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  • And in the field of physics, Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler and Dr. Sheldon Cooper, for their discovery of super-asymmetry.

  • Just to be clear, this isn't a date.

  • Yeah, I know.

  • Then why are you holding my hand?

  • Thank you, your majesties.

  • Thank you to the Nobel Committee.

  • We are deeply honored. I would just like to take this moment to say to all the young girls out there who dream about science as a profession, go for it.

  • It is the greatest job in the world.

  • And if anybody tells you you can't, don't listen. And now, speaking of not listening, my husband, Dr. Sheldon Cooper.

  • Sheldon.

  • Did you finish?

  • Great job.

  • Thank you, Dr. Fowler. I have a very long and somewhat self-centered speech here.

  • But I'd like to set it aside.

  • Because this honor doesn't just belong to me.

  • I wouldn't be up here if it weren't for some very important people in my life, beginning with my mother, father, meemaw, brother, and sister.

  • And my other family, who I'm so happy to have here with us.

  • Is that Buffy the Vampire Slayer? I was under a misapprehension that my accomplishments were mine alone.

  • Nothing could be further from the truth.

  • I have been encouraged, sustained, inspired, and tolerated, not only by my wife, but by the greatest group of friends anyone ever had.

  • I'd like to ask them to stand.

  • Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali.

  • Dr. Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz.

  • Astronaut Howard Wolowitz.

  • And my two dearest friends in the world, Penny Hofstadter.

  • And Dr. Leonard Hofstadter. I was there the moment Leonard and Penny met.

  • He said to me that their babies would be smart and beautiful.

  • And now that they're expecting, I have no doubt that that will be the case.

  • Thanks Sheldon.

  • I haven't told my parents yet, but thanks.

  • Oh, I'm sorry.

  • Don't tell anyone that last thing, that's a secret. Howard, Bernadette, Raj, Penny, Leonard.

  • I apologize if I haven't been the friend you deserve.

  • But I want you to know, in my way, I love you all.

  • And I love you.

  • Thank you.

And in the field of physics, Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler and Dr. Sheldon Cooper, for their discovery of super-asymmetry.

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