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  • Man, oh, man, President Biden is getting a lot of pressure to drop out of the race, huh, after this debate.

  • A lot of critics have described it as, quote, not a good. -$%&! -$%&!

  • Some top Democrats have even been calling the president offering their advice, and this is incredible.

  • We somehow got footage of one of these phone calls.

  • Really?

  • Yeah.

  • Take a look at this. -$%&! -$%&!

  • Hello.

  • Hey, yo, I just caught your interview on Morning Joe, or as I like to call it, Morning You.

  • You get it?

  • Who is this?

  • Come on.

  • It's Barack.

  • Gonna have to be more specific.

  • Obama.

  • Oh, I know.

  • I was just a test to see if you knew who you were.

  • Oh, Joe, Joe, you're making about as much sense as you did during the debate.

  • Thank you.

  • Not... not a compliment.

  • Speaking of the debate, I got to ask, what was that weird face you were making when Trump was talking?

  • You know the face.

  • Oh, this one.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • But look, look, people are worried, because sometimes you seem to lose your train of thought mid-sentence, trail off, and then say a random word.

  • Well, I can tell you that is simply an utterly...

  • You see?

  • Now there you go again.

  • Yeah, but why is everyone focusing on me?

  • Donald Trump is just as incoherent.

  • Yeah, but he's... he's kind of, like, fun-incoherent, like, uh, like a minion, you know?

  • He's all like...

  • That's a good minion impression.

  • But mind if I try one?

  • Be my guest.

  • Joe?

  • Joe, wake up.

  • Ah, I don't want to get in the carousel, Mommy.

  • Okay, I'm gonna pretend like I didn't hear that.

  • Uh, look, the point is, you got to do something to reassure America that you're still sharp and not confused.

  • Well, that's why I did that interview on Friday with George Snuffleupagus.

  • Yeah, I saw.

  • Now, why did you keep refusing to take a cognitive test?

  • Come on, man.

  • Every day I do a cognitive test.

  • That's how I'm doing one right now.

  • Check this out.

  • Star, star hole.

  • Boom, I'm a genius.

  • All right, all right, very good, Joe.

  • You know, you also said that the only way you'd step down is if you were asked by Jesus himself.

  • That's right, that's right.

  • I value his opinion.

  • He's my best friend from high school.

  • He's a great guy.

  • He's a good carpenter.

  • So, wait, hold on, hold on.

  • So Jesus is the only person you'll listen to?

  • Not even me, not even little Barry O?

  • What about Pelosi, Schumer?

  • Nope.

  • What about Jake from State Farm?

  • Everybody trusts Jake from State Farm.

  • No, I'm more of a Flo guy.

  • You're more of a Flo Max guy.

  • Oh, Zingy, you old bastard.

  • What do you got to say about that?

  • Bah, bah, bah.

  • Okay, that's a little late in the conversation, but you're still on it.

  • You got it, all right.

  • Look, the point is, I'm not going anywhere, okay?

  • I'm the only one that can beat Trump, okay?

  • I'm the only one that can unite the country.

  • In fact, I already have.

  • For the first time ever, the left and the right, MSNBC and Fox News, Kendrick and Drake, they've all come together with one voice and said, you should probably drop out.

  • But I'm going to stay in, and I'm going to fight because American democracy is at stake, and that's a fact, Jack.

  • Yeah, all right.

  • Now, there's the Joe we're looking for.

  • We need more of that.

  • Now, please, we're begging you.

  • In the words of my girl, Sabrina Carpenter, please, please, uh, please.

  • I love Sabrina.

  • She's my favorite carpenter since Jesus.

  • Look at Joe with the callback.

  • You still got it, my man.

  • Please, please, please.

  • I'm through, all right.

  • Hey, hey, hey.

  • Hey, hey, hey.

Man, oh, man, President Biden is getting a lot of pressure to drop out of the race, huh, after this debate.

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