I thinkpeoplehaveseenthisbecauseit's inthecommercials.
He's likeshootinghimwith a machinegun, andtheonlythingaroundis a pooltable, andherunsatit, kicks a balloutofthepocketofthepooltable, andthenkicksthepoolballinmidair, andhits a guyoffthehead.
I havetriedthisingunfights.
Itjustdoesn't work.
It's stufflikethat, I likeitwhentheygetthatinventive, like, we'll, youknow, becauseeverything's beendoneatthispoint, thatthey'relike, no, a pooltablewillbeintheroom, andhe'llkick a ball, andthendothat, anditwas, butitworks, it's great.
He's amazing.
He's unbelievable.
Andyou'rementioningthingsthat I haven't seenyet.
Right, right.
You'retalkingaboutstuffthat I wasn't in, so I amgonnahavethemostfunwhen I gotoseeit.
Now, I didn't, areyoufightinginthismovie?
AreyouintherewithJetLi, karatechoppingpeople, kickingand- I amescaping.
What's funnyisthatyouplay, youplay a prostituteinthemovie, andsoyouhaveto, youknow, dress a certainway.
And I heardthatyouactuallybroughtsomeofyourownclothes.
Well, no, I mean, notfrommyownwardrobe.
Allright, settledown.
I, I actuallydecided, okay, I'm goingtoParistoplayhooker, but I mustmake a stopinHollywood.
So I wentandgotthesearrayofshoestochoosefrom, notknowinganythingaboutwhat I wasgoingtohavetodo, but I knewthere I will, I am a hooker, therewillbeshoes.
Doyou, youknow, what's, what's funny, causeitwouldbebadiftheysaid, you'replaying a hookerinthismovie, and, and, andyou'relike, whatshould I wear?
Whatyou'rewearing's fine.
Youknow, thatwould, thatwouldbebad.
It's goodthatyouwentoutandboughtthesethings.
Now, haveyoueverdressedupthiswaybefore, youknow, for a roleorsomething, andthengoneout?
Cause I knowinJackieBrown, youwerewearingreallyshortshorts, andyouwere, youweredressedinthisprovocativeway.
And I'm askingfor a reason, causeonce I wasinlike a failedTVpilot, whichmakes a lotofsense, but, and I hadtoplay, I was, I had a minorpart, and I played a policeman, and I waswearingthepoliceman's outfit, and I couldn't helpit.
I walkedoffthelotandstartedwalkingaroundandtellingpeoplelike, moveitalong, moveitalong, youknow.
Whenever I takeoff, I just, I workout, andthey'rejustlike, there.
I cansetlittleHummelfigurinesonthetop.
Which I doformyown.
He's soweird.
I'm a weirdman.
I know.
I know.
Yousayinghe's soweirdmeans I'm nevercomingback.
That's showbizcode.
Itmeanslikenexttime I'm comingbackwiththeHummels.
Ding, ding, ding.
I likeyou.
KissoftheDragonopensnextFriday, anditlookslike a, itlooks, I mean, thisisoneofthosemovieswhereyousee a coupleofclipsandsometimesyouseetheclipsandyouthink, I don't know.