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  • Very good.

  • You look very handsome.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • So you have the sling.

  • I saw you with the sling yesterday, I think.

  • Well, I'm fresh out of the sling as of, like, 45 minutes ago.

  • I didn't want to shake your hand too hard, because my hands are very powerful.

  • They've been known to crush men who don't have injuries.

  • Yeah, thank you.

  • Very thoughtful.

  • And I wanted to take it easy, but it's OK now?

  • Is it, like, wobbly and loose?

  • I'm OK, man.

  • You know, it seems like the older I get, man,

  • I just become more and more like Mr. Glass, man.

  • Like, I may sneeze and throw out a hip or something.

  • Yeah, right?

  • That's what happens, I guess.

  • Yeah, it's part of it.

  • That's why I never exercise.

  • It keeps me very, very.

  • Yeah, I'm leaning towards doing that now, actually.

  • Do you have somebody?

  • I don't do anything now.

  • Do you have, like, a servant or something who brushes your teeth for you and feeds you and does that?

  • No, but I'm thinking about having a servant actually run for me.

  • Yeah, that would be nice.

  • They could send them in for the tough assignments.

  • How's everything going?

  • I know it's been a tough season for the Lakers.

  • When you're in a situation like the Lakers are in right now, you're sitting on the bench.

  • Well, you're not even on the bench this time.

  • But does it make you upset?

  • Would you like for them to be doing well without you there?

  • Or are you kind of happy that they're not?

  • No, you want to win.

  • It's really, it's hard, man.

  • It's hard to be in that environment when we're literally, like, at the bottom of the league.

  • Well, you're welcome to come hang out here.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you, thank you.

  • I saw a clip today that I feel like I have to show you, because I must know what your reaction to this is.

  • So the Lakers had an eight-game losing streak.

  • They beat the Celtics.

  • Overtime, great.

  • This is from after that game.

  • This got interesting.

  • They come back to 4-0-2, you got the Frontier.

  • You feel me?

  • We back in the building.

  • Y'all thought we was gone.

  • My man J-Len was doing his thing.

  • J-Hill doing his thing.

  • Nick out there hitting his free throws.

  • You know how he do it.

  • J-Len going to the basket like he ain't meant to, but he do it.

  • You know what I'm saying, how he do it.

  • Hey, Mike, man, you got a nice suit on today, too, man.

  • Appreciate that, Swaggy.

  • You got that?

  • Miz, wow.

  • Now, would that happen if you were there?

  • Would there be a celebration?

  • Then I saw that all I could think of was you.

  • Hey, did you see the movie Whiplash?

  • That's a great segue.

  • Because I was thinking, when I saw that movie.

  • I would ask them, are they rushing or dragging?

  • So you did see that movie, yeah.

  • I did see it.

  • So in the movie, he says the worst thing that you can say to somebody as far as motivation goes, and as far as helping somebody to improve, is good job when they didn't do a good job.

  • Right.

  • Or in his case, ever, I think was the case.

  • But did you identify with J.K. Simmons' character in any way?

  • Yeah, I do, actually.

  • If you're doing something and it's not very well done,

  • I'm not going to say it's very well done.

  • Right.

  • And that way, people also know when you do say it is, that you mean it.

  • Yeah.

  • I always say, if you're having lunch or having dinner with somebody, and I'm sitting across from you, for example.

  • We're at a restaurant in front of all these fabulous people in a restaurant, and you're sitting there and eating across from me.

  • You have something in your teeth.

  • Right.

  • I can have that moment of being uncomfortable and tell you, you have something in your teeth, and not let you look like an idiot in front of everybody else, or not have that moment, and just let you look like an idiot in front of everybody else, right?

  • So I'm not afraid to tell you, you have something in your teeth.

  • So that's me putting it politely, without throwing a symbol across the room.

  • Right.

  • That's nice.

  • Have you ever slapped a teammate?

  • Verbally, maybe.

  • Verbally, but not.

  • Hi, I'm Jimmy Kimmel.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • It means a lot to me.

  • And if you'd like to take our relationship to the next level, click the subscribe button below.

  • I'll wait for you.

Very good.

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