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  • Schadenfreude versus sadism, what are the differences?

  • Schadenfreude and sadism both involve pleasure from others' suffering but differ in key aspects.

  • Schadenfreude, a passive experience, arise from observing misfortunes, often fueled by envy or a sense of justice, without a desire to cause harm.

  • It's a complex emotion that varies culturally and is not universally accepted but is sometimes seen as a relatively less harmful reaction.

  • Sadism, conversely, entails active infliction of pain or humiliation driven by a desire for control and power and range from mild to extreme forms.

  • It's socially and legally condemned, associated with ethical violation and concerns over consent and morality.

  • The main distinction lies in Schadenfreude's passive nature and societal reception versus sadism's active engagement and moral implication.

  • Both highlight different psychological and social dynamics in how individuals relate to others' distress.

Schadenfreude versus sadism, what are the differences?

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