Crowbar Jones!

  • Bear-tropolis.

  • The year's 2034.

  • Crime is running rampant through the streets.

  • But what crime wasn't expecting was...

  • Crowbar Jones!

  • Ah-yah!

  • Congratulations, Crowbar Jones!

  • You've done it again!

  • Now the world is a safer place because of you, Chip-Chip Cheerio.

  • I'm just doing my job, sir.

  • Well, a job well done deserves recognition and a Medal of Awesomeness.

  • Also, your album went platinum while you were saving the world.

  • Ah, stop it.

  • This is too much.

  • I couldn't have done it without my trusty sidekick, Pando.

  • Oh, thank you, Mr. Crowbar.

  • Would either of you like a pickle?

  • Classic Pando.

  • Ah, you guys are the best.

  • It also makes me want to give you the keys to my Ferrari Turbo.

  • Ah, Mr. President, we just couldn't.

  • Wait a second.

  • President would never give out his Ferrari Turbo to anyone.

  • Who are you?

  • Where's the real president?

  • I knew it.

  • A danger bot.

  • What does this mean, Mr. Crowbar?

  • It means that the president has been kidnapped.

  • Meanwhile, back at the base.

  • Who kidnapped the president?

  • Could it have been Agent Cobra?

  • Maybe it was my old nemesis, Nefario Dawson.

  • Ah, it just doesn't make sense.

  • Have you found anything, Pando?

  • Not really.

  • The security camera didn't pick up anything unusual.

  • Wait a second.

  • Let me see the computer.

  • There.

  • Enhance.

  • Evil Robot Headquarters?

  • This goes deeper than I thought.

  • Come on, Pando.

  • Let's head to the lab.

  • Right behind you, Mr. Jones!

  • Ah!

  • Hello, Agent W.

  • I'm stuck, Crowbar!

  • Ah, Mr. Jones.

  • Late as usual.

  • Fashionably late, you mean?

  • No, not really.

  • All right, here you go.

  • No!

  • Ended up doing some modifications to the jetpack.

  • What's this weight for?

  • That's to maintain your totally sweet-ripped bod, my good man.

  • Good thinking, W.

  • I'll do a few thousand reps on my way there.

  • Better come back in one piece, you hear?

  • Of course.

  • I promised my girlfriend an ice cream date.

  • You're not coming back.

  • I just know it.

  • I hate you.

  • I love you.

  • I hate you.

  • I love you.

  • I hate you.

  • I love you.

  • I hate you.

  • I love you.

  • No!

  • Crowbar, help me!

  • I think something's wrong with my jetpack!

  • Get it together, Pando.

  • Now let's dive!

  • Seems like you made a new friend, Pando.

  • If only I knew how to swim!

  • We're here.

  • Okay, Pando, I gotta find some place to freshen up.

  • Oh, my phone got wet!

  • Evil robot spa.

  • Don't mind if I do.

  • Aw, yeah.

  • Check out those biceps.

  • Yeah, you know.

  • Crowbar Jones.

  • Now do me a little tiny favor and break it down.

  • So many choices.

  • Huh?

  • Hello?

  • Anyone there?

  • Hello, my friend.

  • I've been sent here to destroy you.

  • Oh, then allow me to introduce myself.

  • It can't be.

  • My name is Crowbar Jones.

  • And I'm the bear that's gonna bring you down.

  • Who sent you?

  • I won't ask you again, bro.

  • Um, I mean, ninja.

  • No, it can't be.

  • They're mixing ninja DNA with robot DNA.

  • That's just evil!

  • Not so fast!

  • You are in a world of trouble, buddy.

  • Pando!

  • That's right! Get ready to feel the true power of the Pando!

  • Whoa, Pando's infamous fireball kick.

  • Awesome move, Pando.

  • Yeah, totally meant to do that, so...

  • Let's take this ninja to Justicetown.

  • Zap, zap, short circuit.

  • Yeah!

  • Finally, the world is once again a safer place.

  • Thanks to you, Crowbar Jones.

  • Well, it's like I always say.

  • Saving the world is not a one-bear job.

  • Pando here is as big a hero as any one of us.

  • I owe you my life.

  • Oh, thank you, Grizz.

  • Oh, I mean Crowbar Jones.

  • No!

  • Pando, speak to me, buddy.

  • I feel so cold.

  • Don't go into the light, buddy.

  • You've got your whole life ahead of you.

  • In the words of the great poet, life is...

  • Shh!

  • Good night, sweet prince.

  • Go to sleep.

  • Pando!

  • Crowbar Jones!

  • Later.

  • Wow, being hydrated before a mission does feel good.

  • Told ya.

  • Now, who could that be?

  • Hey, little buddy.

  • How can I help you?

  • The real question is, how can I help you, Father?

Well, without further ado, I give you Crowbar Jones.

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