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  • To mark 20 years of real beauty, Dove, a beauty company, launched The Code, a short film campaign highlighting what AI has come to understand beauty as, and let's just say the results were not encouraging.

  • Flawless skin, facelifts, Botox, lip fillers, a perfect jawline, bleached skin, hair extensions, blowouts, freckles, and dimples, the list of unrealistic qualities that define beauty is endless.

  • What are we doing about it?

  • More importantly, what are the negative impacts of superficial beauty standards on our psychology and society at large?

  • All the beauty standards portrayed by culture, media, and AI are unachievable.

  • For instance, you might have one desired trait but lack another.

  • This can lead you to constantly compare yourself to friends or random strangers on the internet.

  • A report reveals that toxic beauty advice on social media causes low self-esteem, with less beautiful.

  • These unrealistic beauty standards perpetuate an inferiority complex which can lead to more serious psychological issues.

  • Eating disorders.

  • A new study discovered that women who feel bad about their bodies are more likely to develop unhealthy eating habits.

  • Beauty standards often promote the idea that you can achieve the perfect look with the right diet.

  • But this isn't always true.

  • While it's good to eat healthily, be careful so you don't get manipulated into the beauty maze trap.

  • Finding these videos helpful?

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  • Depression and mental health issues.

  • Imagine everyday you're reminded of something you cannot be, despite how hard you tried.

  • Imagine trying your best to hit a mark and just when you think you have, the mark gets extended a little further.

  • How will you feel?

  • Dejected, right?

  • Well, this is what happens after a prolonged period of chasing beauty standards.

  • No wonder 2020 research from the National Library of Medicine suggests a link between body image and depression.

  • The study found adolescents with body image dissatisfaction were more likely to experience depression.

  • And that's not the height of it.

  • Deadly cosmetic treatments.

  • Not everyone can handle the pressure from social media and the beauty industry pushing unrealistic standards.

  • This pressure may cause one to explore cosmetic surgeries to fix what they see as flaws.

  • But these surgeries can be risky.

  • In fact, some people come to regret them later if they're lucky enough to survive without medical complications.

  • Keeping up with unrealistic beauty standards can not only figuratively ruin your life and the great relationship in it, but can literally end it.

  • The beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar enterprise that preys on our need for external validation and societal approval of beauty.

  • But what happens when you rip that power off their hands and keep it to yourself?

  • Your definition of beauty is for you to decide.

  • We encourage you to see these superficial standards beneath you from this moment on.

  • You define your worth.

  • Not megacorporations, not social media, and definitely not AI.

  • Celebrate your internal and external traits that give you confidence and strength to live a life full of thrill, joy, and contentment.

  • Do you have more questions on confidence and self-worth?

  • This video has all the answers you need.

To mark 20 years of real beauty, Dove, a beauty company, launched The Code, a short film campaign highlighting what AI has come to understand beauty as, and let's just say the results were not encouraging.

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