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  • Ever wanted to be the one they couldn't stop thinking about?

  • Here are a few ways to leave a lasting impression and be unforgettable.

  • Create Positive Associations

  • Ever heard of classical conditioning?

  • It's a psychological phenomenon where two things become linked in a person's mind when they happen concurrently, making us think they're cause and effect.

  • Well, you can use a similar principle to your advantage.

  • Make sure that person associates you with positive experiences or feelings.

  • Be kind, funny or supportive whenever they're around.

  • Over time, they'll start to associate you with those good vibes, making them think about you more often.

  • Make Yourself a Mystery

  • Humans are curious creatures by nature.

  • Use this to your advantage by creating a bit of mystery around yourself.

  • Don't reveal everything about yourself right away.

  • Leave some things to the imagination and drop hints about what makes you interesting.

  • For example, you could share a surprising talent you have.

  • Oh yeah, I have a black belt in Taekwondo.

  • I could show you some moves next time if you want.

  • Or a funny anecdote.

  • This reminds me of that time I went backpacking through Europe.

  • I'll tell you about it next time.

  • It's like leaving breadcrumbs for them to follow, leading them to think about you more and more.

  • Pique their curiosity and they'll be eager to unravel the mystery of who you are.

  • Use the Zygonic Effect

  • Speaking of mystery, ever experienced the nagging feeling of unfinished business?

  • Imagine you're binge watching your favorite TV show, and just as it gets to the most exciting part, the episode ends on a cliffhanger.

  • You're left hanging, itching to know what happens next.

  • That feeling of wanting closure but not getting it is like the Zygonic Effect.

  • Similarly, in conversations or interactions, leaving things a bit open-ended or mysterious can make the other person curious and thinking about you even after the interaction has ended.

  • For example, say you're talking to your crush about a little gift you got them that reminded you of them.

  • Naturally, they'll ask you what it is.

  • But don't just tell them.

  • Say something like, guess you'll have to wait and see.

  • But trust me, it's something special.

  • Become obsessed with yourself.

  • Wait, what?

  • A secret to making someone think about me more is to become obsessed with myself?

  • Yep, you heard that right.

  • But before you start picturing a narcissistic selfie spree, hear us out.

  • Being obsessed with yourself in a healthy way means prioritizing self-care, self-love and personal growth.

  • When you're genuinely happy and fulfilled in your own life, it radiates outward, making you more attractive and intriguing to others.

  • So invest in yourself, pursue your passions and watch as others become drawn to your positive energy and enthusiasm.

  • Invest in yourself.

  • Much like our earlier point, it's also good to take care of your looks when you want someone to think about you more.

  • When you invest in yourself, you're not just improving your appearance, you're also boosting your confidence and self-esteem.

  • And let's face it, confidence is attractive.

  • When you take care of your looks, whether it's dressing nicely or taking the time to pamper yourself, you're sending a message that you value yourself.

  • And when you value yourself, others are more likely to value and think about you too.

  • Plus, when you look around, you feel good and that positive energy radiates, making you even more irresistible.

  • Find something to share.

  • Whether it's a secret, a common experience, a mutual enemy or an inside joke, sharing something with someone immediately creates a sense of intimacy and connection between two people.

  • So try telling them a personal story, finding a common interest or something you both dislike.

  • By creating a sense of exclusivity and closeness, you'll make yourself stand out in their mind and make them think about you as someone they can confide in and trust.

  • In a nutshell, making someone think about you more isn't playing mind games or using manipulative tactics, but being someone worth thinking about.

  • It's about building genuine connections, being your authentic self and leaving a positive impact on those around you.

  • So go ahead and sprinkle some kindness, authenticity and a dash of mystery into your interactions.

  • Before you know it, you'll be the first thing on their mind.

  • What was something someone did that left a lasting impact on you?

  • Share your thoughts and insights in the comments below.

  • And if you'd like to learn more about this topic, click here to watch our videos on 6 most effective ways to attract anyone you want and 5 topics to spark great questions with a crush.

  • Don't forget to hit like and subscribe before you go.

  • Thanks for watching.

Ever wanted to be the one they couldn't stop thinking about?

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